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The science of jurisprudence has witnessed many ups and downs and has gone through different periods since its emergence. However, periodography of jurisprudence is a newborn field of study. Knowledge of the historyof jurisprudence and its periods and the status of jurisprudential practice in different periods can assist in a better understanding of jurisprudence and factors affecting its ups and downs. Sunni scholars have begun to write distinctly about the history of jurisprudence before Shia scholars, but they have failed to refer to the Shia history as an independent phenomenon. Shia jurisprudence historians have categorized Shia jurisprudence into different periods each using their own specific criterions. For instance, Shehā bi has investigated different periods of jurisprudence based on time criterion, while Ā sefi has studied the history of jurisprudence based on location criterion. This study used an analytical-descriptive method and contains two parts: the first part reports on ten cases of general periodographies of Imamiyah jurisprudence and then the related works has been analyzed following each case. In the second part of the paper, the authors have discussed Imamiyah jurisprudence within thirteen periods with respect to the development of jurisprudence due to the gradual evolution of jurisprudents' views.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Islamic jurists and consequently the civil jurists have made the marriage of a virgin girl subject to the permission of the parents (vali). The question is whether the loss of virginity from the religious point of view is based on the removal of virginity by lawful means. Or does it affect the disappearance of the virginity with factors such as adultery, vati be shobhe, illness, and also sibobat (loss of virginity)? This gains more significance when we consider that Article 1043 of the Civil Code allows the marriage of a virgin adult girl subject to the permission of her father or paternal grandfather, but the code makes no reference to the above question and the causes of the loss of virginity. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method. On the basis of the Book and Tradition and an examination of the the sayings and fatwas of early jurists to contemporary ones based on the needs of society, especially judges and marriage registrars and an expertise approach, this study has chosen the fulfillment of sibobat (deterioration of virginity) based on legal sextual intercourse (vati). By studying and criticizingdifferent views and according to different narratives (revaiat), it has chosen the idea of fulfilling the loss of virginity (sibobat) with a marriage based vati, so that from the religious point of view, the virginity disappears only in case that the virginity has been destroyed by a documented marriage vati. Therefore, the fulfilment of sibobat and consequently the elimination of the vali's permission depend on the marriage in which insertion took place and led to the loss of virginity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the legal system of Islam, there are rights and duties which must be observed by the parties to a marriage in order to strengthen the family system. One of these rights is the alimony right for a woman. The issue discussed in this study is that in the case of recent failure and indigence of the spouse in alimony payment, the famous jurists believe that the wife should wait and be patient and does not have the right to dissolve marriage or divorce. However, if the spouse refuses to pay alimony, many jurists have ordered the obligation of the spouse to pay or divorce. Is there any difference between these two cases so that different decrees have been issued? Does not the result of both of these situations harm women and deprive them of their legal and lawful rights? This paper explains and analyzes different perspectives on the issue, criticizes the famous view, and concludes that the current theory of divorce is more justifiable and powerful, even the evidence presented for the theory of dissolution of marriage by woman or ruler provides the same results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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By bringing an action to the court, a kind of legal relationship is created between the parties to a dispute. People in this legal relationship sometimes state an objection to the authenticity of the deed before, after, or simultaneous with the claim of payment. The principle of the prohibition of the multiplicity of the objection to the authenticity of the deed is one of the important and notable topics in civil law which attracts the attention of every reader. This principle is stated in the second part of Article 228 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The question of the present study is whether it is possible to deal with the authenticity of the deed from the jurisprudential and legal point of view if the objection is made before, after, or simultaneous with the claim of payment. Research and investigation in jurisprudential and legal sources and identification of common and specific bases of this principle yielded the conclusion that given the circumstances, it can be said that an objection to the authenticity of a deed can be stated before, after, and simultaneous with the claim of payment; otherwise, it is impossible to state the case simultaneously or consecutively. Also, by specifying the grounds for this principle, the purpose of the legislator from the enactment of Article 228 Civil Procedure can be discovered and provide answers to the questions raised in this regard. The present study aims to provide a jurisprudenctial examination of the subject by studying the basics of the issue in Islamic law and jurisprudence and substantive law.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Islamic ruler is considered to be the guardin of incapacitated people like fools and insanes and has the authority to assiagn another individual as a substitute for himself. Guardianship is a kind of custodianship established by the interdiction of the religious governor or the court with the aim of protecting them and controlling their affairs. This study, using a descriptive-analytical approach, examines the differences of opinion that exist among Imammiyah and Sunni Jurisprudents about the guardianship of the religious governor in the marriage and the divorce of the natural fool and insane. There are also disputes over the issue in four sunni sects. The opinion of authors of the present study is that the ruler has only guardianship over the marriage and the divorce on behalf of the insane in case the insane does not have any other guardian like father, paternal grandfather and their executors. But about the marriage and the divorce of the fool, it seems that the ruler has no guardianship because the major aim of marriage and divorce is not property so that we consider the fool incapacitated in these two cases. In all cases that the ruler has guardianship, it is necessary to observe the propriety and interest.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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An employment relation can be classified under such terms as employment contract, reward contract, or contract work based on the related rules and regulations of hiring of persons. Since the inquiries about the disputes related to some of these contracts is within the authority of certain judicial and administrative specialists, and due to the fact that the succession of decrees and effects of each of these relations becomes the reference for the drawee in the recognition of their duties including the reference to another authority or establishing its competence over the probe into the nature of the disputes and decision on the respective measures and criteria of the procedure, it is essential to formulate proper definition of each of the aforementioned relations and also the results and effects of each. This paper is dedicated to a description of the following terms: hiring of persons, employment contract, reward contract, and contract work, and using a deductive-analytical method examines the similarities and differences among them and concludes that employment contract is a developed form of hiring of persons and contract work is some form of reward contract.

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Jurists and legal experts allocate a special role and value to custom and use particular interpretatons to explain its place. Undoubtedly, customs, traditions and norms have gradually turned into social values or paved the ground for their formation. Transformation of the variables related to conventions and customs like life conditions of human beings, development and progress, cultural changes, the emergence of new ideas and the like leads to an increase of its impact on various issues like citizenship rights. The current study seeks to investigate the complementary role of conventions and customs as one of the influential sources of legal codes of society and its relationship with citizenship rights. Conventions and customs, on the one hand, can play a positive role in the formation of citizenship rights and in those cases that law cannot predict all the needs of human beings serve as a vehicle to complement and cover up the deficiencies through providing new interpretations. Sometimes the legislator changes the conventions into a law by a number of modifications. On the other hand, it can also be an obstacle or play a negative role; in such cases, the law steps in and nullifies the convention and rejects it. In other words, as long as the necessity of paying attention to citizenship rights does not turn into a dominant norm, legal mechanisms will face a difficult path ahead.

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The death of the intentional murderer is one of the instances that renders impossible the execution of retaliation (qisas) since the location for the execution of the retaliation which is the physical body of the murderer is eliminated. There has long been controversy among jurists over the payment of blood money for murder in the case of the death of the murderer in deliberate homicide. Some jurists believe in the lapse of blood money with the death of the murderer. On the other hand, some other jurists consider the constancy of the payment of blood money with the impossibility of retaliation. And some even consider an elaboration and take a middle ground. Legislature is also affected by this diversity so that, before the approval of penal code in 1392, the legislators approved the lapse of blood money, but in the new penal code the previous attitude was abandoned and constancy of blood money is accepted. This paper examines the reasons and evidence of the opponents and advocates and elaborates on the quality of the inclusion in the rule of "No-Waste of Muslim Blood" on the issue of the death of the intentional murderer and considers the aforementioned rule is as the reason behind the ascertainment of blood money. This paper also demonstrates that, in the three situations recognized by tradition, the person responsible for payment of blood money differs in the death of the murderer of the third party compared to the two other kinds of murder.

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Valizadeh Rahman | Mousavi Sayyed Mohammad Sadegh | Arabiyan Asghar

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In advanced and Islamic societies, with the evolution and advancement of legal and judicial systems, the courts are seeking the fundamental goal of justice which is the determination of truth and the administration of justice in the field of rules of litigation. For this purpose, the type of selecting and the choice of judicial system to achieve this goal is of crucial importance. Therefore, the traditional view in the Islamic jurisdiction which mostly defines Judement as resolution of hostility must be altered to ensure judge’ s confidence and conscientious trust regarding judicial principles of the litigation. By expanding the powers of the judge and the scope of the substantiatoin value of the claim, the method of finding evidence, and the sovereignty of persuasion of the judge's conscience, the judge must take steps to determine the truth and administer justice. In the study, conducted by analytical and descriptive method, we concluded that the purpose of litigation in the legal systems of the world as well as the Islamic one, especially in criminal matters related to the lives and bodies of individuals, is to determine the truth and ultimately administer justice. This goal can be achieved with the credibility and dominance of a system established to convince the judge's conscience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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