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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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جهان در آستانه رشد و نقطه عطف جمعیتی قرار گرفته است و از طرفی سالمندان به عنوان یکی از رکن های مهم جمعیتی در هر کشور و منطقه جغرافیایی به شمار می آیند. طبق آمار سازمان بهداشت جهانی، تعداد افراد بالای 65 سال در سال 2010 معادل 526 میلیون نفر بوده است که این تعداد در سال 2050 به 1. 5 میلیارد نفر خواهد رسید که به طور عمده در کشور های توسعه یافته قابل مشاهده خواهد بود. پیشرفت چشمگیر در فناوری های نوین و امید به زندگی طی قرن گذشته بخش مهمی از این تغییرات می باشد که منجر به کاهش مرگ و میر و بیماری ها در سنین بالا می باشد. از این رو، طبق گزارشات، بیماری هایی نظیر مشکلات قلبی، فشار خون، دیابت، سرطان، مشکلات ریوی و حرکتی از عمده عوارض ناشی در سنین بالا می باشد. علوم پزشکی، فناوری های باز ترمیمی و مهندسی از گذشته در خدمت جوامع گوناگون بوده تا بتوانند میزان مشکلات و عوارض های متنوع که در اثر پیر شدن افراد و اختلال در عملکرد فیزیولوژیک بوجود می آورد را به حداقل رسانده و یا بطور کامل درمان نماید. از این رو، فناوری مهندسی بافت و طب باز ساختی به عنوان یکی از مهمترین حوزه های پزشکی در افزایش نرخ امید به زندگی و افزایش کیفیت آن نقشی مهم و حیاتی در سال های گذشته به واسطه پیشرفت هایی که در این حوزه به وجود آمده، ایفا نموده است. با توجه به رشد جمعیت سالمندان و روند تشدید جمعیت، تقاضا برای جایگزینی بافت ها و ارگان های حیاتی در این گروه از جامعه در حال افزایش است. مهندسی پزشکی و طب بازساختی توانایی حل این قبیل مشکلات و تامین نیاز های بیمارن را در آینده به طور کامل خواهد داشت. در حوزه مهندسی بافت، هدف ایجاد یک ساختار داربست سه بعدی (3D) حاوی سلول و همراه ماده زیستی است که عملکردی مشابه بافت / اندام زنده داشته و ممکن است برای ترمیم یا بازسازی بافت / اندام آسیب دیده از آن در بدن فرد استفاده شود. نیاز اساسی این داربست ها این است که بتواند از رشد سلول، انتقال مواد مغذی و مواد زاید و تبادل گازهایی از قبیل اکسیژن و دی اکسید کربن را پشتیبانی کند. مهندسی بافت و طب بازساختی معمولا از سه استراتژی زیر استفاده می کند: (1) یک سیستم پیچیده حاوی سلول / ماده زیستی، که در آن مواد بیولوژیکی و سلول آن ارگان (مانند سلول های استخوانی) برای ترمیم و بازسازی بافت ها / اندام ها در بدن کاشته می شوند؛ (2) سیستم هایی سلولی با پتانسیل تبدیل شدن به هر نوع بافت، مانند پیوند سلول های بنیادی بند ناف؛ و (3) زیست مواد بدون سلول، که در بدن کاشته شده و روند ادغام و تحریک تشکیل بافت های طبیعی بدن را طی می کنند. در کشورهای توسعه یافته، بیماریهای قلبی، سکته مغزی و سرطان عامل اصلی مرگ و میر در بین بیماران است. میزان این بیماری ها و سایر بیماری های مزمن و غیر واگیر نیز در کشورهای با درآمد متوسط و پایین نیز در حال افزایش است. اما در این میان، عمده ترین حوزه هایی که طب بازساختی بر آن متمرکز است را می توان به حوزه های: سلول درمانی، پرینت سه بعدی بافت ها، اصلاح ژنتیکی، مهندسی بافت استخوان و غضروف، تاندون، قرنیه، بافت قلب، دیسک های بین مهره ای، عروق خونی، پوست، عصب و بافت های دندانی اشاره نمود. دلیل اصلی انتخاب مهندسی بافت و طب ترمیمی، کمک به تسریع روند بهبود بافت های از دست رفته می باشد؛ چرا که در دوره سالمندی، بافت های بدن میزان تولید سلول های جدید خود را از دست می دهد و میزان جایگزینی بافت بشدت کاهش پیدا می نماید. از این رو این دانش و فناوری به کمک افراد با سن بالا می شتابد تا بتوان میزان آسیب های بوجود آمده در بافت ها را به کمترین میزان خود رسانده و با ایجاد کیفیت زندگی بالاتر، سطح امید و طول عمر را در این بخش از جامعه را افزایش دهد.

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Introduction: The elderly, a part of human society, for who in different religious and non-religious cultures and rituals there is a special place and respect. The elderly, due to their abundant experience of ups and downs of life, may be valuable and very strategic models for the development and promotion of all aspects of human life (both religious and non-religious). As for Islam, as a religion based on love and respect, this age group has a special respect and value; the narrations of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) indicate to various dimensions of the position of the elderly in society and the necessity of protecting their dignity. This frequency of roles requires that their place and function in the religious heritage must be considered and analyzed. In this research, an attempt has been made to do this important. Method: In this review study, the considered information is extracted and analyzed through studying the contents of the Qur’ an, the narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and related articles, with regard to the keywords “ elderly” , “ honoring the elderly” , “ interaction with the elderly” , “ the elderly in Islam” in a total of 25 articles and books under the subject of “ elderly” . Results: According to the narrations of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), there is a direct ratio between the growth and development of human societies and the degree of respect and benefit from the experiences and teachings of the elderly; In other words, old age is not a period of disability and isolation, but a period of service and role-playing, in a different and of course valuable way. Conclusions: The elderly are the scientific and epistemological authority of human societies. Their experience is a valuable achievement, and a big step towards conquering the new peaks of science and culture. In Islam, there is a direct ratio between increasing age and increasing dignity and respect; this means that old age in Islam is a time of honor, commemoration and sharing experiences with the young generation of society.

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Introduction: Elder abuse is common and global and it affects the various aspects of health and quality of life in the elderly. Therefore, successful management of elder abuse requires the implementation of various and effective interventions in its prevention. This study aimed to review the axes of intervention in the prevention of elder abuse. Method: This study is a review, in which 1200 articles about elderly abuse since 2000-2019 were searched using online English databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science. Iranian articles were obtained from SID, Iran Medex, Magiran and Google Scholar websites. Overall, 35 articles were selected which had inclusion criteria. Results: The study articles were divided into the following axes 1-Reducing the accurrance of risk factor for abuse in family caregivers 2-Increasing the detection rate of prevention in elder abuse 3-Interventions in victims of elder abuse 4-Introducing specialized teams for prevention of elder abuse 5-prevention of caregiver abuse of the elderly in nursing homes 6-prevention and stop of residentto-resident elder abuse 7-Preventive interventions based on the role of health professionals Conclusions: Usual forms of intervention programs may include public education, support groups, advocacy service interventions, and coordination in care for the elderly. Although family caregivers are the most vulnerable population providing unpaid care to family members, they have not been investigated as the deserved.

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Introduction: Coordination and balance is an indicator to determine the degree of independence of the elderly in performing daily activities. Method: In this quasi-experimental study, with a pre-test-post-test design, 30 elderly men referred to Arak nursing home with a mean age (68. 03 ± 6. 05 years), weight (62. 20 ± 9. 50 kg) height (163. 77 ± 6. 93 cm) was available as a sample and randomly divided into experimental and control groups of 15 people. The training group practiced in Frankel training program for 8 weeks and 3 sessions per week for 30 minutes. Pre-test was performed before training and post-test after 8 weeks of training and the results of both groups were compared. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to ensure the normality of the data and paired t-test and independent t-test were used to analyze the findings within the group and between groups, respectively. Significance level was considered less than 0. 05 Findings: The results of the present study showed that 8 weeks of Frankel training had a significant effect on coordination, static, dynamic balance and functional dynamic balance in the post-test compared to the pre-test of the experimental group (P = 0. 001). Frankel exercises had a significant effect on coordination (p = 0. 042), static balance (P = 0. 02), dynamic balance (P = 0. 04) and dynamic functional balance (p = 0. 001) in the post-test of the experimental group compared to the control group. Conclusions: It seems that doing Frankel exercises can be suggested as a good training method to improve coordination, static and dynamic balance and improve dynamic functional balance in older men. Therefore, the results of this study introduce a new method for rehabilitation of the elderly.

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SEVARI K. | Savari Y.

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Introduction: Psychological well-being is one of the important components of mental health in the elderly, and it is important to study the factor affecting on it. Therefore, the current study was conducted in Iran with the aim to investigate the role of self-directed learning readiness and the internal locus of control in predicting the psychological well-being of the elderly. Methods: This study had a descriptive-analytic and correlational design. The statistical population included all male and female over 60 years of age in Ahvaz city. Among this population, 126 elderly adults (24 females and 102 males) were selected using available sampling method. The data were collected using the self-directed learning readiness Questionnaire, the internal-external locus of control Questionnaire and Psychological Well-being Scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive methods (mean and standard deviation) and multivariate covariance analysis using statistical software SPSS v. 23 was analyzed. Results: Descriptive findings indicated that there were 24 female and 102 male and the mean age of the sample was 74. 45. Also, the results showed that self-directed learning readiness and the internal locus of control are positively correlated with psychological well-being (P <0. 001). Multivariate regression showed that self-directed learning readiness and the internal locus of control are predictors of psychological well-being among the elderly, and self-directed learning readiness is more effective than internal locus of control on the psychological well-being of the elderly. Conclusions: Based on research findings, locus of control and self-directed learning readiness have a relationship with each other, moreover, these variables predicts psychological well-being in the elderly.

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Introduction: Given the importance of healthy and active aging and the key role of elderly's social participation, it is required to conduct studies to evaluate the social participation of the elderly. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of social participation of the elderly in Kerman, Iran and its relationship with people's perception of social and physical characteristics of the neighborhood. Methods: This research was a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study. The study population was consisted of people aged 65 years or over who live in Kerman. The studied population size was reported as 38840 based on census results. A total of 380 people were included in the study. The data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was established by face validity and its reliability was determined by internal correlation method. The obtained CVI was 0. 93 and the Cronbach's alpha was 0. 952. The questionnaires were completed by the researcher after obtaining informed consent from the elderly. The data were analyzed by appropriate statistical tests using SPSS v. 21 software. Results: The social participation of the elderly was moderate, which decreased as the age increased (R=-0. 496, P < 0. 001). The independent variable, trust in the neighbors, was the most important variable affecting the social participation (P < 0. 001, Beta = 0. 521). Afterwards, the neighborhood facilities (P < 0. 002, Beta = 0. 461), age (P < 0. 001, Beta = 0. 493), and the sense of belongingness to the neighborhood (P < 0. 001, Beta = 0. 253) had the greatest effect on the social participation, respectively. Conclusions: The results showed that most of the elderly in Kerman had a moderate level of social participation. Among all the predictors of social participation of the elderly, trust, perception of the neighborhood facilities, the sense of belongingness, and age were determined as the most effective variables. Considering the important role of social participation to improve the quality of life of the elderly and to promote health, the findings of this study can be used to optimize the living conditions (social, structural, and physical conditions) of the neighborhood of the elderly.

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Introduction: For successful management and control of diabetes, proper patient adherence to treatment is important, and countless factors affect patients' ability to adhere properly. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between Perception of Ageing and social support with follow-up treatment in the elderly with type 2 diabetes in Fasa in 2018. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 200 elderly people with type 2 diabetes who referred to Fasa Diabetes Clinic in 2018. The participants were chosen through random sampling. Data collection tools, demographic and clinical information checklists were standardized questionnaires for adherence to Madanlu treatment, Short form of perception of aging and multidimensional scale of social support. Data were used using SPSS 22 software and was analyzed descriptive statistical tests, Kai Scoyer, T-independent and Logistic regression. Results: The mean age of the studied subjects was 72. 05 ± 7. 92 years and the mean duration of their disease was 11. 38 ± 3. 17 years and most of them (70%) were women. The mean total scores of perception of aging and perceived social support in the elderly studied were 66. 23 ± 18. 16 and 44. 96± 10. 05, respectively. The mean total score of treatment adherence in patients was 154. 91± 19. 61, most of whom (51. 5%) had moderate treatment adherence. Social support was statistically significant in all three areas (family support, friends, and important people), gender, and lifestyle (P<0. 05). Conclusions: The results of this study confirmed that social support could be considered as a valuable resource in interventions aimed at improving the management and control of diabetes.

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Introduction: Depression is a common problem in old age that can endanger the health of an elderly person. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression Methods: This study was performed using a systematic literature review and meta-analysis in April and May 2020. Six electronic databases and one search engines were searched and evaluated on the prevalence of depression in Iranian elderly until the end of May 2020. Heterogeneity of study was checked using I2 index and the possibility of publication bias by Egger test and Meta regression for assessment of variables suspected of heterogeneity at significance level of 0. 05. Finally 30 empirical studies were reviewed using CMA. Results: Based on the random model, the prevalence of depression in Iranian elderly was 15% (95% confi dence interval, 10. 8%-20. 5%). The highest prevalence was recorded in Koram Abad in 2013, 82. 1% (95% CI: 71. 5%-89. 1%) and the lowest prevalence was 0. 03 %( 95% CI: 0. 01%-1. 9%) in Khoy in 2016. There was a significant relationship between sample size, year and prevalence of depression (P <0. 05). Conclusions: The prevalence of depression occurs in more than one tenth of Iranian elderly. Increasing the prevalence of depression in the elderly in the country, in addition to imposing costs, also has negative consequences for patients. Therefore, health policy makers and managers must take serious actions to reduce it.

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