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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study was done to investigate the effects of the strengths-based school counseling on the career development and the academic well-being of students. The research method was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest design and two control groups. The population included all male students from high schools of Isfahan in the academic year 1394-95, which were randomly selected from schools in a district and were placed in three different groups as experimental, control 1, and control 2 groups. Principles and programs of the strengths-based school counseling were performed on the experimental group during an academic semester. The questionnaires of the career development in short form Australia Creed and Patton and academic well-being of scale, Singly, Shou, and Schmitt were used to collect the data. The results of analysis of covariance showed that the career development scores of students in the experimental group were significantly increased compared to the other two groups, but the increase was not significant in the academic wellbeing. So, we can conclude that the strengths-based school counseling has a significant impact on the career development of students, but the academic wellbeing has not been affected.

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The purpose of this research was the comparison of academic achievement motivation in the in Elementary, first session high school, and second session High School Girl Students. In this research, the statistical society was all of the girl students in Tehran. To this study 297 girl student of Tehran schools was selected by multistage cluster sampling way. The sample consisted of 102 students of elementary, 104 students of first session high school, and 91 students second session high school grade. Students answered to Harter’ s academic achievement motivation scale. Validity and stability of this test were analyzed by Bahrani and Razaviyeh (2009) and Alpha coefficient for intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were 0/85 and 0/69. Factor analyses of the test, indicates of constract validity. Data of this research, were analyzed by ANOVA test and Scheffe Post Hoc test. Analysis of the data showed that Academic intrinsic motivation in elementary school students was significantly more than other grades. So, the intrinsic motivation reduces from elementary school to first session high school and it decreases insignificantly in second session high school. Academic extrinsic motivation in first session high school, and second session high students was significantly more than elementary school students. According to this research, the intrinsic motivation decreases from elementary school to first session high school, and it reduces insignificantly in second session high school.

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The present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of the learning-teaching process of the pre-school centers based on the International ECERS standard. For this purpose, 24 pre-school centers were selected based on multi-stage sampling from different regions of the county and custodial organizations and their learning-teaching process quality was evaluated. First, data were collected using observation techniques and ECERS interviews. In the next stage, the status of pre-school centers was judged in the levels of quadruple spectrum: "inadequate, low, good and excellent". At the end and after analyzing the findings, operational solutions based on improving the quality of ECERS standard were presented. Based on the findings of this study, the quality of activities related to language education and children's reasoning, the quality of activities and the quality of the structure of pre-school centers in Qeshm was undesirable. Also, the quality of the structure of the course has the lowest average compared to other dimensions studied and is in a "undesirable" situation. Overall, the results of the evaluation showed that the quality of the learning-teaching process of the pre-school centers in Qeshm mean was 2. 07 and according to the ECERS range of 1-7 and a qualitative judgment range is at a "low quality" and undesirable level.

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The study's purpose was to investigate the mediating role of attachment to peers in the relationship between attachment to parents and the social maturity of student adolescents. The research descriptive method was the correlation. The statistical population consisted of 3553 male and female students at the age of 16-18 years old from zone one in Tehran city based on the Krejcie and Morgan' table and by random selection based on convenience method, 334 people selected as the sample, including the fall. The research data gathered using the revised inventory of attachment to parents and peers by Armsden & Greenberg (1987) and the Social Maturity Scale by Nalini Rao (1973). Data analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise multivariate, and hierarchical regression tests. The results showed the relationship between parental attachment and social maturity was significant and conversely, the relationship between peer attachment and social maturity was not significant. The findings also showed that peer attachment had no mediating role between parental attachment and social maturity. Therefore, although peer attachment did not play a mediating role between social maturity and parental attachment, the findings of this study showed that attachment to parents was more crucial in determining adolescents' social maturity than attachment to peers.

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Since power relations in academic research, especially group and team research, are undeniable, identifying the semantics of power in the research process using the experiences of students and graduates has been the purpose of this study. Since the exploration and description of the experiences of students and graduates from the meaning and concept of power in the research process has been the purpose of the research, the research plan is qualitative. In this research, graduate students have formed the study population; because students are mainly targeted by the power of professors. The sampling method of the present study is non-targeted and criterion-based. Based on this, students and graduates participated in this research to have the criterion of team research experience, availability and agreement to conduct the interview. A semistructured interview was conducted with 19 students and graduates of the University of Tehran. In order to analyze the data, the Stokes-Colaizzi-Kane analysis method was used. The researcher's long-term and continuous participation in the research, avoiding early conclusions and reviewing the research colleagues have been the most important actions of the researchers in order to realize the validity and reliability of the research findings. Students and graduates believe that power in the research process can be positive, negative and even neutral, and it can also be guiding or inhibiting. Ethics, freedom of action, overt control, latent control, irresponsibility, influence, cooperation and support and guidance have been identified as meanings of power in the research process. Based on the research findings, due to the lack of positive experience about the influence of research supervisors on students, in order to effectively manage the research process, it is suggested that they consider leadership styles in this process.

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Rahmani Nayere

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The present research is fundamental in terms of purpose and qualitative case study in terms of research method. According to the purpose of the study, which was to identify the factors affecting wisdom-based leadership from the perspective of Islam in schools, the statistical population included researchers, founders, principals and teachers of special schools. The research tool was semi-structured in-depth interviews. the data were analyzed using thematic analysis. reasercher were used to measure the validity of triangulation and the reliability of the interviews was estimated to be about 80% through the reliability of retesting. The findings indicate that Factors of Influencing to the wisdom-based leadership is composed of 2 factors (Inside school and out-of e school) and 10 components. The present model can guide leaders in dealing with complex and multidimensional issues in educational environments to enhance wisdom through selfpromotion, training of qualified teachers, and selection of talented students and with regard to student identity capital and ethical considerations in the workplace. Helping and focus on extracurricular issues such as constant interaction with the environment, attention to family and community culture for the sake of expressing wisdom. Environment conditions and take into account the realistic strengthening in all aspects of the educational environment.

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This study explored the potential relationship between personal best goals and socialemotional learning with academic engagement. Also, the mediating role of academic buoyancy was tested in these relationships. The participants were 350 high school students in Ahvaz who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method and completed the instruments of the best personal goals, socio-emotional competencies, academic buoyancy and academic engagement. The validity and reliability of the instruments were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the best personal goals and socio-emotional learning to have a direct and significant effect on academic engagement. Moreover, the findings indicate that academic buoyancy has a direct and positive relationship with academic engagement. In addition, academic buoyancy played a significant mediating role in the relationship between the best personal goals and socio-emotional learning with students' academic engagement. In general, the results indicate that the best personal goals and socio-emotional learning directly and through the mediation of academic buoyancy can help increase the academic engagement of adolescent students. Educational and practical implications are discussed.

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The aim of this study was to investigate relationship between teacher-student interaction and academic buoyancy with the mediating role of academic selfefficacy and academic hope. This study is descriptive and study design is correlational plans type of the structural equations. Statistical population of the study formed all of second middle school students of Orumieh in 2019-2020 years of academic. Sampling was cluster random and 205 persons were selected as study sample. To collecting data was used of Murray and Zvoch teacher-student interaction scale (2011), Patrick, Hicks and Ryan’ s academic self-efficacy scale (1997), Khormaie and Kamary academic hope scale (2017) and Hoseinchary and Dehganizade academic buoyancy scale (2012). Lisrel software was used to analyze the data and the proposed model was evaluated using structural equation modeling. The results of this study revealed that teacher-student interaction, academic self-efficacy and academic hope directly related to the academic buoyancy of students. So, the results of this study revealed that teacher-student interaction indirectly and through academic self-efficacy and academic hope related to the academic buoyancy of students. These findings of study support the mediating role of academic self-efficacy and academic hope in the model causal relationship between teacher-student interaction on academic buoyancy. Accordingly, it can be concluded that with the improvement of teacher-student interaction, Students' academic self-efficacy and academic hope increases and these factors together increases their academic buoyancy.

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One of the problems that students face in their studies is educational negligence which plays an important role in academic life. The present study aims to compare the effectiveness of two methods of Wells metacognitive training and cognitivebehavioral stress management on educational negligence of female students. The present study is experimental type and semi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test design were implemented with two experimental groups and a control group. 33 students were selected by multi-cluster sampling method among the girls' high schools in Sari, were assigned in experimental group of Wells metacognitive group training, cognitive-behavioral stress management group and control group. To measure the educational negligence, the Solomon and Rothblum scales were used, which were implemented before and after the training sessions. The results of descriptive and inferential indicators showed that only Wells metacognitive group training had a significant effect on the preparation for the end-of-semester homework component. Metacognitive therapy also had a significant effect on the overall score of educational negligence, while cognitive-behavioral stress management had little effect on educational negligence. The results indicated that Wells metacognitive group training can further reduce the educational negligence compared to cognitive-behavioral stress management.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of environmental contexts from ecological perspective on motor development and creativity of children. For this purpose, the semi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test design was used with the purposive sampling method. This study included preschool children aged 4. 5 to 6. 5 years who were divided into two groups of 15 people based on differences in environmental contexts. The first group were children who were in the natural space (nature school) and the second group were children who were indoors space (kindergarten). Both groups conducted their activities in the specified environments for two months. To measure motor development (gross motor skill) was used the Bruininks-oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency and for children's creativity was used the Torrance Test of Creativity Thinking. Results of mixed ANOVA showed that gross motor skill of children in the natural space are more improved than indoor space. Also, activity in outdoor space had positive and significant effect on the all five factors of creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration and total creativity skill) of children. Therefore, it can be concluded that the natural environment improves the motor skills development and creativity of children more than the indoor environment and it is suggested to use environmental variability, especially the natural environment for preschoolers.

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