Background and purpose: Despite the development in sciences and technology and proper efforts in decreasing the number of disabilities, unfortunately about 10% of school going children in every society are disable and are quite different mentally, physically and intellectually from the same age group children. Considering the large population of Iran being under 20 Years age, it is estimated that about 2 million disables live in Iran whose parents need support to keep them, therefore, it is essential to consider this need as a phenomenon in gathering and analyzing information to plan programs, give knowledge and services to such families. This study has been designed in order to evaluate and compare the psycho-social needs of the parents with mental retarted, thalassemic and normal students in Sari Township. Materials and methods: Subjects for the study comprised three groups who were the parents of the mental retarted, thalassemic and normal students studying at primary schools of Sari Township. Each group consisted 30 students, 30 fathers and 30 mothers. Questionnaire was filled which consisted 6 psycho social parameters such as, need for knowledge, support, explanation to the others, social services, finance Support and performance of family.Results: A comparison on the needs of the parents in three-group indicates that, the need of mental retarted students parents (with mean 48.71%) is more than the needs of the thalassemics parents (with mean 40.74%). And the mean need of the two above mentioned conditions is much more than the mean need of the parents having normal student (with mean 13.81%). Also comparison of the needs among the parents with mental retarted students indicates that the need for finance and support is more (p>0.001). No difference was observed in three parameters. Comparison of the needs among parents of thalassemia and ordinary students indicates no significant difference for parents.Conclusion: Presence of disable child in the family can aggravate the psyco social need of the parents and the need of parents is more than the parents with normal children. Also, the more the family with multiple disabled children the more need for support.