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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Discourse analysis is an instrument with the researcher that analyzes the discourse either orally or in written. It analyzes linguistic, social, and cultural features of a text and explains the intended meaning of a text. Such an investigation shows the relation between the text and situational context. The txt studies a linguistic element in a text while situational context includes the situations in which the discourse is stated in. Using a descriptive-analytical research method in investigating the signification level of Qā siahsermon and shows the significant relationship between textual and situational context. The results of this research shows that the situational context and temporal, spatial, political, economic, and cultural situations leads to revival of the rules related to the Ignorant Age, tribalism, ignorant fanaticism, and blind pride. Likewise, textual context in its signification level, simile, metaphor, narration, junctures and disjuncture, comparisons and the like are all among the factors in proportion with situational context. Thus, these two factors eases the understanding the main purpose of discourse which is avoiding pride and calling to humility.

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    3 (19)
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Translators and linguistics represented many theories about translation in two different languages. In translation assembly Nayda represented equanimity theory and he belived that it is a process that follows natural equivalances in destination language. Indeed’ Nayda’ s theory is completed in a few steps. Prophet Ali in Sheghsheghieh sermon pointed the right of the caliphate in Nahj-al-Balagha by some contentions. That due to attention to literary style of sermon, the exami ation of translation can help translators in future. In this sermon, there are 70 verbs that authors find the correct equivalances for them by considering the current situation. In next steps, the correct equivalances are compared with equivalances of two translators and it is defined that both of them find the best and the same equivalances for some of the verbs. Besides, in translating some of the verbs, both translators make a mistake or one of them makes a mistake. It is defined that both honorable translators find correct equivalances for the most verbs. The number of the correct equivalances in Shirvani translation was 44 and in Dashti translation, it was about 40 verbs. That is justifiable based on contemPoraneous of two translators.

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    3 (19)
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Speech Act Theory is to analyze a text and is to uniquely examine the speech arrangement in texts. Austin first proposed this theory, then his pupil, Searle, annunciated it. According to this theory, speech unit is the speech verb. Searle categorized the types of speech acts to five categories of declaratives, expressives, commissives, directives, and assertives. Focusing on verses texture and context in this chapter, the authors have analyzed these verses based on speech acts theory. The main objective behind such an analysis is to investigate discourse based structures used in these verses and to study how these verses are transferred to the audience. Using a descriptive-analytical interdisciplinary research method and having pondered Zumar's discourse based on Searle's speech act theory, it is concluded that the speech acts used in this chapter's discourse are declaratives, directives, assertives and expressives. Based on the conducted analysis, the expressive speech acts is more frequently used in this chapter of the Qur'an compared to other ones which shows significant exegetical consequences such as stating Divine and Islamic narrations and knowledge in forms of expressive speech acts in Meccan verses such as Zumar chapter which include larger amounts of verses.

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mohseni mari ghasem

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    3 (19)
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The Holy Qur'an is in touch with his audience using various epistemological, descriptive and commendatory dimensions. One of the epistemological aspects in the descriptive scope is the method of Qur'an narration techniques. Due to the interpretive exegetes' attempts in interpretation of the verses 40-45 of the Hud Chapter as a case which relates the conversation of the Lord of Storm with his son and supplicating for his rid of the storm, it is not clear that how in such a rough situation, in which the ship has been among the violent storm, such a conversation between them could have been taken place? Or when the storm had finished, what does it mean that Prophet Noah prayed for his son's rid of the storm in such a narration? According to the Qur'an narration, such events have not followed a system based on linear sequence or periodical systems and we may witness a kind of temporal distress in the narration process. Using a narratological mechanism and the narrator's viewpoints technique, plot and the structure and rules governing it, the author has investigated this issue. Due to the use of a descriptive-analytical method for narration analysis, characters interactions, and the situations of storm narration as an event in conformity with temporal linear sequence in the level of discourse, the researcher believes that temporal distress is not valid.

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    3 (19)
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Today, with the development of sciences and flourish of linguistics issues, analysis of literary texts such as the Holy Qur'an could be considered for research topics that may open up new horizons to religious scholars and it could be a new framework in understanding religious texts. However, stylistics is one of the new sciences which aims at discovering the Holy Qur'an meanings to study rhetorical athletics of the Qur'an. Stylistics investigates deep application of rhetorical intricacies in the literary texture of the Qur'an before the Qur'anic aestheticians. Clearly, words and letters selection in the Qur'an would show the rhetorical atheists of the Qur'an and it shows that this Book is abundant with different meanings which are illustrated in forms of words. Utilizing a descriptive-analytical methods and using new stylistic criterion at four levels of phonetics, lexis, syntax and rhetoric, the researchers have found an outstanding landscape of the beauties of Muddathir chapter. The results of the study show that the criteria which show the music of this chapter are much frequent and each letter and word used in this chapter corresponds with the chapter content. Thus, Allah has used a different method to influence the audience which realizes one of the artistic realizations in the Holy Qur'an.

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    3 (19)
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Studying social contents of any poet or writer could show his social tendencies, the ones originated from the conditions in which the artist lives in. Therefore, to know a poet or writer, we have to examine his social tendencies. Social assets in the Persian literature contains so much concepts and contents which show the major structure of every literary work as concepts, words, signs, elements, literary symbols all have been linked to social assets. The criteria for such social assets are such as benevolence, trust, hope, fairness, patience, justice, intellect, and so on and so forth. The current study aims at investigating special and various applications of the concept benevolence in Sā eb's poems to answer this question that how Sā eb had viewed the social issues in the society? The concept of benevolence has been so much theorized by Sā eb. Sā eb Tabrizi is the most outstanding poet in Hindi style whose poetry collection is abundant with issues originating from social backgrounds. As the society and its related issues is one of the features of Sā eb's poems, he had paid special attention to the social issues of his time and had tried to reflect and illustrate peoples' relations with each other and their social problems in his poems.

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fatahi sadeh fateme

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (19)
  • Pages: 

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The Holy Qur'an believes that its stories are narrated in a way that wise people would take lessons from them. Thus, studying the Qur'anic stories is essential according to the Qur'an, so that its realities are understood. Although the main language of the Qur'an is the language of religion and spiritual guidance, it has utilized the most effective techniques for storytelling to convey his message to people. According to scholars, in the spectrum of story literature, some elements are included whose observance would make the story attractive and charming. The Qur'anic stories enjoy story elements of today's stories including the story of the prophet Loot (A. S) that tells the story of this prophet's life in twelve chapters of the Qur'an. This paper is written about the Qur'anic stories using the available works in this respect. This paper is categorized into two parts; A) storytelling methods in the Qur'an (emphasizing the thoughts and viewpoints and independent categorization of Islamic sects, but by inspiring new methods of analyzing storytelling elements in the modern world), B) story elements in this Divine Book based on contemporary literary criticism and taken from different storytelling methods common in the West. Therefore, based on the two mentioned criteria, it is considered that how the Qur'an has used literary methods in stating stories and how the literary language has been used as the best instrument in guiding and educating people.

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