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In order to evaluate the effect of last irrigation cut-off time and various fertilizer resources on corm of saffron (Crocus sativus L. ), an experiment was conducted in a split-plot arranged as a randomized complete block design with three replications and 18 treatments in a four year research farm of Jihad ministry located in Lalezar village, Bardsir region, Kerman province, in 2015-2016. The experimental treatments were irrigation cut-off time (conventional time (5 May), 15 days before the conventional time (20 April) and 15 days after conventional time (20 May)) assigned to main plot, and nutritional resources (cow manure 40 t ha, hen manure15 t. ha-1, vermicompost 10 t. ha-1, humic acid 2 kg. ha-1, and chemical fertilizer containing 200 kg. ha-1 urea and 140 kg. ha-1 P and K) as subplot. The analysis of variance results showed that the effect of irrigation cut-off treatment was significant on corm fresh, dry weight and average weight (P≤ 0. 05), but had no significant effect on the number of corm per area and number of buds per corm. The results showed that the delay in irrigation cut-off led to a significant decrease in traits. As such, the highest corm fresh (561. 5 g. m-2) and dry (294. 8 g. m-2) weight and average weight of the corm (4. 9 gr) were found in earlier irrigation cut-off treatment (before the conventional time). The effect of fertilizer resources on all the studied traits was significant. All the fertilizer treatments with the exception of humic acid, resulted in a significant increase in corm weight compared to control treatment. Application of vermicompost led to the production of the highest number of corm in m-2 (137. 1), the corm fresh weight (595. 6 g. m-2), dry weight (341 g. m-2) and average weight (4. 30 g). The highest number of buds in corm (3. 83) was found in chemical fertilizer treatment. In general, the results showed that irrigation cut-off in April with the using vermicompost had the best conditions for producing saffron corm in the Bardsir region of Kerman.

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In order to investigate the effect of spreading time and application rates of wheat straw as mulch on Saffron corm and flower yield, a field experiment was conducted as factorial layout based on randomized complete block design with three replications at Gonabad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station, Center for Research and Agricultural Education and Natural Resources of Khorasan Razavi in the years 2015-16. The treatments were all combination of wheat straw in four levels (2, 4, 6 and 8 t. ha-1) and time of wheat straw spreading in three dates (22 June, 6 July and 23August). The results showed that the rate and time of straw application and their interaction had a significant effect on all studied characteristics of saffron flower. Spreading of wheat straw on June 22 compared to July 6 and August 23 had the highest significant effect on increasing flower number, fresh flower yield, dry stigma and style yield (up to 41. 7, 16. 9 and 50 percent, respectively). In addition, all studied criteria of saffron replacement corms were significantly affected by the time of wheat straw spreading, different levels of wheat straw application and their interactions. Among the studied treatments, the highest corm yield in terms of more than 8g (595. 65 g) and total saffron replacement corms yield were obtained in applying 8 t. ha-1 wheat straw at on June 22 (1163 g). Compared to the treatment of 2 tons per hectare, the remnants on the same date show an increase of 112. 2 and 12. 9 percent, respectively.

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In order to increase the quality and yield of saffron, an experiment was conducted in the Alborz province, (Eshtehard), in the year 2016-2017 through the interaction of nitroxin biological fertilizer and irrigation management. The experiment was conducted as split plot in randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The experimental factors included irrigation method (Surface drip Irrigation, Subsurface drip Irrigation (15 cm depth) and Irrigation is Common (conventional area) in the main plot) and biological fertilizer of nitroxin (no fertilizer (control), 2, 4 and 6 lit. ha-1 in the Subplot). The results of this study showed that simple and interaction effects of biological fertilizer application of nitroxin and irrigation management were significant in all measured traits. In order to use optimal water resources, diamond irrigation method (Subsurface drip Irrigation) can be used to reduce irrigation losses and achieve high yield in saffron production. The effects of irrigation management of Subsurface drip Irrigation diameters with biological fertilizer of nitroxin 4 lit. ha-1 were superior to other treatments, so that the highest yield of saffron stigma was observed in this treatment with 5. 8 kg. ha-1.

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Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata is one of the most important plant diseases in the world. In order to determine genetic diversity, 50 samples were collected from saffron farms of different regions in the Razavi Khorasan province (Kashmar, Torbat Jam, Torbat Heydarieh, Mahvellat, Bardeskan) and South Khorasan province (Qaen, Saraian, Brjand). A. alternata isolates were isolated with Potato Dextrose Agar media, Molecular test was carried out with a set of five pairs of SSR primers after purification and identification of isolates. A total of 22 alleles were produced by SSR primers with an average of 11. 1 alleles in all populations. The highest amounts of alleles were related to locus Mavellat with 14 alleles and lowest of Saraian, Birjand and Qaen with 10 alleles. A Comparison of genetic diversity parameters in eight population showed that Torbat Jam population has the highest genetic diversity but lower values were estimated for Qaenat. The highest and lowest genetic distance was detected between Qaen-Mahvellat (0. 328) and Bardaskan-Mahvellat (0. 054), respectively. Based on dendrogram of populations revealed two distinct groups, one group contained Qaen and the other Birjand, Mavellat, Saraian, Bardaskan, Kashmar, Torbat Jam and Torbat Heydarieh. Analysis of molecular variance showed that 71 percent of the genetic diversity belongs to within populations and 29% is located among populations. There was the high genetic similarity between isolates from different regions. The results in this study will be useful in breeding for saffron resistant cultivars and developing necessary control measures.

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Saffron is the most valuable spice in the world. It is genetically a monomorphic clone. However, differences in phenotype and quality have been reported. The most important agro-economically phenotypic variation is the appearance of flowers with more than three stigmas. The main objective of this study was to study the genetic variability of saffron clones with more than 3 stigmas using SSR and ISSR molecular markers. In this research, saffron clones with more than three stigmas were collected along with the corm and the root from Saffron fields of Qaen and Sarayan, South Khorassan province, then transferred as a whole to the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Birjand. The number of stigmas in each flower was counted. Genomic DNA was extracted according to the CTAB method from leaves of the flower with more than three stigmas. Flower with more than three stigmas was larger and had more petals than ordinary ones. The most frequent number of flowers with more than three stigmas was related to four and five stigmas with 38%. Six-spike samples with a frequency of 14% were observed. Among the collected samples, only one specimen with seven stigmas was observed. Of the 48 tested ISSR primers on the bulk of DNA, only 16 primers had amplified bands and selected. The results of agarose gel electrophoresis for ISSR primers amplified the bands ranged from 100 to 1000 bp. By examining the bands formed for ISSR primers, no significant polymorphism was observed between different clones of saffron. Therefore, based on this marker system, no sign of genetic diversity was observed between clones with different number of stigmas. Among the tested SSR markers, 10 primer pairs showed amplified band among the clones. The results of correlation analysis based on Spearman correlation coefficient showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between microsatellite marker alleles and number of stigmas.

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Saffron is one of the most important agricultural and export products whose production is the main source of income in many rural areas in east of the country. However, the yield of saffron farms decreased by almost 36% during 1971-2015. The Gonabad county in the Khorasan Razavi province as one of the largest saffron producers in Iran also faces this problem. Evidences suggest that the high use of chemical inputs, especially chemical fertilizers, can be considered as one of the main causes of yield decrease. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effective factors on use of chemical fertilizers with an emphasis on the role of attitude and awareness of saffron producers. In order to achieve the research objectives, 105 questionnaires were completed based on proportional random sampling and an ordered logit model was carried out. The results showed that two variables of farmers’ attitude towards sustainable agriculture and awareness about yieldreducing factors have negative and significant effects on the probability of chemical fertilizer use. While the variables of farmers’ income, age, education and agricultural insurance have positive and significant effect on the probability of chemical fertilizer use. Therefore, undertaking appropriate policies in order to boost farmers’ attitude towards sustainable agricultural practices and increase the awareness of farmers about the negative and long-term effects of excessive use of chemical fertilizers, encouraging trusted and experienced farmers to reduce the use of fertilizers and reconsidering the content of training courses have a decisive role in enhancing the pattern of chemical fertilizers use.

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Climate changes and phenomena such as drought are effective in the yield of agricultural products. Replacing crisis management with risk management is one of the solutions for these phenomena. With risk assessment before crisis, the amount of damages will be reduced to the minimum amount. In this research, the risk assessment of drought by the Monte Carlo method will be used in order to reduce the damages caused by drought as a natural and uncontrollable phenomenon on saffron product. The monthly Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) of drought and the monthly average temperature are calculated as independent variables in the yield distribution function. The relationship between independent variables (temperature and SPI) and the dependent variable (saffron yield) is established using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). After that, 2000 random data from independent variables are generated using MATLAB and 2000 simulated yields are generated by a trained artificial neural network. Then, the cumulative distribution of the simulated yields are determined and these yields are standardized in order to do unification of the yield data of each city. The risk factor is calculated by choosing a reference station and using the cumulative distribution. The relative risks of the stations are considered after drawing the diagram of Yield-Risk standard factor. The results of the research show that most of the studied years are in the normal range and the drought frequency in the four stations of Khorasan Jonoobi province is twice that of the stations in Khorasan Razavi. Furthermore, the artificial neural network with a correlation coefficient of 0. 85 could predict the yield of the product very well. The similarity of the cumulative distribution diagram of the real yield with the cumulative distribution of the yields simulated by Monte Carlo indicates that the results are correct. At the end the results of this research show that Ghayen has the highest relative risk compared to the reference station (Torbat Heydariyeh) and Nehbandan has the lowest one.

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Low efficiency of water use in the agricultural sector, makes it necessary to adopt strategies for optimization of cropping pattern. Saffron can be the right product in terms of saving water. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of saffron area expansion on the allocation of water resources and increase the income of farmers through the use of a model based on an extended Positive Mathematical Programming model that includes the possibility of future development in cropping patterns, along with water allocation through a production function based on the amount of irrigation water. The required data are collected from 200 questionnaires completed by saffron producers in Torbat Heydarieh and Zaveh counties in the year 2014, classified into three groups of farmers with small, medium and large farms. Using the estimated model, the results showed that the implementation of increase in saffron cultivation scenarios, increase gross profit and reducing water consumption for all three groups of small, medium and large farms; which shows the positive effect of its implementation on conservation and stability of regional water resources. It was also determined that the developed cultivation due to the use of potential lands for saffron cultivation, with an increase of available water resources by 20%, would increase gross profit by 43. 24 percent in small farms, 25. 4 percent in medium farms and 28. 06 percent in large farms. This implies that, in addition to pricing, other strategies to improve water use and water resource management may improve the economic conditions especially on the small farms of this area.

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Analysis of factors affecting exports, especially in relation to new markets in agriculture, is one of the most important factors affecting the growth and development of exports of products such as saffron. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the export of Iranian saffron to the BRICS countries. For this purpose the panel data approach for the period 2015-1990 has been used. The results of the randomized model estimation show that the gross domestic product of the BRICS countries, the real exchange rate and population have positive effects, and the export price has a negative effect on Iranian exports of saffron to the BRICS countries. Regarding the high level of per capita income in BRICS countries and its positive effect on the export rate of saffron, planning and policy making in order to strengthen relations with these countries is an important factor in the development of export of saffron crops. On the other hand, given the low elasticity of imported saffron in these countries, it is suggested that measures be taken to upgrade and improve the packaging and processing of this product, which may lead to a relative increase in prices.

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