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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim. This study aimed to investigate the effect of clinical follow-up by a nurse on improving self-care behaviors in people with heart failure. Background. People with heart failure are frequently hospitalized. One of the main reasons for hospitalization of these patients is the individual's inability to perform self-care behaviors. One of the ways that can help to improve self-care is clinical follow-up of these patients by nurses. Method. This study was a randomized clinical trial which was conducted between October 2015 to May 2016 in Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center in Tehran. Eighty patients were recruited from the patients hospitalized in cardiac intensive care units and randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Patients in experimental group received clinical follow-up by a nurse every two weeks by phone or in person. The control group received routine follow-up after discharge. Self-care behaviors were assessed by the checklist before intervention and three month after intervention. The data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings. The mean score of self-care behaviors, before intervention was 2. 64± 1. 62 in control group and 2. 02± 1. 62 in the experimental group, and there was no statistically significant difference between groups. After intervention, the mean score of self-care behaviors in control and experimental group were 2. 38± 2. 50 and 0. 93± 7. 82, respectively and a statistically significant difference was found between the groups (p≤ 0. 0001). Conclusion: Clinical follow-up by a nurse can improves self-care behaviors in people with heart failure and help to lessen the burden.

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Aim. The present study was conducted to compare the effect of e-learning and lecture education on critical care nurses' performance about cardiovascular medication. Background. The present time is known as the technology development time, and the educational institutions have undergone major changes. The complex learning process should not be limited to classroom and the use of e-learning can help to overcome some barriers of traditional methods of education in nursing. Method. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 70 nurses working in intensive care units of social security hospitals in Isfahan province in 2017. They were recruited to the study and allocated randomly to either lecture (n=35) or e-learning (n=35) group. Nurses’ performance was evaluated by the questionnaire of cardiovascular medication before and after the interventions, and the effect of two methods of e learning and lecture training on nurses’ performance scores was compared. Findings. Both lecture and e-learning methods had a statistically significant effect on nurses' medication performance (P≤ 0. 0001). However, no statistical significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of changes in nurses' medication performance. Conclusion. E-learning can be a substitute for lecture education in-service-training of pharmacology topics for critical care nurses.

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Aim. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supportive interventions on resiliency components and quality of life among family caregivers of people with advanced heart failure. Background. Advanced heart failure is a costly, progressive and chronic disease that reduces resilience and quality of life among family caregivers. Method. In a randomized clinical trial study that was conducted as a before-after design with control group and follow-up one month after intervention. One hundred family caregivers of people with advanced heart failure, admitted to Shahid Rajaie Cardiovascular and Medical Research Center, were randomly assigned into experimental and control group. The family support interventions package included participation in group training workshops for 6 sessions (2 sessions/week in three consecutive weeks) for the experimental group. Resilience Scale (Connor-Davidson) and Quality of Life (SF-36) questionnaire were used to collect the data, before, after and one month after intervention. Data were analyzed in statistical software SPSS 23 using statistical tests related to the distribution of variables including Chi-square, Fisher, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney test, and independent and paired t-test. Findings. At baseline, the mean score of resilience and the overall score of quality of life showed no statistically significant difference between the groups. After intervention, there was a statistically significant difference in terms of the mean score of resilience between the experimental (64. 06± 11) and control (48. 34± 16. 23) group (P<0. 05). Also, the overall score of quality of life after intervention was statistically significant between the experimental (70± 12. 91) and control (50. 82± 17. 73) group (P<0. 05). The results of paired t-test showed that one month after the end of the intervention, in the experimental group, the mean score of resilience (63. 08 ± 10. 15) and the overall score of quality of life (69. 82± 12. 70) remained constant, indicating the sustainability of the effect of interventions after one month (P>0. 05). Conclusion. As part of a holistic program, the results of this study can be a guide to setting up a centralized unit for the education and support of family caregivers of people with chronic heart disease, a unit in which, in addition to social support and mental health education, their needs in terms of knowledge of the disease and participation in the care of their patients would be met.

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Aim. This study was conducted to compare self-efficacy, life expectancy and death anxiety in people with and without heart disease. Background. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of mortality in many countries including Iran. This chronic disease may affects self-efficacy, life expectancy and death anxiety. Method. The present study was a comparative study in which 75 people with heart admitted to Seyyed AlShohada hospitals, Urmia, Iran were compared with 75 individuals without heart disease in terms of selfefficacy, life expectancy and death anxiety. To collect the data, the Snyder Life Expectancy Questionnaire, General Sherer's Manual, and Thompson's Death Fear was used. Data were analyzed in SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings. This study showed a statistically significant difference between people with and without heart disease in self-efficacy (51. 36± 9. 11 against 66. 30± 10/60) (P≤ 0. 0001) and life expectancy (39. 66± 8. 78 against 46. 12± 6. 87) (P≤ 0. 0001). No statistical significant difference was found between the groups in terms of death anxiety. Conclusion. It is recommended to take actions for improving self-efficacy and life expectancy in people with heart disease.

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Aim. This study was conducted to evaluate effect of bedside teaching on critical care nurses' performance in airway suctioning Background. One of the most effective measures in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation is suctioning the trachea to prevent the accumulation of potentially infectious pulmonary secretions and to clear the airway which is carried out by critical care nurses. If suctioning cannot be correctly performed, some complications may occur. Method. This was a quasi-experimental study in which the study sample consisted of 54 critical care nurses working in Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center, Tehran, Iran. The nurses were recruited through convenience sampling based on inclusion criteria. Critical care nurses’ performance in airway suctioning were evaluated before and two weeks after intervention using a checklist. The intervention included bedside teaching of suction procedure. Findings. Two weeks after intervention, the mean score of performance in airway suctioning increased significantly (P≤ 0. 0001). Hand washing or using hand was recorded only for 16 nurses before intervention and for 35 nurses after intervention. Maintaining catheter sterility during suctioning was considered by 28 nurses before intervention, and by 40 nurses after intervention. Correct procedure documentation and recording secretion characteristics before and after intervention were carried out by 13 and 34 nurses, respectively. While activating suction during bringing the catheter out of endotracheal tube was done by 31 nurses before intervention, after intervention 41 nurses did so. Conclusion. Bedside teaching of correct airway suctioning for critical care nurses enhance their performance in this procedure.

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Aim. This paper aims to review the effect of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) method on treatment of drug poisoning caused by calcium blockers and beta-blockers. Background. A large proportion of cardiovascular drug poisoning is associated with calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers. Among the various and severe symptoms of poisoning with these drugs, treatment of resistant shock or acute respiratory distress is considered as a challenge. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation can be used as one of the effective therapies for this type of poisoning. Method. This study is a literature review that was conducted through searching out databases Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed with keywords "Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "ECMO", "Calcium channel blocker" and "Beta blocker" in the title, abstract, and keywords of the articles. The articles with focus on the effects of ECMO on treatment of poisoning caused by calcium blocker and beta-blocker drugs were selected and reviewed. Findings. Twenty articles were included, in which 23 patients with beta-blocker or calcium blocker poisoning were reported to be treated with ECMO as an adjunct device. VA-ECMO and VV-ECMO were used in 22 and one of cases, respectively. In general, the use of ECMO has been completely successful in more than 90 percent of those patients who suffered from cardiovascular drug poisoning. Conclusion. In view of the newness of ECMO and the lack of clinical trials in this subject, the results of reported case studies indicate a high success rate of this method in treatment of calcium and beta-blockers poisoning. It is recommended this treatment to be considered by healthcare team to treat beta-blocker or calcium blocker poisoning.

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Aim. The purpose of this study was to review the patient– and family-centered care studies in coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Background. Nowadays, the length of hospital stay after cardiac surgery is reduced, and the most of the patients recover at home with their families without usual nursing and medical care. It is necessary to provide the care based on the same needs. Methods. This is a comprehensive review of literature published between 1990-2018 about patient-and family-centered care interventions and patient/family important outcomes in adult ICUs that was conducted through searching out databases and search engines Medline, Ovid, Science Direct, PubMed and Google scholar, including English and Persian papers. In total, 73 English papers and 46 Persian papers were found, out of which 25 papers were included in this review. Findings. Engaging families in patient care can profoundly influence clinical decision making and patient outcomes. Yet in many hospitals and health care systems, outdated visiting policies separate families and other loved ones during hospital stays. Conclusion. Patient– and family-centered care is associated with better clinical outcomes. The clinical benefits that have been identified through a family partnership approach in these settings include decreased mortality, increased satisfaction, improved adherence to treatment regimens, and decreased readmission rates. Although high-quality interventional studies are needed to further evaluate the effectiveness of patient-and family-centered care in coronary artery bypass surgery, it is obvious this movement in healthcare is making a huge impact on family satisfaction and patient outcomes.

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