In Kant’ viewpoint, beauty is neither objective nor does it rely on concepts, but it is the subject that establishes the judgment of aesthetic in object of art. Kant believes that the feeling of pleasure in judgment of taste arises from reflective judgment of the subject of judgment. He argues that art is distinguished form nature, science and craft, and divides it into mechanical art, pleasant art and beautiful art. Pleasant art is a kind of art whose purpose is just pleasure, while the criteria of judgment in beautiful art is reflective judgment. The work of beautiful art is the product of author’s genius through form. From the perspective of ideas Kant divides fine arts into three kinds: art of speech, visual art (Including plastic art and painting) and art of the beautiful play of sensations. According to his description of certain use of the object as a condition that limits the aesthetical ideas, it seems that handicrafts are sub- architecture, and should be regarded as plastic art. But given the wide range of handicraft products, from mass production to unique objects with aesthetical features, and from useful to the decorative, they cannot all be equally judged as craft. This research seeks to analyze aesthetically the range of crafts based on the concepts explained in “Critique of Judgment”. This this way it distinguishes the field of art and non-art in the productions of handicraft and introduces areas of pleasant art and fine art in objects of handicraft.