Medicine is a science that human beings have long accepted and felt the necessity of its existence in their lives and has used it a lot. Among these applications is the intersection of medicine with the very important subject of judgment and various legal issues, in other words, forensic medicine, which is rooted in ancient times and ancient civilizations such as Sumer, Babylon, especially the Hammurabi era and among nations, especially ancient Iran. Time has also brought about significant changes in this area. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, various sciences such as medicine have achieved significant growth and prosperity; forensic medicine has evolved along with these advances and has enjoyed a very important place in both theoretical and practical dimensions in all countries. Benefiting from this science means applying medical knowledge in various fields: 1. Social 2. Medical affairs 3. Law and justice that the latter realm is more important, because on the one hand medicine, jurisprudence, laws and regulations to It has linked each other, and on the other hand, has led to connections between specialists in various medical fields and related fields with the judiciary and lawyers. Relying on specialized theories and legal criteria, forensic medicine answers questions, ambiguities, and challenges related to various civil and criminal matters about individuals and their circumstances, including suspicions, damages, and defendants through liability, damages, and penalties. Legal issues, accidents and crimes occur, the rights of individuals and society, the strengthening of scientific knowledge of judges, researchers and law students help a lot and in order to perform its duties to prepare certificates and reports and provide effective advice.