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Literary texts potentially have themes which cannot be revealed through first reading. Using the tools of other sciences provides an opportunity to accomplish new achievements and, in this sense, psychoanalysis can be more constructive than the others. In our analysis of personalities and literary narratives, the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan can lead us to exciting results. This article is an effort in employing Lacan's theory of "mankind's sensual structure" to scrutinize the personality of Ibn Farez. In this theory, Lacan divides human essence into three parts: "visionary essence" which is the world of superficial attractions and deceits with the function of obscuring the unconscious, "the essence of secrets" which is the essence of ambitiousness, and "the essence of the real" which shows that human nature lies in its unconscious and beyond its apparent existence which Lacan calls this beyond "the other". Through the spiritual transformations that occurred to him, the life of Ibn Farez can be divided into distinct periods. The main question of this article is how we can explain Ibn Farez's spiritual transformation within an organized structure by means of Lacan's theory. The method used in the current study was based on the theoretical foundations of Jacques Lacan's theory and Ibn Farez's life and poetry. For this reason, in addition to providing the description of the theory of human body building, we cited Ibn Farez's life and poetry. Moreover, based on this theory, we had psychoanalyzed Ibn Farez's personality. The result of this study was the conformity of Ibn Farez's psychological evolution with the theory of Lacan's structure of Ego.

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Metaphor, in ancient and classic approach, has a word-based and artistic role with an aesthetic function which its presence in the text is not more than literally language, however, a conceptual one. Jorge Likaf and Mark Jonson think of metopher as an instrument to think which runs through human behavior. Hence, the current study was an attempt to investigate the image metaphor in Siniya Bohtorei and Ahmad Shoghi by School of Comparative American Literature. The results of the study showed that the two poets could conceptualize abstract senses by visual senses in containment schemes (volume, ability, and motive). By considering the two poets, we can conclude that common cultural models are the bases of conceptual metaphors, so that the two poet could draw the concepts which are not abstract or intangible concepts by using their daily experiences of the events that take place around them. Although using containment schemas in Siniya Bohtorei in contrary to Ahmad Shoghi were more accurate and included more in the contents.

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Contemporary Arabic poetry, using its western experience, can use more extensive mechanisms to express its concepts. One of these techniques is the use of the method of trans-realism in relation to the meanings and phenomena of being, which has been especially noted in the poetry of poets such as Cercon Bowles. The contemporary Iraqi poet Cercon Bowls (2007-1944) is among the poets influenced by surrealism. Hence, studying his works can illustrate the surrealist identities in two parts of Western surrealism and the localized version. In some of his poems, he uses a transcript of the Western version, especially in the elements of "autobiography", "surrealist imagery" and "the wonder". By referring to these criteria, it often deals with its inner dimension, citing celebrities in Arabic literature, symbolic references and rhetorical parallels to surrealism, he lends an indigenous form and uses other elements to correct social disarray. He has been able to give his poetry the color of surrealism by invoking ideas such as freedom of life of the constraints, provoking imagination and imaginary demands, risk taking in timeless routes, and passing through the material to get to the truth. The present research, considering the surrealistic capacities of his work, conducted a content analysis to analyze the "Hamel of Al-fanus Fi Leel al-ze-ab" collection and sought to reveal the reality beyond the appearance in Bowle’ s poetry.

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In the current era of contemporary Arab poetry, poets deliberately and consciously take advantage of the techniques such as cinema, painting, music, etc., in order to grounding their poetry on the basis of such techniques. One of the most prominent and postmodern Arab poets who put the principles of the new poetry on the table is the contemporary Lebanese poet Susan Alivan whose poetry is as distinct from that of his predecessors or modernist Arab poets such as Siab, Bayati, Nazik al-Mirae Is. The Lebanese poet emphasized the style and content characteristics of nineteencentury poets, most notably the interplay and application of other arts and techniques, especially collage in poetry. The collage, which represents the disorder and chaos of the contemporary world, was invented by Cubism painters, relying on components and sticky elements. Following this approach, the contemporary poet creates a collage-like poetic approach. That said, this descriptive-analytical research sought to analyze the court of Susan Alivan's "Rashiq al-Ghazal". The result showed that Susan Alivan has clearly used this technique in poetry. Moreover, it was revealed that her poems have a distinct and varied image, adhering to the principle of stickiness and inducing concepts such as chaos, disorder, confrontation, rupture, and high power and display capacity.

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Place attachment as one of the levels of sense of place means the emotional and positive connection between the person and the place. This link is the result of emotional interactions and the deep behavioral actions of individuals with place. Since the site is one of the important and influential elements of the novel, attachment to location can be considered as crucial indicator to examine the location and its role in personality attachment. The “ Swissra Vatan Va Tabeidgah” novel of Sana Abousharrar has many spatial capabilities to express the spatial attachment. Hence, this study intended to analyze the dimensions of attachment to place and following those steps in the presence of person in the position that leads to the creation of attachment using the text presented in environmental psychology. The results suggested that attachment to place in this novel is influenced by physical and social dimensions and temporal aspects, as well as the presence of people at the site during the phases of physical presence to full commitment to place in a long time.

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The dialectical process of Hegel's philosophical system, with the ontological development of the finite, is the idea of moving from the finite to the supreme infinite. This process reveals the living presence of the particular in the universal, and non-particular. The given element is transmitted to the instant of the universal. The self-knowledge characteristic of Aisha, in Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati's poetry, is turned back on itself as a finite and alien self; that is to say, the universal, in his particular transcendence, becomes an object, and in the end refers to the infinite totality, and, becoming the infinite self-conscious spirit, making this isolation and alienation dissolved. In this paper, we tried to investigate and explain the efficacy of Hegel's dialectics in the process of moving and developing of Aisha's spirit from herself to the total selfhood, based on the analytic-comparative method and relying on the Hegelian “ triad” (Being, nothing, becoming). Thus, by matching Aisha's resurrection with the foundations of Hegel's philosophical system, we showed that Aisha's resurrection, in the Hegelian dialectic's terms, arrived at self-consciousness in which the freedom of the spirit reached its supreme expression, and the awareness of the freedom of the spirit arose only in consciousness of identity of the finite and the infinite. Hence, Aisha, that is a symbolic figure in the poetry of Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati becomes a symbol that represents neither the universal as such nor the particular, but both in unity.

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