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Problem statement: The authenticity of heritage sites, in addition to the form component, is associated with the continuity of social life, various activities and functions. The UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) in 2011 sought to establish a link between “ urban conservation” and “ practical market” . It has created a new misunderstanding because the heritage authenticity has encountered issues in the field of tourism that have not necessarily correspond to a deep understanding of the conservation terms. From the tourism industry perspective, authenticity depends on the tourist perception; changes according to consumer demands and economic rather than social dimensions, while from the conservation perspective, it depends on the actual sense of heritage authenticity, avoiding duplication, addition and changes, considering social context and living tradition. Research objective: This paper examines the aspects of conflict caused by tourists as stakeholders in defining heritage authenticity and the presented solution is evaluated in the project of Al-Moez Street in Cairo. Research method: This study deals with heritage authenticity through documentary research and used a variety of sources, including books, articles, statements and research projects. Conclusion: Finally, a sustainable tourism approach with four policies: “ carrying capacityˮ , “ small-scaleˮ , “ government supervisionˮ and “ community participationˮ is proposed as a solution and then its use in the restoration project of Al-Moez Street, as a successful project in the field of tourism and conservation principles, has been examined.

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Problem Statement: The quality and meaning of life are continuously attached to the presence of elements, objects, things, people and concepts; the absence means denying and depriving the presence, has strengthen this concept, hence has been frequently presented in philosophy and art fields. The concept of absence as an art strategy has been presented at the context of many artworks, especially in the present century. In photographic contexts due to introducing the previous presence of things, ‘ absence’ finds a referral function. But the main question here is that, how in the photographic contexts, we might be able to find the existence of historical narratives behind them, through the absence of elements and things? Research objective: Photographs as the ever-present contexts, whether on private albums or in art/ news studios, even on virtual social spaces, offer a variety of absences with different origins, and [therein] the historical analysis arising from it in these works would lead to a better understanding of the human social context. The research hypothesis here is that photograph as a historical context, when linked to and analyzed by the narratives surrounding it, would present the ‘ absence’ as a means of denying the presence of suppressed forces in the social context, that potentially have the power to participate and alter the actions of every day’ s life. Research Method: was done based on the social history of the photographic contexts, as in this approach, behaviors, events and beliefs, besides being part of daily life context, are also important in the process of historical research. Conclusion: Absence in the picture frame, is able to represent the latent power behind the different social classes; Moreover, the standpoint of elements related to absence within the historical context and its continuation at photograph scale will be discussed and explained the way that photography exploits the absence as a modern concept to represent a different content and various readings.

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Problem statement: In recent decades, the growth of urban science has turned the interpretation of the city into a challenging issue for researchers. The emergence of the spatial organization of cities has been the result of extensive studies carried out by researchers for the interpretation of cities. Despite a lot of attempts for identifying the organizational components of the city and their relations, there is no consensus among researchers and experts on the definition of the spatial organization of cities in urban sciences and this term is still vague. The multiple definitions with different expressions, words and attributes have generated multiple meanings in the Iranian urban planning literature. Such multiplicity makes it impossible for experts and scholars to discuss a single subject and reach a precise conclusion. Research objective: For this purpose, this research seeks to criticize the meanings and structure of the definitions, to present the pathology associated with the definitions and to identify their existing shortcomings. In so doing, this study serves as a springboard for future research on semantic expansion. Research method: Data for this study were analyzed and categorized in terms of semantic and structure through content analysis. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate the multiplicity of this concept in terms of meanings and show the plurality of appellations, attributes. It also shows the definitions do not follow the maxims of logic and there is an internal contradiction in the definitions. Examination of the definitions also reveals that sometimes this term is interchangeably used with other different terms such as urban structure in urban literature. Besides, the analysis of the structures of the proposed definitions indicates that they are too incomprehensive to include all the attributes of the concept and they are too exclusive to differentiate it from similar concepts. This indicates the semantic ambiguity of this concept in the minds of Persian-speaking scholars.

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باغ نظر

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بیان مسئله اصالت اماکن میراث، علاوه بر کالبد، با استمرار زند گی اجتماعی، فعالیت ها و کاربری های مختلف همراه است. «بیانیه منظر شهر تاریخی یونسکو» در سال 2011 خواستار ایجاد پیوند بین «حفاظت شهری» و «واقعیت عملی بازار» است. این مجموعه سوء تفاهم جدیدی ایجاد کرد ه است، زیرا موضوع اصالت میراث با تعاریفی روبه رو می شود که منشا آن در حوزه گرد شگری است و لزوما با درک عمیق اصطلاحات حفاظت منطبق نیست. اصالت از منظر «صنعت گرد شگری» منطبق بر ادراک گرد شگران است، بر روند پویای تغییر با توجه به خواسته های مصرف کنند ه د لالت د ارد و بیش از آنکه به نیازهای مرد م محلی و ابعاد اجتماعی اقد امات بیند یشد، بر ابعاد اقتصاد ی متمرکز است، در حالی که «حفاظت» در تعریف اصالت اماکن میراث به د نبال تعریف اصالت واقعی، اجتناب از تکثیر، اضافه کرد ن، تغییرد اد ن و توجه به بستر اجتماعی و سنت زند گی است. هد ف پژوهش در این مقاله وجوه تعارض ناشی از حضور گردشگران، به عنوان ذی نفعان، در تعریف اصالت اماکن میراث بررسی و راه حل ارایه شد ه در پروژه مرمت خیابان المعز قاهره ارزیابی می شود. روش پژوهش این پژوهش با روش اسنادی و از منابع مختلف از جمله کتاب ها، مقالات، بیانیه ها و پروژه های تحقیقی بهره می برد. نتیجه گیری در نهایت رویکرد گرد شگری پاید ار با چهار سیاست «ظرفیت موجود »، «مقیاس کوچک»، «نظارت د ولت ها» و «مشارکت محلی» به عنوان راه حل پیشنهاد می شود و کاربست آن در پروژه مرمت خیابان المعز، به عنوان پروژه ای موفق در زمینه گرد شگری و اصول حفاظت، بررسی خواهد شد.

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Problem statement: Peri-Urbanization (sometimes referred to as the urban fringe) may be a dominant urban form and spatial planning challenges of the 21st century. In industrialized or postindustrial countries, Peri-Urban is the domain of economic, social and spatial change, while in newly industrialized and most developing countries, it is often a chaotic urban region that causes disharmony and incoherent development. In both cases, in addition to some intercity and suburban outskirts, Peri-Urban can be considered a transitional zone and play a greater role as a functional territory. Although a clear and simple definition cannot be found for these areas, there are common features wherever such areas are found. Many global challenges arise from the ways that cities grow and change, especially the emerging mega-cities in developing countries such as Iran, where massive social and environmental problems can be found in their peri-urban hinterlands. Research objective: Because these areas have relatively low population density by urban standards, scattered settlements, high dependence on transport for commuting, fragmented communities and lack of spatial governance, Explaining the concept of Peri-urbanization and the factors affecting the creation and development of these areas the goals of this research. Research method: In this research, with an analytical-descriptive approach, a general overview of the phenomenon of urbanization in the European and global concept was conducted. The content analysis method also examines the content of the internal studies conducted by concerning Periurbanization. Finally, by introducing a five-dimensional framework that has been adapted from a comprehensive and integrated global study on peri-urbanization to the general study of the theoretical foundations or literature of the subject was examined. To explain a general narrative of how the Peri-Urbanization settlement took place in the present era, considering all its dimensions. Conclusion: The results of this study show how political, socio-economic and physical driving forces are influential in these areas and as a result of research, a framework for distinguishing the degrees of change in the Peri-Urbanization system from the perspective of different types of links, scales; Spatial development, transformation, resilience and governance will be outlined.

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Problem statement: “ Qisas Al-Anbiya” is a set of stories derived from the events of the lives of the prophets. Some of the writings in this book are decorated with miniatures and figures to show the concepts expressed more clearly. The most famous manuscript of the “ Qisas Al-Anbiya” is the manuscript available at Topkapi Palace Museum, and one of the most significant of these stories, illustrated in the book, is the account of the martyrdom of Prophet Zechariah. In this work of art, the painter tried to visualize Zechariahs’ being oppressed against Iblis’ s blasphemy and shows the divine support of him. Research objective: the purpose of the present study is to examine the visual arrangement based on three characteristics of visual elements (line, color, texture, and form), composition (golden spiral, index square, golden rectangle, and guidelines) and symbolism from three perspectives of personality, event, and dialogue in this miniature. To achieve this goal, first, the pattern of communication between the parameters of these three mentioned features of the arrangement are explained. Research method: The present study was performed through descriptive-analytical method. Conclusion: In this miniature, the characters remain faithful to the two fields of narration of the book and the tree which shelter Zechariah from the Iblis’ s onslaught. Rotating composition, inducing the position of the tree by using the triangular composition of the elements in such a way that the top of the triangle emphasizes the tree, inducing the sense of peacefulness and stability by using the elements in the golden rectangle, symmetry of human forms, using vertical guidelines to replace the elements, the use of rectangles √ 2 and √ 3 to arrange the inscriptions and miniatures side by side, the association of peacefulness, low-diversity and semantic texture due to the use of visual elements of point and line and finally the arrangement of the spiral structure of the clockwise and counterclockwise elements are the most important points in the arrangement of this work of art. Besides, the use of monotonous azure in the background, the atmosphere of sadness and illusion, the bright yellow in the Iblis’ s dress, the emphasis on his character and the use of orange color in the narrator’ s dress have caused the colors to rotate in the composition of this work of art. In general, the work is painted with flat and bright colors, without shadows.

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حسن پور محمد


باغ نظر

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بیان مسئله کیفیت زیست و معنای زندگی همواره با حضور عناصر، اشیاء، چیزها، افراد و مفاهیم پیوند خورده است و غیاب به معنای نفی و سلب حضور، این معنا را قوام داده و از همین رو در فلسفه و هنر بسیار وارد شده است. مفهوم ابسنس به مثابه یک استراتژی هنری در بطن بسیاری از آثار هنری به ویژه در قرن حاضر تلقی می شود. در عکس ها، متونی که رد حضور چیزها را در گذشته عرضه می کنند، ابسنس کارکردی استنادی پیدا می کند. اما پرسش اساسی این است که چگونه در متون عکاسانه، از غیاب عناصر و چیزها، پی به وجود روایت های تاریخی نهفته در متن آن ها می بریم؟ هدف پژوهش عکس ها به عنوان متونی همه جا حاضر چه در آلبوم های خصوصی یا نهادهای هنری یاخبری، و چه در فضاهای اجتماعی مجازی و مبتنی بر وب، غیبت های گوناگونی را که خاستگاه های متفاوتی دارند، ارایه می کنند و تحلیل تاریخی غیاب در این آثار، به فهم بهتر بستر اجتماع انسانی منجر می شود. فرضیه این است که عکس به عنوان یک متن تاریخی وقتی با روایت های پیرامون و بیرونی خود پیوند خورده و تحلیل شود، غیاب را به مثابه نفی حضور نیروهای سرخورده ای در متن اجتماعی ارایه می دهد که هریک، به صورت بالقوه قدرت مشارکت و تغییر در رفتارها و کنش های زندگی روزمره را دارند. روش پژوهش براساس تحلیل مبتنی بر تاریخ اجتماعی در متون عکاسانه خواهد بود، چرا که در این رویکرد، رفتارها، رخدادها و باورها در بافت زندگی روزانه، در روند تحقیق تاریخی دارای اهمیت است. نتیجه گیری ابسنس در قاب عکس، می تواند اشکالی متنوع از قدرت های پنهانی لایه های مختلف اجتماعی را عرضه دارد؛ نیز به جایگاه عناصر غایب در سطح عکس ها پرداخته و توضیح داده شده است که چگونه عکاسی از ابسنس به عنوان مفهومی پست مدرنیستی بهره می برد تا به واسطه غیاب عناصر تاریخی، محتوای متفاوت و قرایت دیگرگونی را از رخداد شکل دهد.

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Problem statement: Today, tourism is one of the most important industries contributing to sustainable development. This industry has created great cultural, social, and economic opportunities for metropolises. Abundant and diverse tourist attractions of Tehran have created a great capacity for this city in terms of tourism. However, this issue has been less investigated so far. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the opportunities and limitations of tourism development in Tehran. It also presents tourism development strategies for Tehran. Research objective: This study seeks to provide strategies for the tourism development of Tehran. Research method: This research is descriptive-analytical. Data for this bibliographical research were collected through relevant literature, documents, and interviews. Data were analyzed using content analysis based on the SWOT model. The subjects of the research were experts of tourism, managers, and experts of organizations and institutions in charge of urban tourism in Tehran. The sample was selected through purposive sampling. The sampling procedure was stopped when the theoretical saturation was achieved. A total of 35 experts were interviewed. Conclusion: Findings of this study show that developing urban tourism in Tehran requires considering different aspects. The most important strategies and suggestions presented in this article are as follows: Strengthening the will power of people and authorities for tourism development, thinking of tourism as networks, forming an integrated destination management system, improving tourism marketing, presenting and promoting a positive image of Tehran, fostering the culture of tourist hospitability and retention, increasing event capacity, and branding Tehran in tourism.

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Problem statement: In researches based on the history of Persian architecture, historic resources that a researcher can rely on for extracting needed information and conducting such studies-except historic buildings themselves-are generally limited. Thus, getting to know, acquiring complete knowledge, and being skilled in the methodologies that can help to extract historical information from historic buildings through reading them, seem necessary. Among the methodologies known and used by researchers for reading historic works of art, Iconology of Erwin Panofsky is the one that seeks the meaning of the work as opposed to its form. This method which has three strata, although in Iran, has been used in historical-interpretive studies in the fields of miniature painting, carpet, or historical objects, less has been used in studies in the field of Persian historic architecture. Research objective: This research primarily seeks to understand if Panofsky’ s iconology is generally applicable for the researches in the field of history of architecture as the research methodology; and secondly, investigates if the method is applicable specifically for studying facades of historic Persian houses, and evaluates the advantages and limitations of the method while being used in this specific field. Research method: Having assured about the general applicability of iconology as a methodology for the history of architecture studies, through performing library research, we read a faç ade of a Qajar-Pahlavi house in Tabriz as a case study, according to three strata of the method. Conclusion: The results indicate that applying Panofsky’ s Iconology to the history of architecture studies as the research methodology is prevalent. They also show that it is applicable especially for studying facades of Persian historic houses; however, the researcher might confront some limitations along with the advantages of using this method.

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Problem statement: Beyond the external form, cultural heritage, carries the meaning that forms its internal and essential aspect. In the protection of works, since, it is necessary to pay attention to both their semantic and formal aspects, it is necessary to pay attention to the “ protection and transmission of meaning” in cultural heritage through an appropriate approach. A wide range of forms of cultural heritage, including the creation of art, writing, principles and approaches in the traditional profession and oral expression, in addition to forming various manifestations of heritage, are also a method and means of transmitting the meaning. Among these, due to their imperceptibility, non-physical methods, have received less attention and their various dimensions take little regard. Consequently, the risk of forgetting and destroying these methods and, of course, the meanings conveyed through them increases. One of these methods is the oral transmission method. Research objective: The present article aims at recognizing the oral method in the protection of works and paving the way for its revival in the protection of Iran’ s spiritual heritage, assuming that the oral transmission of meanings in the spiritual heritage, in many cases, has taken place for reasons beyond the impossibility of written recordings. Therefore, it can be said that this article seeks to answer the question of what capabilities have caused the oral method to be used as one of the methods of transmitting and preserving meanings in traditional societies Research method: Referring to written texts in this paper, some negative and positive reasons for the use of oral methods are analyzed and then their logical analysis is performed. The cause behind choosing this method is its relevance to the essence of meaning. Conclusion: The paper concludes that, based on the interpretations and concepts mentioned in the text of the article, in the oral method, in addition to preserving the meaning from the damage of the incompetent, the meaning continues vividly and dynamically; another result of the paper is that, due to the importance and use of human inner capabilities in accepting and transmitting meaning to revive it in the protection in contemporary meaning, it is necessary to train qualified human beings as bearers of meaning.

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