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Excerpts from precious texts of ancient literature are among the researches that have increased in recent years. Careful selection of sections of text selected as a course and explaining their difficulties can help students better understand of ancient texts. . The Book of Four Masters by Dr. Kazem Dezfoulian, published by Samt Publishing for the poetry of Iraqi Literature, is one of those excerpts whose publication unfortunately does not meet the expectations of the academic community. Choosing the wrong poems, misread some verses and misinterpreting them, Incorrect or incomplete explanation of some verses, not paying attention to the incorrect recording of some words and the lack of explanation about them, lots of typing mistakes, and … are among the most important shortcomings mentioned above that keeps the book away from the sophistication expected of a college textbook. In the present article, part of the book's many shortcomings is discussed under the heading of "disorganized" and "inexplicit" and the author hopes that with the attention of textbook writers, more attention will be paid to overseeing academic publishing centers and fixing these bugs in future releases.

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The ability of Persian language with its cultural contexts made many Persian words and expressions have different meanings and functions under different situations. Expressing the metonymy of various phrases and expressions in Persian language is one of these functions. For this reason, metonymy has been always considered by linguists, poets, and authors part of the language and culture of any society. Metonymy is the beautiful, artistic, and implicit expression of different topics used by poets and authors as a subtle technique in expressing their purposes. Due to the extensive use of metonymy by Persian poets and authors, the collection, analysis and interpretation of metonymy is a critical and competent task. Hassan Anwari and his colleagues complied and published a dictionary called “ Sokhan Dictionary of Metonymy” which is analyzed in this study.

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Behnami Ahmad

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The author of this article has tried to introduce one of the numerous "extracts" from ancient Persian texts, and usually it is supposed at universities as a source of text for students of the Persian language and literature, in terms of the accuracy of the content contained in the Meaning comments and the text. Therefore, for this research, he has chosen the book "Haqiqat al-Hadiqah: Selection and Report of all Babs of Hadiqat al-Haqiqa by Sanaei Ghaznavi selected and reported by Homeira Zomoradi". In this article, we have reviewed various cases that are usually must be considered in writing the meaning comments of the literary texts of Persian literature, such as the correct meaning of the verses, the correct referral to the sources, the explanations about the rhyme, the correct translation of Arabic phrases, and so on.

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Kazakhstan is one of the fifteen republics received independence after the collapse of Soviet Union. If we have a transient look at Kazakh history we understand that the Cossacks were isolated from Turks society in 1465 and with the independent identity of the Khanate of the Cossacks came to the forefront and until the Russian dominance, they retained their own identity. The Cossacks were spreaded in vast expanses of Central Asia. But we know that this vast geography is part of Iran's cultural geography. Consequently, the historical process of thought and literature in this field is necessary for the investigation of Iranian scientific circles. As a result, in order to achieve this goal, we reviewed the book “ Kazakh History and Literature “ Survey and Analysis of Historical and Literary Links with Iran” by Prof. Dr. Islam Zhemeni. In this review we will mention to the positive features of the book, such as providing brief information on the history and culture of the Kazakhs, the various periods of Kazakh literature, especially the literature of the Stalin era, and the way in which the Cossack intellectuals struggled with Stalin's despotism at the head of them in the process of Kazakh culture and thinking.

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Hajianejad Alireza

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Shortly after the Ghoshirieh treatise was written, it was firstly translated in Persian by Abu Ali bin Ahmad Osmani for the use of Farsi language speakers, and after a while the translation was modified or provided with another translation. With the help of the Arabic text and based on the manuscripts of Sü leymaniye Library_Lala İ smail and British Museum, Badiozzaman Forouzanfar corrected this book for the first time in 1966. The educational aspects of the book and the emergence of some inadvertences prompted others to provide a further correction of the Arabic original and its Persian translation. Just like and after Mohebbati, Rowzatian and Mirbaqerifard believe that Forouzanfar has made a methodological mistake in his work by comparing two versions of a translation, both of which have been conducted by one translator. Based on the manuscript in the Hagia Sophia museum and by checking it with the manuscript available in the British museum, they have corrected the Ghoshirieh treatise. Low-false suitable typography and several indexes are the main advantages of this manuscript. The week aspect of its suspicions, neglecting the introduction of the sources of Arabic distiches and the Arabic text of the work are among the disadvantages of the manuscript besides neglecting its comparison with the Forouzanfar's manuscript.

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One of the most recent works published in the field of Khaqani Studies is the second and third volumes of Khaqani's Commentary, written by Mohammad Reza Barzegar Khaleqi. The author in these two volumes, as in the first volume, has described the quotations. The subject of this article is to review and critique the second volume of this work. This research has attempted to resolve some of the shortcomings and drawbacks of this work through an analytical / descriptive approach; therefore, the drawbacks and shortcomings of this work have been examined in two major sections: content problems and typographical / editing problems. . The first section (content bugs) has other sub-categories which include: (a) Misunderstanding the meaning of the verses; (b) incorrect recordings; (c)Incorrect reading of verses and d) Inadequate and incomplete explanations Each section has attempted to substantiate the comments provided by reference to ancient and original sources. However, the purpose of this essay is not to undermine the validity of this work; rather, it seeks to take a positive step in upholding this work with due diligence and ethics so that we can see more relevant text in the future.

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Despite the variety of electronic resources, textbooks continue to be the main medium of language teaching. Thus, criticizing them can improve the quality of education. This paper reviews the 1st volume of the 2nd Edition of “ Farsi Biamuzim” , based on a set of standards and criteria for evaluating academic textbooks. Among the five criticism axes of structure, content, language, method, and society and culture, the advantages of this work can be found in the general way of teaching the alphabet, providing innovative exercises, selecting practical topics, and designing useful topics in the content of lessons. Its disadvantages can be attributed to the structural inconsistency of the book in the instruction of letters and grammatical materials and the lack of a list of sources and a defect in its list of contents.

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Structuralism and poststructuralism are two of the most important and influential approaches in the humanities of the 20th century. This two approaches, are arose in response to special situation in philosophy and humanities and so they have to pay attention. The main question of this article is to survey of benefits and weaknesses in this book by critical descriptive method. It should be noted that this study was conducted in accordance with structuralist and poststructuralist theories and this book studied in three phases: Methodological, formal and content review phase. The books in this field, usually, are translated in Persian language but this book is an essay, so the purpose of this article is review of this book as an essay book. The most important value of this book is the novelty of the subject. Also, this book has its drawbacks of writing issues and punctuation. Great emphasis on philosophical issues, extension of opinion of structuralists and poststructuralists in different contexts of humanities, failure to presentation of historical philosophy content properly, redundant repetition and inconsistency, are the other flaws in the book include.

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The book Metaphor, A Practical Introduction by Zoltá n KÖ vecses is one of the multi-purpose sources to show the meaning of metaphor. The 2nd edition of the book has been published in 2010 by Oxford University. Ms. Shirin Poor Ebrahim has translated the 2nd edition in 2014 which has been published by SAMT Publication. The present research has been done to introduce and study the translated text from various views. In this study at first the original version and its translation have been introduced and the specifications of the translated book with regard to its original versions are studied both from the view of structure and content. The study shows that the translated text as a whole is praiseworthy and the translator has translated the text attentively and patiently, and the outcome is fluent and easily finding. Nevertheless, some points about the Persian text are worth to be mentioned. In the present article the critic has studied the various aspects of the translated book, and has proposed some suggestions to be employed in the second edition.

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Despite having been published several times, no satisfying edition of Manū chihrī Dā mghā nī 's Divan has been produced and the need for a critical edition of the text remains. Further attempts and more precise examinations are required to improve the text. This article aims to assess certain lines by Manū chihrī , challenging the accuracy of the chosen variants from the viewpoint of textual criticism. Furthermore, the authenticity of some lines ascribed to the poet will be examined considering textual evidence. In the process of this assessment, some new alternative variants will be recommended. In order to support the recommended variants, textual evidence will be adduced by utilizing the earliest surviving manuscripts of Manū chihrī ’ s poems and taking advantage of a number of old sources.

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Mohammad Rezā Khabushā ni also known as Naw'i Khabushā ni (970-1019 AH), The famous poet in tenth century and the beginning of the eleventh century, and was one of indisputable masters of Persian literature in Indian peninsula. The poetry of his poems was published in 1374 by Amir-Hossein Zā kerzā deh and the efforts of Ahmad Karami by Mā publication in Tehran. In this print, there are many shortcomings, distortions, weaks and mistakes that often result from possible defects in handwriting or bad readiness and timeliness. These same factors have reduced the accuracy of this print and the poetri's Naw'i that go away from the accuracyand eloquence. With the help of the older and more authoritative handwritten copies of the Divā n, some of the mistakes in the poet's poem can be corrected and revised. This research is a critical analysis and survey and checking of some of his poems, in which the writers criticized the abundance of his verses by holding two handwritten copies of the court of this poet and comparing it with the text of the Divan And have concluded that the current edition of the Divā n has been taken without the use of scientific methods of correction and in no way worthy and deserving of this poet is not capable.

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This essay, is devoted to the review of the fifth book entitled "comprehensive description of Mathnavi Manavi". Naturally, reviewing and analyzing all 4238 verses of this book is more than the capacity of an article. Therefore, in this study, we attempt to show a brief picture of the shortcoming of this work by classifying the main reasons of the existing perceptions of the work and bringing one or more related example. Author in this work, relies on two important factors, named "the context of the verses" and "the use of own context sign of Mathnavi". We have found, despite the great efforts of respected collector, this work has significant shortcoming such as: "not having the relationship between the meaning and vertical pivot of the verses", rejecting the correct explaining of other exegetes", "unrelated explaining inside the brackets with the original purpose of the verse", "disregarding the connection between two hemistiches". "Wrong reading of verses" and etc. existence of these things has made some meaning of verses inconsistent with the original intentions of Rumi in Mathnavi and an empty space of proper description of Mathnavi is felt.

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The present study investigates the effectiveness of the headlines of such lessons as “ writing and editing styles” and “ editing workshop” (1) and (2) in curricula presented in BA course of Persian language and literature. These are amongst the most applied lessons in Persian language and literature major that, meanwhile improving the writing skills of the university students, prepare them for fitting new occupational grounds whereas it seems according to the indices set by the lesson planning council that these lessens need revisions. The present study considers the indices proposed by the supreme lesson planning council to criticize and investigate the aforesaid lessons. The indices are: being up-to-date and responsive to the society needs, setting the ground for emergence of the creativities, being in proportion to the program’ s components, being coordinated with the strategic documents and plans and being attentive to the real nature of the course. The study results indicated that these indices have not been correctly observed in the codification of the curriculum and the existent programs have shortfalls and problems. No attention has been paid to the prerequisites and the lessons have overlaps and this has caused the macro-structure of the headlines to lack the required proportion. Moreover, no emphasis has been made on the learning activities contributing to the fostering of creativity. Another problem of the lessons is lack of attention paid to the strategic documents and programs, including the supervisory role of the Persian language and literature academy and there is also no attention paid to the materials and contents of headlines to the enactments by the academy, including Persian writing styles, word choice, etc. Investigation of the materials and topics in terms of newness and being up-to-date is reflective of the structural, content-related and lingual problems of the introduced materials in terms of not being recent; hence, a need is felt for revision of the existing headlines and materials.

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This paper explores and criticizes Analytical Glossory of Words and Phrases of Khaghani Shervani divan by Rasool Chehreghani Montazer. In this paper in addition to general introduction and analyzing the structural dimensions, we explore the “ prominences” , “ faults” , and material “ necessities” . The book is evaluated in the levels of formal and material faults; it is shown that for reasons such as neglecting new research findings, not complete computing of suggestions, inserting wrong entries, mismatching of entries and explanations, not using first-rate sources and also neglecting in order to speed up the publishing process significantly decreases the reliability of the book. In the process of exploring the material, while appreciating the efforts of the author, suggestions have been provided to improve the quality of the book.

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In the curriculum of Iran, the Farsi lesson and its textbooks are very. The other is that poetry is very important in Persian literature. For this reasons, this paper intends to describe analytically the Farsi books of this period in a quantitative and qualitative way To examine the status of poetry and the intellectual and aesthetic approaches of the selected poems. We want to know if the poems in these books have the ability to portray an appropriate, transcendent, and realistic picture of Persian poetry in students' minds? The results indicate that the books in question are mostly prose-based. The selected poems are mostly devoted to epic, patriotic and revolutionary literature, and from an intellectual and aesthetic point of view, they may not be attractive enough to encourage students to read and enjoy textbooks in class. Due to the inappropriate distribution of poems in literary genres, styles of poetry, poetry formats, and. . ., Poems of Persian Books This course does not show the correct face of Persian poetry to the audience. In terms of the status of the poets and their works, there are also many criticisms on the three books. Therefore, this study emphasizes the necessity of revising and modifying the textbooks studied.

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Present article is the result of a critical look at the book “ Verb Valency and Basic Constructions of Sentences in Modern Persian; a Survey based on Dependency Grammar Theory” which is written by Dr. Omid Tabibzadeh in eight chapters. Due to the fact that Dependency approach to grammar in Iran has gained less attention than other grammatical approaches, lack of the presence of such a book in Persian, introducing this grammatical approach to language researchers interested in this approach, was strongly felt. For this reason, author’ s’ attempt is admirable. One of the challenges the author has faced, has been equivalent choices for technical terms in the named approach and the absence of books in this field in Persian has resulted in the present situation which is lack of Persian sources in Dependency Grammar. Because of the mentioned lack, sometimes we face variety of technical terms, ambiguous definitions and counter examples in traditional grammars. Therefore, this article is the introduction of the book; its chapters, its strong points and also its weak points.

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Negaresh & Virayesh and editing is a valuable work of Ahmad Samii (Gilani, that has been a student, resource and student textbook for many years in teaching writing and spelling. The numerous prints and the large number of reprints have proved it to be of great interest to readers and audiences. The book has two main parts: Writing and Editing, in which Samii Gilani has explained and argued as much as possible, citing evidence and arguments. The major errors and slips found in the first section (writing) of the work are: lack of introduction, section titles in sentence from, inconsistent paragraph lorganization, inclusin and explanation of non-writing entries; research paper, reference, definition section; They do not seem appropriate to the writing effect. Editing section errors (mentioning linguistic errors) include: not giving sufficient reasons for enumerating linguistic errors (editing language), insisting on contradiction of word spellings, seperation in spelling contradicting spelling words with the Farsi script. This article seeks to cite as much as possible the evidence of the work. The research method of this paper is comparative, analytical, and critical, the evidence of which is gathered through documentary and invoice method.

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در مورد شعر و اندیشه مولانا جلال الدین کتب متعددی نوشته شده و اهل ادب و محققان عرفان اسلامی از نظرگاه های مختلف آثارش را بررسیده اند. یکی از کتبی که در این زمینه تالیف شده، کتاب «مولانا و چند داستان مثنوی» است به خامه سیروس شمیسا. جستار حاضر به نقد و تحلیل کتاب «مولانا و چند داستان مثنوی» بر اساس سنت عرفانی مکتب مولانا می پردازد؛ نگارندگان در بخشهایی با عنوان، «مباحث مرتبط با شرح احوال و زندگی بزرگان طریقه مولویه»، «مباحث مرتبط با مضامین عرفانی»، «مباحث مرتبط با مضامین کلامی»، «مباحث مرتبط با تاویل و تمثیل و حکایتها» و «مباحث مرتبط با اندیشه مولانا و تفکر انسان معاصر» به تحلیل و واکاوی این کتاب می پردازند و فراخور موضوعات مختلف از نظریات دیگر مولوی پژوهان نیز در تبیین مسایل بهره می گیرند. این کتاب با دیدی بدیع نگارش شده و با بهره گیری از نظامهای کنونی علوم انسانی دریچه های بسیاری را در مسیر مولاناپژوهی گشوده است، لیکن با وجود مزایای فراوان این مجموعه، برخی از مسایلی که مولف کتاب ذکر کرده، با منابع اصلی حوزه مولوی پژوهی، سنت عرفانی مکتب مولویه و نظرات دیگر مولوی پژوهان معارض است.

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Plagiarism is one of the most unethical research damage that is nowadays growing in our academic research. The purpose of this article is to examine various aspects of plagiarism in academic articles as the most prominent representative of academic researches, and in particular the academic articles of the Persian literature field. For this purpose, plagiarism is firstly defined by mentioning some examples of it in the academic articles of Persian literature. And in the future, the authorities, factors and motives behind the plagiarism of research articles are investigated. Finally, strategies for prevention of plagiarism and retraction of pirated articles in journals of the Persian literature field are offered. This article focuses on the inhibiting role of "plagiarism checker software" (in pre-publication), "review articles" by researchers and experts to study history (perspicacious eyes) is written in different fields of study and the publication of these articles by academic journals, retraction of stuffed articles and the cancellation of their score, as practical solutions in this regard stresses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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