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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In recent years, special attention has been paid to corporate sustainability, both in the business model and in the case of companies that have been eliminated from the competition, their lack of attention to such areas as corporate social responsibility, the creation of shared values with the stakeholders, and appropriate governance corporation. The present study intends to design an integrated, sustainable corporate developmental model based on the corporate social responsibility, the corporate governance, and the creation of shared value in general. This study is a descriptive-correlational research project and is a descriptive-correlational one in terms of purpose. The statistical population consists of 13 companies that have received the national award. The data was collected from available sample cases through questionnaires and was analyzed by AMOS software. The results indicate that corporate social responsibility with a strength rate of 69%, and the creation of shared value with a 63% intensity rate can affect the company's development sustainability. On the other hand, corporate governance improves the corporate social responsibility and generates shared value for stakeholders. It has also an indirect impact on the sustainability of companies with a strength rate of 27%.

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The economic fluctuations and cycles of prosperity and stagnation have always faced investors with concerns over predicting firms’ economic prospect and the factors affecting it. The models of financial status provide an overview of the economic status and performance of the firms to stakeholders, and on the other hand, social capital (as an economic source and intangible asset) plays a fundamental role in the success and fulfillment of business goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between social capital and the financial status of companies. In this regard, the study has relied on the cognitive (including religiosity, family values, and collectivism) and structural (including relations with other companies and relationship with government) variables as indicators of social capital and Altman's modified model as an indicator of financial status. The research sample includes 119 companies from Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2009 to 2017, and the hypothesis testing method is the multivariable regression model in the panel data set. The results showed that the cognitive and structural social capital indicators have a positive relationship with the financial status of business units. Therefore, social capital can have a decisive role in the business perspective and decision-making models of investors.

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In recent decades, social capital has been one of the issues that have found great attention from researchers. It arises due to numerous factors, and affects important organizational elements in organizations. Using the meta-analysis method, this study aims at the quantitative compilation of the results of previous studies on the factors effective on social capital management and its consequences in Iran. The Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software has been used to analyze the obtained data. In this research project, 20 independent variables and 35 dependent variables were identified in 83 related studies. The results of the meta-analysis on social capital in organizations showed that the variables of human capital, organizational citizenship behavior, ethical intelligence, organizational strategies, organizational justice, social networks, organizational intelligence, vertical communications, transformational leadership, and social responsibility had the greatest effects on the formation and enhancement of social capital in the organizations. Also, the results of this study showed that social capital affects important organizational variables such as organizational health, participation, organizational success, organizational excellence, quality of life, job satisfaction, team effectiveness, knowledge management, talent management, accountability, performance improvement, Customer-orientation, organizational learning, intellectual capital, value creation, vitality and happiness, and organizational commitment.

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National security is a multidimensional issue, and the responsibility of governments to provide these services to citizens, as well as their abuse of this issue, has added to its complexity in consolidating its political position. In the simplest definition of national security, it is the security of people who are governed by a legal system in a particular geography. Naturally, the security of this social environment is needed and the dangers that threaten the existence of this issue must be eliminated. According to the national security theory, this threat elimination includes security, political, social, economic and environmental threats. According to this theory, the threats whose elimination is suggested in the Quran for the purpose of achieving national security in those days are only social and economic threats. The military threat that could destroy the intended community of the Quran, i. e. Mecca, was removed through the divine miracle of the Flights of Birds, and the political threat posed by the primitive nature of that society and the lack of a consolidated government was not a threat, even with the criteria of the states of that era. The environmental threat was essentially non-existent.

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The access to drinkable water as a fundamental right and the sustainable management of resources are critical, social and political issues. In this study, efforts have been made to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the participation of people in the optimal use of water through the social marketing approach. In this regard, 23 factors were identified in 4 categories. In order to appropriate these factors to the conditions of the organization under study (i. e. Water and Sewerage Department of Eastern Tehran Province), experts’ consensus was obtained. Then, using group-fuzzy AHP and via the cooperation of the experts, the importance of every factor and sub-factor was determined. The disagreement rate for every table was less than 0. 1. After determining the importance of the factors on the one hand and calculating the gap between them and the optimal state on the other hand, the IPA-G-FGAHP technique was used to determine the best scenario. To this end, the weighted gap was calculated, and based on the organizations' ability to implement each of them, the final priorities were determined. According to the findings, the scenarios of using the expert research team, welcoming new ideas, providing the consumers with incentive plans, and linking the organization and the university were prioritized.

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Social capital is a community-based phenomenon, and therefore situational. So, it plays its role and function well if it is in line with the indigenous culture of any society, including the Islamic Iran. However, due to the supremacy of western ideas in scientific topics and concepts, attention to scientific concepts from the dominant cultural and religious perspective in the Islamic society of Iran has become insignificant. Nonetheless, the monotheistic spirit ruling the Islamic-Iranian identity has made it necessary to review the scientific concepts in the field of management, including the concept of social capital, from an Islamic perspective. In this regard, developing the concept of social capital based on Islamic teachings and sources in general and the Holy Quran (Creator's Word) in particular is vital and necessary. Therefore, in this research, it was tried to use the Holy Quran to find out a framework for social capital from the perspective of this Holy book. This study is developmental in terms of aim and qualitative in terms of methodology. Considering that in this study the achievement of a deep understanding of the concept of social capital from the Holy Quran point of view was sought, the research method used in this section was qualitative case study. In order to explore the components of social capital in the Holy Quran, avoid any mental bias in extracting the components, and accelerate getting to the conclusions, we focused on the Holy Quran and used Tafsir Rahnama and Tafsir Nemooneh to examine all chapters of this Holy book in accordance with cyclical process of analysis (consisting of four phases, namely information gathering, revision of data, information organization and analysis, interpretation and conclusion). In order to get a better and quicker understanding of the concept of social capital based on the Holy Quran, the discovered cases were formulated in a coherent framework including the foundations, dimensions, and the consequences of social capital as well as spiritual orientation.

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