Successful treatment of malignant diseases by radiotherapy depends on a precise control of quality of treatment. So far, a through and precise quality control program has not yet been implemented at Tabriz Radiotherapy center. In this study, a quality assurance program, especially in relation to the system and to the treatment planning of patients, has been carefully implemented. This program included quality assessment of all parts of the CO-60 machine, mechanically and geometrically, output dose of the machine, and quality of protection of personnel and patients. About 204 therapy patients were selected for which treatment planning were carefully controlled. These treatment procedures were compared with those currently used at Tabriz Radiotherapy center. To determine the flatness of the field, profile curves have also been drawn.
After the completion of the study, the followings were found and concluded: 1.Five mechanical errors, 2. Good conditions of electrical and radiological safety, 3. Good conditions of central axis dose rate and tray factor, 4. Significant difference in wedge factors ( -1.52% to -14.86% ), 5. A reduction of 0.02% - 3.62% in the prescribed dose when not calculating the effective fields, as applied to 20 patients, and 6. Lack of flatness by 1% - 2% of a 10.10 cm2 field area.
Assessments by calculation and controlling the methods applied to all the parameters affecting the treatment planning, showed that quality of treatment of this center is fairly good. However, due to the large number of patients accepted from a large number in the waiting list and also the lack of enough facilities for treatment, treatment procedures have not been completely prescribed or applied. Therefore, for more effective treatment of patients, it is highly crucial and is highly recommended to establish at least one more radiotherapy center with highly qualified radiotherapists and medical physicists.