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Addressing the issue of philosophy of war difficult. In the other words, the relationship between Philosophy and war seems to be difficult one. Alexander Moseley is a Political Philosophy Editor for the IEP (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and he has lectured on the Philosophy and morality of war at Several British universities. In his book called The Philosophy of War he explained why do humans fight each other? He said “ what I hope to establish in this work is that the Principles of war s origins involve all aspects of our nature, culture, and thinking. We fight because we believe in fighting and our beliefs have to change if we wish to abandon war. The research method in this book and this article is analytical and Philosophical.

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The concept of subject, along with concepts such as object, God and substance, is one of the most important concepts in the history of philosophy. Each of these concepts can be used to narrate a history of the philosophy. This is precisely the mission of Robert C. Salman sets out for himself in his book The Rise and Fall of the Self (A History of Western Philosophy, Vol. 7). He began the history of the subject, or, in his own terms, 'history of the Self' from the beginning of German idealism in the second half of the eighteenth century, with Kant (together with prominent idealists such as Fichte, Schelling and Hegel), to the first glimpses of the collapse of modern subjectivity And proliferation of critical approaches, such as Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Heidegger. In the end, he ends his discussion with the most prominent postmodern figures, such as Foucault and Derrida. The present article focuses on the first Persian translation of this book, rather than the formal and content review of this work. As a result, the present article is more than a mere critique of the book's content itself, a critique of translation that, although it criticizes a particular translation, hopes that this critique will provide an critical analysis about the translation of philosophical works in general.

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Danishnama-yi ‘ Ala’ i (The Book of Knowledge for ‘ Ala’ al-Dawla) in Persian, Mola publication in 1394, consists of a preface written by Manouchehr Sadoughi Saha, besides four parts; logic, Elme Zirin (Tabiiyyat), Music, and Elme Barin (Theology). This publication does not include any sections of geometry, charts, and arithmetic. The arrangement of the sections of this work (Mola publication) is in contrast to the intended order of the Ibn Sina. Because the special taste of Ibn Sina in the Alaii encyclopedia is that Elme Zirin is to be placed before the Elme Barin and mathematical sections; while, in this work (Mola publication) this feature is taken from the encyclopedia and the Elme Barin follows logic and is posed before music and Elme Zirin. Footnotes of Dr. Mohammad Moein in the science section of the book_retrieved from the book published by Anjoman Asar-e Meli, Tehran, 1331_ontain references that unfortunately in Mola publication are citedfalsely and incorrectly, in contrast to the publication of Anjoman Asar-e Meli. The present study seeks to analyze and criticize the weaknesses and strength of this manuscript.

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Philosophy of Money is the most important work of Georg Simmel that is reconsidered nowadays in academies, after that was neglected during last century. In contrast to its title, this book is not about economics. It is a book of multidisciplinary subject in the fields of philosophy, culture, psychology, social sciences and economics. This article has two goals; first to introduce the content of this work briefly and second, to analyze the relation of this book to academic specialization in scientific disciplinary. For the first purpose, the most important concepts of the Philosophy of Money are reviewed briefly. The second purpose is considered from two aspects; first, what are the reasons of reconsidering this work in academies nowadays, after a century of neglect? And second, what relevance can this work hold to humanities and social sciences’ situation in Iran? Therefore, in the first place the Simmel’ s theory of social forms is reviewed and then upon it, concepts such as objectification, ramification, subject-object, modernity, aesthetics, end-mean, and the form of religion are discussed. In appraising the relevance of Philosophy of Money to academic specialization in the contemporary world and especially to academic atmosphere in Iran, nowadays phenomena of the booming of interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences, and the relation of religion to these sciences are considered.

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This article reviews and criticizes Aristotle’ s Eudemian Ethics based on Anthony Kenny’ s translation. We have tried to show that morality in Aristotle means living good, and his purpose in writing this work is to find an answer to the question “ what is good life and how we can achieve it” an answer in the virtuous tradition of philosophical environment which he is thinking in. Hence the understanding of the nature of what is happiness based on the understanding of the nature of virtue. After examining all the various virtues, he ultimately defines happiness as "full life activity according to complete virtues" (1219 a, 39) and this main virtue includes all other virtues, namely moral virtue and intellectual virtue. Studying and acquainting with such a book for those interested in ethical studies have this advantage that they can examine some of the ethical issues in society from the scope of virtueism.

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A History of philosophy: Form Bolzano to Wittgenstein includes an analytic debate on the most important elements of the ideas of analytic philosophers of the first half of 20th century. The book tries to evaluate and analyze the ideas of analytic philosophers as a philosophical school in philosophy in a way that their ideas can be reduced to each other. After debating on the backgrounds of analytic philosophy, it refers to the ideas of Bolzano, Frege, Russell, early Wittgenstein, Carnap and the movement of formalization and at the end it shows the ideas of Moore and later Wittgenstein who pursued other way in analytic philosophy which was latter known as linguistic philosophy. So the structure of debate in the book has been directed in two parallel movements, that is logical analysis and linguistic analysis, though more attention is directed to the first movement. This article goes to assess and criticize the form and the content of the Persian translation of book.

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Rajabi Mazdak

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“ Asia Versus the West” is still one of the most important books concerning the historical understanding of the East as a basic source of the human civilization in comparison with the West. The book commences from the point which has not hitherto been considered, except for Ahmad Fardid who has invented the term “ Westernalized” by which he explains the relation of “ us” and the West, but his lectures had not been published before Shayegan wrote his book. Shayegan states the westernalized situation as “ double nihilism” to which we should pay attention in order to think on the West as our fundamental problem. I review the book in addition to its most important theme which is nihilism.

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Rahimian Saed

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The present paper includes the introduction and critique of the book: An Approach to Philosophy of Al-Farabi as a detachment of Greek philosophy tradition. The author of the book intends to highlight the fundamental and axial innovations of al-Farabi in the revival of philosophy at his time to explain how to distinguish the system of Islamic philosophy from the Greek tradition. The most important claim of the author is to explain the philosophy of Islam based on three principals: a. . Determining its subject as "existence", not "existent" b. Understanding the existence of the knowledge bin the scenes of presence c. The distinction between essence and existencethus, he believes that Farabi, through his existential view, was able to restore the essential role of the existence versus the essence and quiddity. The book also addresses the linguistic and epistemological approach of Farabi' as well as the introduction of al-Huruf book in the same direction, as well as his invention in transferring nine pares logic into two parts logic. From the perspective of the author of this paper, despite the importance of the aforementioned claim i. e.: the establishment of a philosophy of Islam centered on the existence by al-Farabi, the reasons and evidences which are used in the book in order to prove that claim is necessary but not sufficient. Approximately 10 critical reviews have been made in the article on the contents and claims of the book.

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In the late years of his life, Kant added the question "What is Human Being? " to his basic philosophical questions and regarded its answer the answers other questions. But what is Kant's answer to this question? In book with the title Kant's pragmatic anthropology, Wilson attempts to explore in his uncritical works such as anthropology, religion in the bounds of only reason and education, which calls them Kant's "philosophy of experience", finds his answer to this question. In this work, she claims that Kant's pragmatic anthropology is not empirical psychology, in addition to exploring in the origin and meaning of pragmatic humanism, introducing man from the perspective of this philosopher as an being possess the four predisposition animal, technical, pragmatic and ethical that should tries with use of his talents to attain the ultimate destiny of humanity, which is ethics and freedom. Also from the point of view of this writer, theological reflective judgment is thebridge between Kant's anthropology and his critical works, that with using of it, he tried to teach his students practical knowledge in order to be able them to find their position in the social, political, and cultural world.

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in Schopenhauer's philosophy, in addition to expressing Schopenhauer's views and ideas, Magee devotes a chapter to addressing the misunderstanding of the concept of "will" and "noumenon" in Schopenhauer's philosophy. In this article, we decided to review and critique this book written by Bryan Magee and translated by Reza ValiYari. So first we briefly introduce the book, after a critical review of the book, we came to the conclusion that the English philosopher Bryan Magee, an expert and exponent of Schopenhauer's work, was able to present a book that was easy to understand, fluent, complete, and yet expert on Schopenhauer's ideas and theories. In addition, he has shown the influence that Schopenhauer has had on philosophers, thinkers, and artists. The translator who is expert in translating Schopenhauer's work has been able to provide a plausible, fluent, and acceptable translation of this book; of course, there is limited criticism of the author in terms of content and the quality of translation we have mentioned them and can be considered in the next edition of the book. There are also many editing problems in the translation of this book that have made editing necessary in subsequent editions.

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This paper reviews the Persian translation of Heidegger and Christianity, by John Macquarrie's Lectures from 1993-1994 at the University of Oxford, published in 1994 by the The Continuum Publishing Company New York and in Iran in 1397, with the Persian translation of Shahabeddin Abbasi by the Parseh book Publishing Company. In this review, after introducing the book and introducing the formal and content of the work, the critique of three of the world's leading scholars on Heidegger and Christianity has been examined, and then the points and defects of the work have been examined formally and content. The concluding summary of the present article suggests that the Persian translation, regardless of the instances where the Need to be reviewed, Due to clear translation, understandable, observance of scholarly trust, text abstraction from print mistakes and the maximum accuracy in choosing Persian equivalents for Heidegger's terms, it is useful for Iranian readers to become acquainted with Macquarrie's understanding of Heidegger's relationship with Christianity. But, as some critics of Heidegger and Christianity have pointed out, in spite of Macquarrie's attempt to explain Heidegger's relationship with Christianity, this book does not provide a clear view of the relationship Heidegger with the Christianity to the reader.

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This article seeks to critique and review the book “ The Essence of Mystical Knowledge” by Massoud Ismaili. In this book, the writer has tried to examine the nature of mystical knowledge in two Islamic and western spaces taking a look at the comparative approach in a comprehensive system. If the criterion for our assessment is the degree to which the outer succeeds and does not succeed in expressing the issue, we can say that this book has worked well in the field of the philosophy of mysticism, and despite some of the formal and material shortcomings in it, the book seems to be acceptable.

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Book of Philosophy, theology, and politics: a reading of Benedict Spinoza’ s Tractatustheologico-politicus is intended to describe, analyze, and criticize the most important concepts contained in the Spinoza’ s book by utilizing its precious resources and with an etymological look. Inner critique in this book outweighs the outer critique. Besides, many references and explanations about Spinoza’ s philosophy, Bagley’ s work has also become an admirable book among the commentaries or readings of the English-speaking world. Spinoza’ s treatise is a book about theology and politics. However, Bagley holds that it is a book about theology and politics that is written by a philosopher. More precisely, it is treatise written by someone whose allegiance is to philosophy rather than either to theology or to politics. This paper makes an effort to introduce, with a descriptive-analytical look, the formal and content structure of the Bagley’ s book, and then to discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

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This essay will critically examine a translation of Martin Heidegger’ s “ Introduction to Metaphysics” , in hopes of enriching the art of translation in the field of western philosophy. The method, or in better words, the approach to the essay is concerned with the prevailing spirit of metaphysics in translation and through an in-depth comparative lens. The translation of “ Introduction to Metaphysics” has successfully walked through the reader to the World of the text, nevertheless, the translation of a couple of terms and equivalents have fallen flat. This essay presents a summary of the book, followed by a study of the mentioned terms and equivalents, typos and grammatical errors. The translation is all in all comprehensible, eloquent and coherent, suggesting the knowledge and efforts he has put into his translating.

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Nietzsche, as one of the most popular philosophers and elite thinkers that formed modern thought, has been studied from many dimensions. There are many books about him, and many scholars are still doing research on his life, works and thoughts. The plurality of the works and the differences in the representation of Nietzsche's image has led to doubt and confusion in the determination of Nietzsche's position and understanding of his thought. The present study aims at introducing and evaluating a major, recent and important work in Nietzsche field, called “ The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche” . This scientific and standard work has thirty-two essays from world renowned scholars. Essays have been organized in six discrete sections such as biography, historical relations, principal works and fundamental issues such as values, epistemology and metaphysics, and developments of will to power. These essays contain striking and precise points that can influence on our understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy and provide us with a broad knowledge of the main elements of his philosophy, such as superman, will to power and eternal recurrence. Therefore this paper, after an overview of the book and description of its general features, summarizes the content of each essay to arouse the audience’ s interest for pursuing of a thorough study.

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Philosophy of mysticism is a branch of philosophy of philosophy and one of the topics of interest to researches of mysticism. In this field are proposed three theories of constructivism, philosophia perennis, and non-intentionality, People are counted like Stacey, James from the first theory processors, and Katz is one of the proposers of the second theory, and Foreman of third theory designers. In reviewing the book of The Single Experience one of the new works on philosophy of mysticism, we conclued that the author, despite much effort, did not mention the theoretical foundations of wisdom, while at the same time explaining the views of religions on the subject and sometimes making incorrect claims about them. For example, somewhere in the book is denying the existence, the unity of existence in the Jewish religion that is wrong. The book's lack of careful attention theories of constructivism and philosophia perennis that are directly related to this subject has diminished the validity of the book. Of course, addressing a single experience can also help to extending this topic and preparation of convergence between religions and their followers and be a step towards deepening religious beliefs.

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Weltschmerz by Ferdrick C. Beiser, is a study of the pessimism that dominated German philosophy in the second half of the nineteenth century. According to the author, Pessimism, broadly defined, is the doctrine that life is not worth living. This view was introduced into German philosophy by Schopenhauer, whose philosophy became very fashionable in the 1860s. Beiser examines the intense and long controversy that arose from Schopenhauer's pessimism, which changed the agenda of philosophy in Germany away from the logic of the sciences and toward an examination of the value of life. He examines the major defenders of pessimism (Philipp Mainlä nder, Eduard von Hartmann and Julius Bahnsen) and its chief critic, especially Eugen Dü hring. In this paper, I introduce the book’ s general approach, aim and contents, mentioning its privileges as a history of philosophy of an almost forgotten controversy and some wishes about its shortcomings.

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This paper in the first in short look into form of Stern's bookand then it criticizes the content of this book, especially threeimportant parts of it, which are the most difficult and at the same time The most important its parts, compared with Hegel's phenomenology but All his system. These are preface, introduction and the final chapter. We want to know how much Stern has been successful In consideration of the content of these three sections. Also does the seventh chapter of his book have internal coordination with content of them?

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This paper in the first in short look into form of Stern's bookand then it criticizes the content of this book, especially threeimportant parts of it, which are the most difficult and at the same time The most important its parts, compared with Hegel's phenomenology but All his system. These are preface, introduction and the final chapter. We want to know how much Stern has been successful In consideration of the content of these three sections. Also does the seventh chapter of his book have internal coordination with content of them?

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Hoshyar Yasaman

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Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is one of the most influential ethical books and at the same time is one of the most difficult ones, and every commentary on Kant's ethical theory, at first step, concentrates on this book. Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: a Reader Guide which has been written by Professor Paul Guyer is an authentic commentary and is recently translated into Persian. With respect to the role of Guyer in recent Kant's studies as a leading scholar, this book has a high position. In this article, besides a general review of these two books in terms of their importance in Persian and English literature and editorial features and translation of Guide, Guyer’ s expression of Kant’ s arguments, and significant and influential points of Guide are reviewed. These points give readers a good insight into understanding Kant’ s moral theory and avoiding ambiguities and objections. In addition, in some points, the Guide is compared with other commentaries on Groundwork, especially with Timmermann's and evaluated.

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email sharing button
email sharing button
sharethis sharing button