Purpose: Detectives have the task of detecting crimes, and this is not the case for detectives to exploit innovative criminal intelligence strategies to prosecute and detect crimes, which can be the basis of strategic criminal intelligence innovation, optimization of criminal intelligence functions, reorganization of criminal intelligence, The criminal information system is the redesign of criminal intelligence reporting and its implementation in accordance with the detective's missions, operations and operational plans. This study aims to investigate the impact of strategic innovation on detectives' willingness to exploit criminal information in the pursuit and discovery of crime by emphasizing the moderating role of creative detectives. Methodology: The present study is of applied nature and in terms of survey type. Using Cochran's formula, the number of individuals for the Criminal Intelligence Detectors sampling was 73, and the number of 384 Detectives for sampling; and were selected by stratified random sampling. Strategic Innovation Researcher Questionnaires, Criminal Intelligence Desire, and Creative Intelligence Questionnaires were used. The validity of its content was evaluated by experts and its construct validity by factor analysis. The reliability of the study was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and partial least squares analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results: The path coefficients for the main hypothesis and sub-hypotheses were 0. 221, 0. 554, 0. 968, 0. 927, and 0. 548, respectively, and the t values were 2. 202, 2. 461, 2. 748, The values of t for these parameters were greater than 1. 96 and 2. 227 and 2. 271, so all hypotheses are confirmed by 0. 95. Results: Creative detectives have a moderating role in the impact of strategic innovation on detectives' willingness to exploit criminal intelligence functions. Optimizing criminal intelligence functions, reengineering the criminal information approach, reforming the criminal information system, redesigning criminal intelligence reporting have a significant impact on detectives' willingness to exploit criminal information given the moderating role of creative detectives.