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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: In this study, the relationship between spatial visual observation and working memory with creativity and math anxiety has been investigated through mediation of mathematical self-efficacy and social intelligence among female students. Methodology: The method is correlation with a path analysis. A total of 477 students were selected randomly from a multi-stage cluster randomly from all female students of fifth grade elementary school in public schools in Tehran during the academic year of 2017-18. Students were examined by the non-verbal creativity questionnaire of Torrance Form A, MARS-R Mathematic Anxiety Scale, working Memory for Children (SMBK), Liv, Kivevala and May, s Mental Self-Efficacy, Traumous Social Intelligence (TSIS), and Processing Test Binet's spatial visualization completed. In order to analyze the data, Pearson correlation and path analysis were used. Results: Based on the proposed model (RMSEA = 0. 001), in this study, Visual-spatial Processing variables were only indirectly mediated by social intelligence and math self-efficacy variables on math anxiety (P-value <0. 05, = β ) and showed a relationship with social intelligence mediating with creativity (P-value <0. 05). Also, the working memory variable was displayed only directly (P-value = 0. 03, β = 099) with creativity. Conclusion: Considering the confirmation of the main goal of this study, one can mention the two variables of social intelligence and mathematical self-efficacy as the variables that influence the educational priorities of the educational system in order to increase creativity and reduce the math anxiety

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Background: Managing organizations in today's competitive world is extremely complex and difficult. In these circumstances, past solutions, no longer meet today's problems. In the meantime, organizations that have the capacity to innovate respond faster and better than non-creative organizations to environmental challenges. The University is one of the social environments where students spend most of their time and they have a great deal of influence in terms of education, motivation and skill. Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop an organizational design model for Farhangian University with an integrated approach. Method: This research is a qualitative research. The statistical population of the study included the staff and managers of Farhangian University provincial campuses; using purposive sampling, a total of 14 key informants were selected as research participants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. The coding method was used to analyze the research data. Results: . The results of the qualitative part of the research show that the organizational design of the Farhangian University has seven main components (1. Leadership 2. Environment 3. Structure 4. Culture 5. objectives 6. Individuals 7. Strategy). Then, while identifying the axial components, the categories were incorporated into the main components and the final model was formed. Conclusion: In order to create a university with the least waste and the most value, a systematic and comprehensive approach should be considered in terms of leadership factors, environment, structure, culture, purpose, people and strategy.

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Background: This study aimed to identify the factors that affected organizational innovation among the Islamic Azad University libraries, and it tried to present a novel plan of organizational innovation. It also sought to develop the corpus of existing knowledge about the principles and relationships of organizational innovation indexes. In terms of the purpose, the present investigation was considered a fundamental study. Methodology: Since the current study sought to solve the problem of how to make organizational innovation among university libraries, the research method followed here was the applied method. Further, in terms of research design and data collection procedure, this study was a descriptive (non-experimental) one in which “ Study” and “ Delphi” methods were used for collecting the data. The population of the study included 20 academic experts (university professors in the field of management and science of Information) from which purposeful snowball sampling was done; and their viewpoints were elicited via the Delphi-Fuzzy method and were analyzed. Findings: The findings indicated that the highest degree of the experts’ agreement in the third poll was in terms of knowledge and specialty in individual dimension, communication system in group dimension, knowledge management in organizational dimension, infrastructure and technological complexities in environmental dimension, and thinking investment in humanistic and educational dimension. Also, among the studied dimensions, the highest degree of agreement was related to the group dimension, and the lowest was related to the humanistic and educational dimension. Conclusion: On the basis of the analysis output, all dimensions and components remained in the model, and the finalized model of the study included 5 dimensions and 11 components. The suggested model in this study seems to be capable of providing the background to make organizational innovation among the libraries of the Islamic Azad University branches and help them elicit improvement plans and measures and evaluate their position in the process of organizational innovation while making pathology of organizational innovation among the libraries of the Islamic Azad University.

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Purpose: Detectives have the task of detecting crimes, and this is not the case for detectives to exploit innovative criminal intelligence strategies to prosecute and detect crimes, which can be the basis of strategic criminal intelligence innovation, optimization of criminal intelligence functions, reorganization of criminal intelligence, The criminal information system is the redesign of criminal intelligence reporting and its implementation in accordance with the detective's missions, operations and operational plans. This study aims to investigate the impact of strategic innovation on detectives' willingness to exploit criminal information in the pursuit and discovery of crime by emphasizing the moderating role of creative detectives. Methodology: The present study is of applied nature and in terms of survey type. Using Cochran's formula, the number of individuals for the Criminal Intelligence Detectors sampling was 73, and the number of 384 Detectives for sampling; and were selected by stratified random sampling. Strategic Innovation Researcher Questionnaires, Criminal Intelligence Desire, and Creative Intelligence Questionnaires were used. The validity of its content was evaluated by experts and its construct validity by factor analysis. The reliability of the study was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and partial least squares analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results: The path coefficients for the main hypothesis and sub-hypotheses were 0. 221, 0. 554, 0. 968, 0. 927, and 0. 548, respectively, and the t values were 2. 202, 2. 461, 2. 748, The values of t for these parameters were greater than 1. 96 and 2. 227 and 2. 271, so all hypotheses are confirmed by 0. 95. Results: Creative detectives have a moderating role in the impact of strategic innovation on detectives' willingness to exploit criminal intelligence functions. Optimizing criminal intelligence functions, reengineering the criminal information approach, reforming the criminal information system, redesigning criminal intelligence reporting have a significant impact on detectives' willingness to exploit criminal information given the moderating role of creative detectives.

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This study aimed to predict self-efficacy in career decision making based on creativity and thinking styles. The research was descriptive and survey. The statistical population consisted of all undergraduate students of the Faculty of Literature of Tehran's Alzahra University during the years 2018 – 19. In this research 205 individuals were selected by simple random sampling. Research tools included a demographic-researcher-made checklist, creativity questionnaire, thinking style questionnaire, and self-efficacy questionnaire on job decision making. Research data were analyzed using descriptive methods (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation), Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous logistic regression. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between creativity and self-efficacy in job decision making (r = 0. 846, P <0. 05). The relationship between evaluative thinking style (r = 0. 671, P <0. 05) and legalistic thinking style (r = 0. 743, P <0. 05) with self-efficacy in job decision making were also significant, but this relationship was also significant. There was no significant difference with executive thinking style variable (r =-0 / 041, P <0. 05). Also, regression analysis with concurrent admission showed that predictor variables together could not explain 38% of the changes related to self-efficacy in job decision making among students.

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Background: In recent years, we have seen an increase in the importance of social responsibility (CSR) and reporting among organizations. In this regard, creativity and innovation are important in determining and prioritizing the components of corporate social responsibility. Objectives: The current research, the components and indicators of disclosure, provide and analyze social responsibility by examining expert opinion in a comprehensive framework. After determining the components, the gap between the expected and expected status of the experts was discussed. Method: The statistical population included university professors, experts and managers working in accounting, auditing and financial management of Iran in 1396. Data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis and t-test using SPSS software. Findings: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that 8 dimensions for corporate social responsibility (leadership and in-organization processes, environmental protection, work environment, community and country, employee support, reporting, public assistance and business Standards) can be extracted. Also, the results of t-test showed that there is a significant difference between the present situation (current performance) and the expected level of experts. Conclusion: The study was conducted with the hope that companies would prioritize transparency in their programs, and that managers would volunteer to disclose social responsibility information.

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Objective: The present study aims to "investigate the effect of transformational leadership and credible leadership on innovation taking into account the moderating role of knowledge sharing". Method: The research method is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of all faculty members of Islamic Azad universities in Fars province, including 2, 000 people. Using a Stratified sampling method and Cochran sample size formula, 322 subjects were selected. To collect information, use four standard questionnaires of Transformation Aperfins Bass (2000), Authentic Leadership Neider et al. (2011) and Walbuwa et al. (2008), Sa'atchi et al. (2010) and Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire Carmeli et al (2011). Became The validity of the questionnaire was calculated based on the construct validity and its reliability was calculated to be 0. 78, 0. 77, 0. 77 and 0. 74 based on Cronbach's alpha method, respectively. Data analysis is done using the SmartPLS structural equation. Finding: The results show that the used model has a good fit. There is also a significant relationship between transformational leadership and credible leadership with organizational innovation. Conclusion: In total, the results were approved that the used model has a good fit

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The purpose of this research was to study relationship between psychological capital and innovative behavior with mediation role of happiness among primary teachers. The study adopted a descriptive – correlational method. The statistical population of the study consisted all primary teachers in Birjand, from which 1500 members were selected as the participants using cluster sampling with proportional distribution. Psychological capital was examined using Luthans questionnaire (2007). Innovative behavior was examined using Counter questionnaire (1998) and happiness was examined using Shirom questionnaire (2004). The content validity of questioners was confirmed by experts and through Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient, reliability coefficients were obtained equal to 0. 81, 0. 88 & 0. 91. Data analyses at quantitative part was done through descriptive statistics (frequency, average and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation, variance analyses, regression and structural equation modeling). The results of research indicated that the direct effect of psychological capital and happiness on innovative behavior was confirmed. Psychological capital predicts teacher's happiness with Beta's 0/57 and the least hopeful component of the hope was the least. Also psychological capital predicts teacher's innovative behavior with Beta's 0/67, self-efficacy and likeness is the least effect, and happiness is indicator of innovative behavior with Beta's 0/63, and emotional joyfulness and physical vitality have the least effect. Also happiness played a mediation role in the relationship between psychological capital and teacher's innovative behavior.

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