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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The study area is located in Hamedan Province adjacent to Alvand plutonic body in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Various contact and regional metamorphic rocks, from low to high grade exist in contact of Alvand plutonic body including schists, hornfelses and migmatites. Kyanite-bearing rocks volumetrically are not widespread but occur as various outcrops (in migmatite, hornfels and quartz-kyanite veins). Kyanite occurs in these rocks with minerals such as andalusite, sillimanite, staurolite and sometimes cordierite with a matrix of quartz, biotite and muscovite and sometimes plagioclase. In the Hamedan region, kyanites can be divided into three major types: 1-Kyanites in the rock matrix, 2-Kyanites pseudomorphs after andalusite porphyroblasts, and 3-Kyanites in aluminosilicates veins. Since, triple or diploid intergrowth of aluminosilicate are not seen in thin sections, it can be concluded that they formed in different stages of metamorphism. Regional metamorphism in the area resembles Buchan-type metamorphism but addition of kyanite to mineral assemblages converted to Barrovian-type metamorphism. The composition of garnet is plotted near almandine, biotite composition, often located in the field of siderophyllite ande composition of plagioclase crystals is andesine in these rocks and staurolite is iron-rich. In thermometry by Ti and XMg in biotite, mesosome of migmatites show temperature of 633˚ C and biotites in hornfelses show temperature 483˚ C to 587˚ C. In thermometry by cation exchange, garnet-biotite (average temperature by all of the calibrations) temperature for hornfels is about 524˚ C to 580˚ C and for migmatite 618˚ C, respectively. In barometry equilibrium thermodynamics method (GPBQ) gives pressure of 3. 8 kbar and (GASP) method gives 4. 1 kbar for mesosome of kyanite-bearing migmatites.

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The change in composition of clay minerals is possible in uncultivated lands that sugarcane is cultivated for many years. For this study, mineralogical properties of soil samples from described profiles in four farms with more than 15 years cultivation were determined and compared with nearby uncultivated lands and farms under rotation cultivation. The results showed that expandable minerals were abundant in the Ap horizon of the cultivated soils, unlike in the uncultivated soils, while only small amounts were found in C horizons of cultivated soils. Also, the surface horizons of the uncultivated soils contain more palygorskite than the surface of cultivated soil, but this subject is not seen in depth of profils. These changes are more observable in soils under sugarcane cultivation in comparison with soils under rotation cultivation because of the differences in irrigation, biomass production and food requirments and therefore intensive cropping and strong irrigation over a long time could result to the changes in soil minerals and other factors such as soil nutrient requirements.

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Jalambadan mineralization is located in northwest of Sabzevar, Khorasan Razavi Province, and in the southwestern Quchan-Sabzevar magmatic arc. Geology of the area consists of Eocene andesitic to trachyandesitic volcanic rocks, which are intruded by monzodioritic to dioritic subvolcanic units. Mineralization occurs in intrusive rocks and surrounded volcanic units as disseminated. Pyrite is the main primary mineral and malachite, hematite, goethite, and limonite are the secondary minerals. Well alteration developed in this area and the mineralogy of them consist of quartz, sericite, kaolinite, chlorite, epidote, and calcite. Gold anomaly is between 0. 018 to up to 2 ppm and copper content is maximum 509 ppm, especially at eastern half of the area. Monzodioritic to dioritic intrusive rocks had major role in mineralization. The texture of intrusions is porphyry and plagioclase, pyroxene, and hornblende are the common minerals. Geochemically, the intrusions are calc-alkaline I-type granitoids, which are formed in subduction zone from partial melting (7 to 15%) of spinel lherzolite. Based on tectonic setting, geology, type and development of alteration and mineralization, and geochemical anomaly, Jalmbadan occurrence is porphyry Au± Cu mineralization.

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Varcheh gabbroic pluton is located in Markazi Province and is part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. This pluton is gabbro to monzo-gabbro of alkaline nature. Based on condrite normalized spider diagrams, the REE pattern displays enrichment of LREE (100 times) and HREE (10 times). In addition, based on primitive mantle normalized spider diagrams, they display enrichment of HFS elements (Zr, Ti, P). Absence of negative anomaly of Nb is due to alkaline nature. Behavior of Zr, Nb, Yb, La, and Sm elements show that the primary magma is derived from enriched mantle by the partial melting of 10%-15% of the spinel-garnet lherzolite, respectively. This magmatism can be related to deep faults and crustal thickening by the Neotethys subduction. The Plagioclase composition in gabbroic pluton is in the range of oligoclase to labradorite and clinopyroxene composition is mainly diopside. The clinopyroxene composition shows that they were crystallized from an alkaline magma. On the basis of geothermobarometry, crystallization-temperature of diopside is estimated to be about 1150° C to 1200 ° C and crystallization-pressure for the diopside is between 3-7 kb.

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The Kahak-Abbasabad Eocene magmatic belt is situated in the northeast edge of Central Iran Zone and extended from Davarzan in the west of Sabzevar to Mayamey in the east of Shahrood. Rock units of the study area include an alternation of basic-intermediate volcanic rocks (olivine basalt, basalt, Trachybasalt, trachyandesitic basalt, trchyandesite and andesite) and pyroclastic–sedimentary rocks (varieties of tuffs, breccia, agglomerate, sandstone, shale, conglomerate, nummolitic limestone and tuffuceous limestone), which belong to Upper-Middle Eocene, and sedimentary rocks of Oligocene and Quaternary. The volcanic rocks of this belt form a continuous fractional series, originated from a same parental basaltic magma. Hence, the basaltic-andesitic lava flows are pyroxene porphyry, plagioclase porphyry and pyroxene-plagioclase porphyry; they are favorable for Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) studies. According to calculations of this research, plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts of the volcanic rocks have been grown in magmatic chamber in time range of 86. 20 to 118. 01 years with nucleation rates from 1. 48×10-10 to 1. 56×10-10 mms-1and in time range of 3. 21 ×104 to 6. 34×104 years with nucleation rates from 0. 55×10-3 to 2×10-5mms-1, respectively.

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about 50 Km northwest of Bardeskan, Eocene volcanic and volcano sedimentary rocks of magmatic belt of north central Iran structural zone are host of Abri copper deposit. Volcanic rocks dominantly have andesitic, basalt and andesitic basalt composition, and manifested such as submarine lava flows, brecciated lavas in the present of water (agglomerate), or ash and fragmented volcanic rocks (tuffites), and they are associated with sedimentary rocks with compositional range of nummolite bearing limestone, marl and shale. Andesitic and andesitic basalts belong to medium to high potassium calc-alkaline magmatic series. Variations pattern of trace elements and rare earth elements, enrichment in LREE compared with HREE with enrichment in LILE and depletion in HSFE indicators of their affiliation to subduction zones and depletion in Nb and in some cases Ti, high concentrations of Pb, Ba, K and Th, are indicatores of crustal contamination of magma forming of the studied rocks. Geochemical characteristics indicate that magma forming of the mentined rocks produce by partial melting of metasomatized overlay mantle wedge which affected by fluids originated from dehydration of metamorphosed subducted oceanic slab up to amphibolite facies and slab associated sediments. With respect to regional geochemical features, northward sunduction of Sabzevar (Darouneh branch) Neothetys oceanic slab beneath the southern margin of Touran continental plate resulted in the formation of the NW Bardeskan continental volcanic arcs.

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The study area is part of Karaj Formation in the southern city of Zanjan and is located in the central Iran zone. Rocks of the study area consists of pyroclastic, igneous and sedimentary rocks. Igneous rocks in this aria consist of two categories: acidic (rhyiolite and rhyiodasite) and basic (basaltic andesite). Sahle section in terms of lithology can be equal of the lower shale and middle tuff of the Karaj Formation in type section, but compared with Kord Kand in terms of lithology is different. The type of sedimentary units, pyroclastic units and volume of basaltic andesite and andesitic lavas are different. Low Mg# and low MgO, Cr and Ni indicate that magma-generation rocks of the study area is evolution magma. The tectonic environment of the igneous rocks associated with subduction and is continental arc. Probably Magma-generation rocks of the region is evolution magma that is made from a mantle wedge metasomatism a watery fluid caused by the subduction of the lithosphere.

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In this research, mineralogy, geochemistry and SEM micrographs of clinker and Portland cement of Orumiyeh Cement factory were studied by Clinkers Polished sections and SEM micrographs as well as chemical analysis of clinker and Portland cements were done by XRF method in the Orumiyeh cement factory chemical lab and bogue chemical indices were calculated. Also, lime saturation factor, silica and alumina ratios were also used to compare the Orumiyeh cements and clinker by universal standards. The results show the presence of alite, belite, quartz and aluminate phases in polished sections, the necessary fuel is a type of gas fields, the rate of increasing the temperature in the kiln is very much, the rate of cooling is weak and burning the clinker has been performed during a long time. Also the Orumiyeh clinker and Portland cement type 2 have significant conformation to clinker and cement universal standards.

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Erythrite (Co3 (AsO4)28H2O) is one of the rare arsenic minerals which belong to the vivianite group. A recent discovery in Tarikdarreh prospect area (northeastern Iran) found erythrite along with scorodite and hydroxides of iron have been recognized as a supergene alteration product of primary arsenic mineral in surface arsenopyrite ± pyrite mineralization veins zones. A specimen of erythrite has pale red to shiny pink color and aggregates to form into a bright red color star with a radial structure. When observed under a microscope it is elongated in C crystal axial with pleochroism. This mineral has a monoclinic system, space group C2/m and the unit-cell parameter constants are a = 10. 251, b = 13. 447, c = 4. 764, β = 104. 98. The crystalline structure of this mineral forms chains of tetrahedral of arsenic, octahedra of cobalt-iron which bind with oxygen and hydrogen. Scanning electron microscope images of this crystal exhibit a timber shape and SEM-EDX analysis have confirmed As, Co elements in this crystal structure and chemical composition. An XRD examination reveals arsenopyrite as the main sulphide phase in the mineralization zone and analysis by ICP-Mass have shown that they have high levels of cobalt element. Surface weathering of arsenopyrite has provided aqueous species of cobalt and arsenide for crystallization erythrite. On the other hand erythrite can only be stable in the range of 6 to 8 pH conditions, and then Eh-pH condition has an important role in controlling the stability and solubility of erythrite.

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Hamyerd iron deposit is located about 74 km north east of Semnan, in the Jam area. This area is situated in the northern part of Central Iran structural zone. The outcrops are Middle-Eocene volcanic and pyroclastic rocks with andesite to andesite-basalt and tuff composition, which are intruded by some intrusive bodies of monzonite to monzodiorite composition in this area. Iron mineralization is occurred at the contact between intrusive bodies with volcanic rocks. Widespread presence of hematite with minor contents of magnetite, pyrite, barite, and calcite is the main characteristic of mineralization in Hamyerd deposit. Mineralization is occurred as veins and lenses of hematite with leser amounts of magnetite. According to geochemical properties, the sub-volcanic intrusive body of Hamyerd is calc-alkaline and high K calc-alkaline and meta-aluminous in nature, belonging to I-type volcanic arc granitoids. Enrichment of LIL elements compared with HFS and negative anomaly of Nb and Ti and the samples plot within the VAG field suggest that the sub-volcanic intrusive body of Hamyerd has formed in a volcanic arc environment, related to the subduction zone.

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Spid pluton with Neogene age outcrop in the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic belt. Amphibole in this intrusion is calcic and magmatic and its composition corresponds to magnesiohornblende to actinolite which reflects the type I granitoid. Geobarometry calculations show that the amphibole crystalized at pressure of 2. 5 to 3. 7 kbr corresponding to a depth of 8 to 12 km. Based on geothermometry of hornblende-plagioclase pairs and amphibole, a temperature of 752 to 865 ° C is estimated for crystallization of these two minerals at the Spid pluton. In addition, log ƒO2 for this pluton equals to-12. 18 to-15. 27, which reflects relatively high oxygen fugacity in magma and indicates the formation of this pluton in the subduction zone.

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The study area is located in Tertiary plutonic belt of Lut Block. Tertiary intrusive injection in Cretaceous limestone caused the formation of skarn in this region. Injection intrusive changes the texture and mineralogy of limestone and skarn or marble formed. A lens-shaped iron mineralization mainly occurred in the border of intrusions and calcareous unit. Petrological studies show that the whole combination intrusive quartz-monzonite, quartz monzonite to granodiorite variables. These granitoids are sub-alkaline series and they are meta-aluminous. Geochemical features show that they belong to I-type granitoids. Enrichment in Light rare earth elements (LREE) rather than HREE and a slight negative anomaly of Eu are important evidence that show the intrusions were formed in a magmatic belt on subductions zone and belong to calc-alkaline volcanic arc setting in active continental margins. Different geochemical graphs show consistency granitoid intrusions in south of Moein Abad with iron skarn-related intrusions.

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The Kermanshah ophiolite complex is located in outer Zagros ophiolitic belt and consists of both mantle and crustal suites as remnants of southern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean in Iran. Chemical composition determinative diagram of minerals indicates that olivine in dunite, harzburgite and lherzolites has forsteritic composition and in wherlitic rocks is chrysolite in composition likewise orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in these rocks are enstatitic and diopside to augitic composition respectively. Textural evidence such as exsolution lamellae of clinopyroxene in orthopyroxene and chain-like grains of spinel in minerals of ultramafic rocks of Sahneh, Harsin-Nourabad and Myanrahan region displaying clear evidence of cooling with decompression, partial melting and melt-rock reactions. Very low modal of clinopyroxene, Mg rich olivines and high Cr# content and Cr/Al ratio of chromian spinel from ultramafic cumulates indicate that dunites and harzburgitic rocks have formed by high degrees of partial melting. Calculated TiO2, Al2O3 and FeO/MgO ratio in the parental melt that was in equilibrium with chromian spinels and also all of used discrimination diagrams are compatible with a forearc boninitic magma (such as picrites or island arc tholeiites) in supra-subduction zone setting.

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Late Neoproterozoic (548-579 million years ago) metamorphic-igneous Shotor Kuh complex is cropped out in SE Shahrood, consist of a various range of rocks including metabasite, metapelite, metagraywake, metapsammite and metacarbonate. Metapelites include phyllite to gnessis and migmatite. Metamorphism intensity in the highest degree, progressed to anatexy and formation of granitic melts. Thermobarometery results of metapelites can be correlated by the greenschist to amphibolite facies (T= 457-641 ° C and P= 6-13 Kbar). According to the results, The primarily sedimentary sequences (prtolith of Shotor-Koh metamorphic-igneous complex) formed during intracontinental extensional-rifting regim in the sea-ocean basins. These sea-ocean basins, have been closed during Cadomian orogeny event, metamorphosed and consist of tectonic melange or accretionary prisms which thrusted on the neghibours continental crust.

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The granite-gneiss body of Abadchi area (vicinity of Zayandeh-Rud dam) is a part of Sanandaj-Sirjan tectonic zone. The mineralogical composition of the granite-gneisses contains quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and muscovite and minor minerals of opaque, zircon, amphibole and allanite. The granite-gneiss rocks have been influenced by deformation dynamics and weakly Na-metazomatism. Geochemically, these rocks are calcic to calc-alkali, ferroan to magnesian, peraluminous to slightly metaluminous and are A to I-type granitoid. On the bases of chondrite-normalized REE diagram, they show a relatively enrichment in LREES rather than HREES with negative Eu anomalies. On primitive-mantle normalized spider diagrams, the rocks display relatively enrichment in LILE and LREE rather than HFSE which represent the magmatic rocks depending on arc and collision setting. This granite-gneiss is formed in post-collisional tectonic setting.

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KuhSefid Flourite deposit is located about 110 km south east of Mashhad. Geological units of the region related to Kashafroud Formation with Jurassic age. Most of fluorite mineralization can be seen along the faults with direction of north west-south east. Fluorite veins are differente in diameter of 2 to 2. 5 m and length of 50 m. Hydrothermal solutions with maximum and minimum temperatures of 181⁰ C and 125⁰ C with the average temperature of 152⁰ C in protraction of faults, cracks and fragments, have created mineral substance. Geological evidences, petrography, mineralization and homogeneous temperature of fluids inclusion, are the evidences that concluded the Fluorite mineralization as Epithermal.

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This is the first report on sepiolite occurrences from ultramafics of Nain ophiolitic sequence. Sepiolite is a hydrous clay mineral with fibrous structure that is very important for industrial applications due to properties. Formation of sepiolite is related to several reactions in ultramafics of Nain ophiolite. This process is carried out in three main stages. At first, the hydrothermal fluids have been affected on ultramafic rocks so they altered to serpentinite. The influx of CO2-H2O bearing fluids along shear zones in serpentinized and brecciated ultrabasics caused dissolution and carbonatization of serpentinites. During the carbonation of serpentinite, reaction between ultrabasics with hydrothermal fluids have led to formation of Mg and/or SiO2 bearing solutions at low temperatures, and finally, sepiolite resulted from interaction of CO2, H2O rich hydrothermal fluids.

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The emplacement of Oligo-Miocene age Sheyvardagh intrusive body within the older carbonate and volcanoclastic rocks is responsible for contact metamorphism and creating of Mazraeh deposit in epidote-garnet exoskarn of Western Alborz-lesser Caucasus metallogenic belt. Mineralogical paragenesis consist of magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, hematite, goethite and malachite and main mineralization stage occurs in retrograde skarn phase. Trace element analysis show the effects of meteoric fluids on intrusive body during the Skarnification. Two types of fluid inclusions were identified in quartz and calcite minerals of retrograde skarn stage. (L) type is recognize with low-medium salinity and low homogenization temperature range (120-356° ) and (L埤 ( type is identified in high salinity and slightly higher homogenization temperature range (227-375° ). Both of inclusion types entrapped in retrograde skarn stage. (L) inclusions originated from metamorphic fluids and (L埤 (inclusions originated from magmatic – meteoric mixing fluids. Isothermal minxing and surface fluid dilution are main evolution factors in mineralization fluids. Microthermometric values in ore formation stage are conformable with pressure (100 bar) and depth figures (350-400 meters). Mazraeh skarn deposit is characterized as an shallow skarn.

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The reaction of 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde with 4-nitrosulfonylhydrazide under refluxing led to co-crystalline compound contains N'-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzylidene)-4-nitro benzenesulfonylhydrazide (a sulfonamide-Schiff base compound) and 1, 2-bis (2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidenehydrazine) (I). A medium strong hydrogen bonds in 1 links the oxygen atoms of one molecule of 1, 2-bis(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidenehydrazine) to the NH group of the N'-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzylidene)-4-nitrobenzenesulfonylhydrazide and is responsible for establishing of co-crystals. Compound 1 was characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction method. Crystallographic data for 1 was collected at 95 K. The synthesized compound has been crystallized in monoclinic system with P21/n space group and a = 6. 6771(2) Å , b = 19. 2072(6) Å , c = 17. 3980(1) Å , β = 95. 56(3)º cell parameters. The final R value is 0. 037 for 07 independent reflections.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The reaction of 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde with 4-nitrosulfonylhydrazide under refluxing led to co-crystalline compound contains N'-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzylidene)-4-nitro benzenesulfonylhydrazide (a sulfonamide-Schiff base compound) and 1, 2-bis (2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidenehydrazine) (I). A medium strong hydrogen bonds in 1 links the oxygen atoms of one molecule of 1, 2-bis(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidenehydrazine) to the NH group of the N'-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzylidene)-4-nitrobenzenesulfonylhydrazide and is responsible for establishing of co-crystals. Compound 1 was characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction method. Crystallographic data for 1 was collected at 95 K. The synthesized compound has been crystallized in monoclinic system with P21/n space group and a = 6. 6771(2) Å , b = 19. 2072(6) Å , c = 17. 3980(1) Å , β = 95. 56(3)º cell parameters. The final R value is 0. 037 for 07 independent reflections.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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