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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Physical activity and having a decent level of physical fitness for all ages are recommended. However, it is not clear which exercise program has more favorable effects during childhood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a rope and elastic training course on physical fitness in elementary school student’ s girls. Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 30 girl’ s students were selected from elementary school In norabad city and randomly divided into three include rope training (n=10), Elastic training (n=10) and control groups (n=10). The rope and elastic training were performed 30 minutes, 3 days a week for 8 weeks. The control group only had their daily activities during this period. Before the beginning of the study and the end of the study, factors related to physical fitness and fitness were measured. For analysis of the research findings, analysis of variance, t-test and tukey post hoc test were used at the significant level P<0. 05. Results: The results showed that eight weeks of rope and elastic training significantly improved openstatic balance with open eyes, static balance with closed eyes, power, agility, speed, cardiovascular endurance, and maximal limb strength in girl’ s students (P=0. 001). Also, there was no significant difference between the effect of rope training than the elastic group on physical fitness and motor fitness in girl’ s students (p> 0. 05). Conclusions: It can be concluded that rope and elastic training can improve physical fitness and motor fitness, and there is no significant difference between the effects of two types of exercises.

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Introduction: Since mothers of autistic children are exposed to various stressors, efforts to modify coping styles and cognitive distortions are particularly important. The aim of this study was to determine The Effectiveness of the Reality Therapy on the Rumination, Concern and Tolerance of Distress in Mothers of Autistic Children. Methods: The present study is a quasi-experimental, pre-test, post-test, and control group. The statistical population of the study was mothers of autism children in Sari autism centers in 2018. Then, volunteers volunteered to answer the questionnaires of Nullen Hoeksma and Marrow (1991), Pennsylvania Concerns Questionnaire (PSWQ) Brown (2003) and Simon's and Wohshar's Distress Tolerance Questionnaire (2005). Thirty mothers with the highest scores in the rumination and low score scores in distress tolerance were selected as samples and divided into two groups: experimental and control. The treatment reality was applied to the experimental group in 8 sessions. At the end of the course, both groups completed the above questionnaires as a post-test. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis. Results: The results showed that the therapeutic reality has an effect on reducing the rumination and anxiety of mothers of autistic children, and also increases the distress tolerance of autistic children mothers (p > 0. 001). Conclusions: Due to the effectiveness of this method, it is recommended to use autism to reduce the risk of rumination and concern and increase the tolerance of autistic children's mothers.

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Introduction: Book as Therapy is a tool to put you in touch with books that are helpful to read when facing certain problems. So the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of book therapy on shyness and social adjustment of students. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of Sama girl students in Rafsanjan city who were 220 in the academic year of 2018-2019. The sample size for initial screening according to Morgan's table was 136 people. Among them, 40 people who had the highest score in the shyness questionnaire or the lowest score in social adjustment were willing to cooperate with the researcher, Then, these 40 subjects were completely randomized to two experimental and control groups. And the experimental group received a book in the course of eight 60-minute sessions based on the Lindy Bookstore Protocol (1993). The control group did not receive any treatment during the course. To collect the data, a Zombardi Shyness Questionnaire (1990) and Social Adjustment Questionnaire. When Sins (1993) has been used. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and MANCOVA were used by SPSS-25 software. Results: The results showed that book therapy had a significant effect on shrinkage in children and its effect was 85. 5%. Also, the therapeutic book has had a significant effect on increasing children social adjustment and its impact was 75. 7%. Conclusions: Book Therapy has created a framework for transformation with Symbols and Meanings and help to treatment reduces shyness and increases social adjustment.

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Introduction: The positive effects of kangaroo mother care which can be pointed, in order to fulfill the needs of the premature infant to, heat, breast-feeding, infection protection, motivating breastfeeding in the mother tenderness, and reducing the pain. The aim of the present study was to investigate the compliance of kangaroo mother care audits of mothers with newborns admitted to Tabriz Alzahra Hospital with the standards of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study 600 mothers had premature infants in NICU and newborns from August to February 2017 at Alzahra Medical Education Center. The data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire including Environmental equipment and nursing care during the care process, which was made based on the criteria and standard of care provided by the Ministry of Health. SPSS13 and descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and t-test were used to analyze the data. Based on the scores obtained from the questionnaire, the status of executive care was categorized in three categories: as, desirable, relatively desirable and undesirable. Results: The results of the environmental factors questionnaire scores are 90% and infant factors 95%, both of which are in the desired range. These results indicate that the implementation of cure maintenance is almost standard in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education at the Alzahra Educational Cente. Conclusions: According to the results, the implementation of care in the Alzahra Educational Center is close to the standards of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. This study identified negative affective factors and will be placed on the priority of the hospital's strategic problems.

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Introduction: Considering the difference of researches’ results of negative effects of shift work scheduels of nurses on their family members, especially the kids, the purpose of this study is to compare behavioral problems of nurses' kids working in Ayat Allah Kashani Educational Treatment Center in Isfahan based on shift work in 2018. Methods: This study is a comparative descriptive research done on 200 nurses working in Ayat Allah Kashani Educational Treatment Center in Isfahan by means of available sampling and Quai and Patterson Behavioral Problems questionnaire and data were analyzed by S. P. S. S. ver 16. Result: Most of samples are women in both groups working in emergency unit. The results of Man-Whitney test show that level of children's behavioral problems in permanent morning shift is meaningfully less than circulating shift (p<0/05). Moreover, covariance analysis test shows that total mean score of behavioral problems and crudity-consideration problems aspects and conduct disorder in permanent morning shift is meaningfully less than circulating group (p<0. 05). But, mean scores of stress and aggression in both groups do not have meaningful difference (p>0. 05). Conclusions: Based on the results, kids of nurses working in circulating shift have more behavioral problems than kids of nurses working in permanent morning shift. Besides, there should be more consideration to the kids of nursing employees working in shift and it is suggested to care this for planning the nurses of kids.

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Introduction: The rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity, which has been a multifactorial problem for the past 20 years, has been attributed not only to genetic factors, but also to cultural environmental factors, including the family environment, eating and activity. This study was conducted with the aim of modeling children's obesity based on self-efficacy and maternal body mass index with emotional mediation and the level of physical activity of the child. Methods: The research method is based on the purpose, applied and in terms of how to collect data, a description of the type of correlation that was done using the structural equation modeling model or causal modeling. The statistical population of the present study includes 280 students aged 7 to 12 years in Tehran in 1397. In this study, self-efficacy tools, maternal body mass index, emotional overeating and the level of physical activity of the child were used. Results: Based on the results of path analysis, self-efficacy (β =-0. 255, P <0. 01), maternal body mass index (β = 0. 382, P > 0. 01), child activity level (β =-0/240, P> 0. 01) and also the child's emotional overeating (β = 0. 126, P > 0. 01) directly predict the child's body mass index. Also, the results of the model showed that 71. 8% of the variance of the child's body mass index, 58. 4% of the variance of the child's activity level and 22. 5% of the child's variance of emotional overeating are explained using the variables in the model. Conclusions: Prevention of lifestyle diseases requires attention to the structural and functional dimensions of the causes of life. One of the most important determinants of children's eating behaviors is the nutritional methods used by parents. This has been shown to affect both parents and children.

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Introduction: Role conflict in working mothers is one of the most important sources of stress for the individual and the family. Vulnerable groups, including children, will have many problems with this conflict. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between psycho-social factors in the workplace with aggression of female nursing staff working in Isfahan Al-zahra Hospital, Iran. Methods: The present study is a descriptive-correlational research conducted in 2018. There were 110 female nursing staff working in different wards of Al-Zahra Hospital with pre-school age children. Data collection was done by demographic questionnaires, Copenhagen psycho-social factors and aggression in pre-school children. Results: The mean score of work-family conflict nursing staff was 77. 43 ± 18. 76 and their offensive behaviors were 9. 86 ± 5. 53 out of 100, respectively, which had the highest and least impact on the psycho-social factors of workplace, respectively. The mean score of children's aggression was 27. 33± 18. 82 out of 84. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that importance, job satisfaction, work-family conflict, and health and welfare, respectively, were significant predictors of children's aggression score (P <0. 05), and in the presence of these three factors, scores other psychosocial factors were not significant predictors of children's aggression score. Conclusions: In this study, all psychosocial factors of mothers' work environment did not have a direct effect on child aggression, which indicates that mothers in health care pay attention to maternal role in children's emotional-psychological development and control of factors affecting workconflict. It is family, but what is important for health managers is to pay attention to the occupational components of employees.

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Introduction: The previous studies have not identified the role of family accommodation in each of childhood anxiety disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the family accommodation rate and its relation with the severity of anxiety in anxious children. Methods: This is a descriptive-correlational study. The study population consisted of all primary school students in Malayer primary school. 488 students were selected by random cluster sampling from which all 127 children with anxiety were studied. Research instruments were Spence Anxiety Questionnaire (Spence, 1998) and Family accommodation Questionnaire (Lebowitz et al., 2013). Pearson correlation coefficient was used for data analysis. Results: All parents of anxious children performed family accommodation, as well as the most accommodation performed by parents, with reassurance. Also, family accommodation was positively and significantly associated with all anxiety problems (except generalized anxiety) (p<0. 05). Conclusions: Family accommodations are quite common among families of anxious children and facilitate the avoidance of anxiety and contribute to the continuation of children's anxiety problems.

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Introduction: Children with autism spectrum disorders have communication deficits that can affect their parents' performance, and their parents report higher levels of stress than parents of children of normal developmental age. The aim of the present study was to study the effect of conscious parenting training on parental stress in mothers with children with autism spectrum disorders in Ahvaz. Methods: The statistical population of this study included all mothers with children with autism spectrum disorders who referred to the Ahwaz Autism Association. Of these, 4 mothers were selected by targeted sampling and based on the score of Abidin Parents' Stress Questionnaire (PSI). In this study, a single case study of multiple randomized baseline was used and subjects were treated before treatment, middle treatment (first, third, fifth, seventh), end of treatment (eighth session) and one month after the end of treatment. Answers to Abidin's parents' stress questionnaire were answered. Data were analyzed by visual mapping, recovery percentage and constant change index. Results: The findings showed that the index of stable change in parental stress variable at the level (p <0. 05) was significant. Conclusions: The results showed that mindfulness parenting training reduces parental stress.

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Introduction: Theory of mind refers to the ability to predict and document mental states to oneself and to others the purpose of this study was to compare the theory of mind in normal and orphaned children 3 to 6 years old and determine its relationship with age and intelligence. Method: This study is a causal-comparative study. The study population included all normal and orphaned children in Kermanshah. The sample consisted of 101 normal and orphaned children who attended in orphanages and kindergartens in 2017-2018 and were selected by multistage cluster sampling. Unexpected content and unexpected transfer tasks were used to assess the theory of mind and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (preschool form) was used to assess intelligence. Results: there is a statistically significant difference between normal and orphaned children in achieving the theory of mind (p<0/05). The findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between age and attainment of theory of mind (p<0/05). In addition, there was a significant relationship between unexpected transfer and intelligence (p<0/05), while no significant relationship was observed between intelligence and unexpected content (p>0/05). Conclusions: Based on these findings, it can be said that there is a difference in the theory of mind between normal and orphaned children. Therefore, socialization and related concepts should be given more attention in the orphanages.

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