Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing in the world. As a result of this disease, long-term insulin resistance develops, as a result of which pancreatic beta cells are destroyed and disappear, as a result insulin is not released. Recently, a protein called lipasin, which is responsible for signaling the liver to beta cells, has been discovered, and previous reports have shown that lipasin/betatrophin increases pancreatic β cell proliferation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance training on lipasin gene expression in rats with type 2 diabetes. Methods: The study was performed on 25 Wistar rats with a mean weight of 160± 10 g and age of 8 weeks. After induction of diabetes, the rats were randomly divided into three groups of 6: control and endurance and HIIT. And exercise was performed for eight weeks (5 sessions per week). QRT-PCR technique was used to evaluate changes in hepatic lipasin gene expression. Results: The present study showed that after eight weeks of endurance training and HIIT, the expression of lipasin gene in the liver of rats in the training group increased significantly compared to the control group (P = 0. 037); Also, a significant negative correlation was observed between lipasin gene expression and insulin resistance index in the exercise group compared to the control group (r =-0. 605, P = 0. 037). Conclusion: It seems that performing eight weeks of endurance training and HIIT, by increasing the expression of lipasin gene can increase beta cells in diabetic patients and may be an effective nonpharmacological intervention to reduce the symptoms of this disease.