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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    54 (86)
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The new term "fake news", with extensive changes in communications infrastructures and the emergence of new media and subsequent changes in the structures and institutions of human societies, including politics and economics has become one of the controversial issues of public and academic fields related to journalism, media, communication, and culture in recent years. This Scientific term is used in public discussions to explain different phenomena which are not necessarily mean fake news. The lack of clear definition of the term-fake news-and cases that are typically confused with this scientific term makes it difficult to understand the harm and consequences of it and the possibility of adopting solutions to combat it. This research has identified the similar types with fake news by a comprehensive review of available scientific sources: Satire, Parody, Fabrication, Manipulation, Propaganda, Advertising, Hoax, Rumor, so to obtain indicators to compare and conceptually organize these media phenomena. 18 experts of news and media were interviewed. These indicators are "author", "editorial", "content" and "gender relationship". At the end of this study, based on the obtained indicators, the term fake news is explained and a complete table is made to clearly express the differences and similarities of all similar types with fake news. .

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Yousefi Ramandi Rasoul

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  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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Understanding how people perceive and manage is the most important mission of any media. This issue is important in the media environment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is in the media war, and the Iranian leader in 2018 introduced the media war as an introduction to the economic war. Identification of the strategies of each medium requires regular observation or access to their upstream documents. The flaw of this method is that the effectiveness of each strategy is not determined and, sometimes, the techniques employed in the strategies would be ambiguous. In this research, it was attempted to identify strategies that are effective in guiding public opinion by focusing on the target community of the media. So, firstly, 1250 people from the city of Tehran were interviewed and then using logistic regression and correlation test, the public opinion that was formed by satellite, social networks, national television and news sites, were explained.

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    54 (86)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the security of the media as one of the essential elements of human social life and the possibility of responding to the issue of media security using Islamic legal sources. Considering the role of the media in the present century and the fact that media are among the most important tools for linking human beings, security research in the media field is of particular importance. The Qur'anic predicates at all times-the place of Islam's shari'a-requires the ability to respond to Islamic sources in the new areas of human life; in this case, the preliminary article by descriptive-analytical method, while examining the dimensions of media security, Has investigated the ability to answer Islamic sources in this regard; thus, Because of that reference and referring to jurisprudential opinions, he considered security as legitimate right, which Islamic rule obliged to establish in all domains of The sentence is the subject of the mediaThen, assuming the status of the right to security by examining the security incidence in three dimensions of media, society and media, it has solved the problem by preferential criterion. Finally, by analyzing the findings of the research and using the logical analogy method of the first form and the indisputable argument, the ability and responsiveness of Islamic legal sources to the dimensions of media security has been proved

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    54 (86)
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Presuming that these principles are disregarded and in order to discover the challenges of this area and settle them, this study, by using analytical-descriptive methods as well as documentary and library research methods, has come to the conclusion that since the legal nature of the General Policies of the Islamic System has not been clarified and the legal position of Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution is still dubious, policymaking by these two is in conflict with the principle of rule of law while other policymaking entities are in conformity with the law of rule principle to a large extent. By taking democracy criterion as a benchmark, the enactments by entities such as Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, The Expediency Discernment Council and the two above-mentioned ministries are also suspicious and must be deliberated. Therefore, satisfying the disputed public law principles has been generally a missing link of cultural policymaking and due to the dominance of managing, controlling, administrative-cultural policing and engineering, these principles have gradually become faded in cultural policymaking. This is an issue that its solution must be found in increasingly publicizing these entities by direct interference of individuals and NGOs, clarification and adapting a voting system for electing the members of the entities and ultimately, restricting the power of making cultural policies only to ministry of culture while considering the demands of Supreme Leader and parliamentary statutes.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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the present qualitative research aimed to Investigation and Identification of motivations to join the Instagram social network. The approach of the present study was qualitative and the research method was virtual ethnography. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. After conducting 61 interviews with users of the personal Instagram page of one of the researchers using theoretical purposive sampling method, theoretical saturation was obtained. The findings showed that the main motivations for Instagram membership include 7 main motivations: Get information, leisure and entertainment, connection and communication, curiosity, self-expression, emotional discharge and role modeling. Considering the spread of the tendency to Instagram social network and the effects of this social network on various cultural, social and political aspects in our country and the research vacuum, especially in the form of qualitative plans to identify the motivations for membership in this network in our country, Qualitative can be considered as a new and pioneering research in this field and encourage researchers to pay more attention to this issue and provide a basis for studying this field in future research. According to the results of this research, it can be said that people with different motives are looking to join and use Instagram social networks. People's motivation to join the Instagram social network is not one-dimensional, but has a multidimensional and multiple nature and can vary from person to person and from culture to culture.

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Akhgari Mohammad

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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Audio book has emerged as a type of hybrid (link) between print and audio media which has evolved with the growth of analouge and digital technologies and has experienced a variety of media carriers such as cassette, radio, CD, podcast, social media and application. These evolotions have prompted various theoretical and scientific issues for this type of hybrid, including: the relation of this kind of audio with the written version of the book, the independence of the audiobook, its typology and artistic dimensions in relation to audio-artistic formats. This paper, based on Ludwig's theory of “ audiovisual literature” , deals with typology of audiobooks and explaining its media and artistic dimentions. Ludwig states that when a printed copy is produced in the form of an audio book, it transforms from a written textual identity to a phonetic-auditory one which is called literary-audio type. The research has been done by documentary and library method and qualitative content analysis. The statistical population of the study consisted of four platforms: Audible, Soundcloud, Podomatic and Iran-Seda. The sample size is purposefully chosen. The results divide audiobook types based on format of production, audio literature, media carrier and new types. The audiobook is a new version of oral literature and historically, it is the continuation of oral literature, it finds an artistic form, it associates with the auditory arts by using artistic elements and signs, and on this basis can be considered as an independent type of art.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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Despite the rise and expansion of knowledge and technology, We can still easily observe the presence of strong superstitious attitudes amongst people in human societies. Such attitudes are socially damaging, because they are essentially misleading people about how they can solve their own problems. Superstitious attitudes are simply the by-product of people’ s socialization in different stages. Media are key factors in process of socialization which to a great extent cover people’ s cultural consumption. Depending on what sorts of contents are promoted by the media, they are creating an attitude either in favor of or against superstitions. The current study is seeking to explore the Relationship of cultural consumption on having superstitious attitudes amongst the university students in Mashhad. the research methodology in this study is based on survey and it has been conducted by means of researcher-made questionnaires. The population was university students of Mashhad (97146 persons) of whom, we have chosen 363 university students (all of whom live in Mashhad) by cluster-stratified method as a statistical society. The result has shown us that in one hand, there is a negative or inverse relationship between having superstitious attitudes and informative cultural consumption such as books and newspapers. On the other hand, there is a positive or direct relationship between having superstitious attitudes and entertaining cultural consumptions such as social media and satellite channels. On the whole and after taking everything into consideration, there is a meaningful inverse relationship between the amount of cultural consumption and having superstitious attitudes.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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The main purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the use of virtual social networks and the transformation of Kurdish ethnic identity in Kurdistan province. For this purpose, 384 users of virtual social networks were randomly selected. The results showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between cultural identity and linguistic identity using virtual social networks. The correlation between the identity of the victim and the duration and time of using social networking sites were 0. 031 and 0. 034 respectively; the cultural identity and the duration and time of using social networking sites were 0. 036 and 0. 026, respectively. Also, according to the results of the present study, the most influential term is the use of virtual social networks to linguistic identity and the greatest impact since using virtual social networks is related to cultural identity. In general, cyberspace offers us valuable opportunities to represent, better understand ourselves and others in virtual interactions. Finally, considering the results of this study and demonstrating the impact of using virtual social networks on the identity crisis among different segments of society, some suggestions in the areas of planning, attention to identification tools and mechanisms to enhance social identity are applied in order to eliminate Or reduce the harmful effects of virtual social networks provided.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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In the age of communication, the digital divide has had different consequences in the field of culture, and the decline in women's fertility in the last two decades, which has led to the concern of responsible officials and managers, has also been affected by the cultural factors caused by the digital divide and other factors affecting fertility. In response to the question of how much the digital divide has impacted on the fertility of women living in Tehran, 600 of them were selected and surveyed in a systematic random sampling based on Lin's table. The findings of the study show a significant relationship between the digital divide and fertility and that some of the social components (ethnic origin, education and employment status of women) are related to female fertility. Finally, testing the research model using structural equations shows that social gap, digital divide and foreign language proficiency can account for 51% of the dependent variable, namely fertility behavior of married women residing in Tehran in 2018.

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  • Volume: 

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    54 (86)
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It’ s so clear which impact of leadership and different types of that on staff performance have been studied a lot. But ethnicity and their potential have received little attention as a subculture in the various organizations tasks and different types of effectively communication and collaboration in the organization. So this article wants to present a leadership model appropriate to this ethnicity in organization by examining culture of Turkic ethnicity in Iran. Current study is classified as an applied research and our method for information gathering was combination research. One questionnaire was distributed in among 532 Turkic languages people in East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Zanjan states and we have got information from 9 managers of Turkic languages organizations. In order to analyze of result we used descriptive statistics and theme analyses. The result indicated which culture model of ethnic Turkic people is in the category of liner active culture and team-oriented leadership has been most effective in managing and leading of people.

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    54 (86)
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The themes that the animations seek to instill in their child's audiences have never been accidental, but have been followed by specific encodings that eventually lead to the introduction of a predetermined pattern for children. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to semiotically analyze the child representation pattern in animation. For this purpose, using the semiotic method, the most popular and the most popular Iranian animation is "Life Skills for Children". The collection consists of 250 ten-minute episodes that its production began in 1391 and ended in 1395. In order to get a comprehensive picture of the child in this series, all sections have been studied and analyzed. The results of this study suggest that we are presented with a kind of representation of the "body" of the child and childhood. Highlights and features of the child in this series: Adult dependency, inability to solve personal problems, lack of creativity, lack of modern skills, lack of questioning morale and complete obedience to parents, aggression and impudence towards peers, naivety and it is cynicism. In addition, in child representations, child characters are not represented in their natural age. Rather, they appear smaller and more immature than their biological age, and this immaturity is evident in all their daily behavior and interactions. Such a pattern of representation is generally embedded in the "pre-modern" discourse. Animation Life Skills for Children aims to introduce the most prominent feature of the child as a "passive and nurturing subject".

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    54 (86)
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Lawyers are the most prominent actors in criminal justice movies. This is mainly due to the unique construction and representation that has been shaped by cultural, cinematic and political factors. According to the Fisk classification these three factors can be divided into three levels of reality, representation, and ideology. On the reality level, the cultural issues that challenge the performance of lawyers have affected the representation of Iranian cinema lawyers. At the level of representation, Hollywood cinema based on the accusatory system has had a significant impact on the form of defense and the authority of attorneys in court. On the ideological level, the image of lawyers has also been part of a discourse that has sometimes played a part and sometimes opposed to ideology and power. Prior to 1997, lawyers were largely active in the fight against the corrupt imperial judicial system, but had no success in this regard. After 1997, female lawyers entered Iranian cinema with positive representations. Female lawyers are trying to deliver justice to women in a patriarchal system, but they also fail to achieve their goals. The present study seeks to root out the backgrounds and causes of such different representations of lawyers in post-revolutionary Iranian cinema.

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