In this research, the economic valuation of Qeytariye Park was carried out using the hedonic method. For this purpose, 19 variables that can be classified into three general categories of physical variables, neighborhood variables, and environmental variables are considered, and 41 residential units are selected as an example in the effective radius around this park and were reviewed according to the variables mentioned. The results obtained from these observations were analyzed in Eviews 10 software and a regression model was estimated using the ordinary least squares or OLS method. 7 variables out of 19 considered variables had a coefficient value under 0. 05 or %5: The flat area, the age of the apartment, the total number of units, the existence of parking lots, the distance from amusement park/centers, the distance from the closest grocery stores, and the distance from Qey-tarieh Park. The existence of parking lots among physical variables and the distance from Qeytarieh Park among neighborhood variables had the highest coefficient values of respectively 0. 66 and 0. 26. Among the purposeful variables, the flat area, the total number of units and the existence of parking lots had a direct relation with the dependent variable; and the age of the apartment, the distance from recreational centers, the distance from the closest grocery stores, and the distance from Qeytarieh Park had an indirect relation with the residential units’ prices.