In recent decades, social capital has been one of the issues that have found great attention from researchers. It arises due to numerous factors, and affects important organizational elements in organizations. Using the meta-analysis method, this study aims at the quantitative compilation of the results of previous studies on the factors effective on social capital management and its consequences in Iran. The Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software has been used to analyze the obtained data. In this research project, 20 independent variables and 35 dependent variables were identified in 83 related studies. The results of the meta-analysis on social capital in organizations showed that the variables of human capital, organizational citizenship behavior, ethical intelligence, organizational strategies, organizational justice, social networks, organizational intelligence, vertical communications, transformational leadership, and social responsibility had the greatest effects on the formation and enhancement of social capital in the organizations. Also, the results of this study showed that social capital affects important organizational variables such as organizational health, participation, organizational success, organizational excellence, quality of life, job satisfaction, team effectiveness, knowledge management, talent management, accountability, performance improvement, Customer-orientation, organizational learning, intellectual capital, value creation, vitality and happiness, and organizational commitment.