Background and Objectives: Approximately 9% of newborns require some assistance to begin breathing at birth. Considering to prevalence of high risk neonates, the aim of this study is to determine causes of low apgar neonatal birth.Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, 150 neonates with apgar score less than 7 at 1st minute and 150 neonates with normal apgar were considered randomly from 2003/08/23 to 2004/08/22 in Alzahra hospital which is the main referral center of high risk pregnancy in the north west of Iran and also 20-25 childbirth take place every day.Results: The most important cause of low apgar score in neonates Preterm labor (case 48/6%, control 11/3%, P<0/001); Congenital anomalies (case 26%, control 2/66%, P<0/001); use of general anesthesia in caesarean section (case 32/8%, control 10/4%, P=0/006); Vaccum extraction (case 8%, control 0/7%, P<0/002); Breech presentation (case 17/3%, control 4/7%, P<0/001); Prolonged labor (case 16/7%, control 3/3%, P<0/001); Aloruptio Placenta (case 0%, control 15/4%, P<0/001); PROM (case 19/3%, control 3/3%, P<0/001).Conclusion: It was concluded that low apgar score is significantly associated with a number of fetus, maternal and delivery factors. Findings demonstrated that the main related factors to low apgar score are preterm labor, and utilization of general anesthesia in caesarean labor. The support of vaginal labor, local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia as well as prevention of preterm labor is the practical ways to prevent from low apgar score of newborn infants.