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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 42)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Recent studies has shown that toxic effects of chlorhexidine (CHL) is not limited to bacteria but also noxious for a variety of cells including sperms, polymorphonuclears, macrophages, epithelial cells, erythrocytes and gingival fibroblasts.Objective: To evaluate cytotoxic effects of chlorhexidine on rat L929 fibroblast cell line and also determining the safest and most effective dose of this agent.Methods: L929 fibroblast cell cultures supplemented with FBS were treated with 0.2, 0.12 and 0.009% of chlorhexidine concentrations for 30 seconds, 1 minute and 5 minutes. Then, Media was removed and cells were washed with RPMI three times and were incubated in new culture media with MTT for 4 hours. Since chlorhexidine cytotoxicity affects mitochondrial dehydrogenase in viable cells, no MTT reduction and further formazan crystal formation occurs. The optical density of the color changes was detected using ELISA reader.Findings: CHL was cytotoxic at all concentrations and time intervals used in our study. ANOVA showed a lack of any significant difference in toxic effects of chlorhexidine at different concentrations and durations.Conclusion: Regarding the cytotoxicity of CHL at concentrations and durations much less than those in clinical application, conservative use of chlorhexidine is recommended. Also, additional studies on CHL to determine a safe and effective dose and duration are suggested.

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View 1135

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Background: Fetus in a pregnant woman is at high risk of congenital toxoplasmosis if the first exposure to Toxoplasma gondii occurs during pregnancy. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma in pre-marriage females can reflect the high risk group in population.Objective: To identify the seropositivity rate of T. gondii in females referred to laboratory for pre-marriage examinations.Methods: This was a descriptive study performed on 400 pre- marriage females referred to Qazvin community- based medicine center in 2001. Indirect fluorescent antibody test was used to detect anti-toxoplasma IgG antibody titer in sera of the study population. IgG- IFA ³ 1:20 was considered as positive.Findings: The overall seropositivity rate was 34%. Mean age of seropositive females was significantly higher than in seronegative cases (P<0.02). Seropositivity rate was indicative of a significant negative correlation with education (P<0.03). There was no meaningful difference between the rural and urban residents, statistically.Conclusion: Based on data found in our study, emphasis on educational program for women at their pre-marriage ages to prevent congenital toxoplasmosis is suggested.

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View 1010

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Background: The endometrial basement membrane has a major role in implantation of embryo. Studies have recently shown that the rate of successful implantation in stimulatory cycles is less than in normal cycles due to detrimental effect of superovulatory drugs on endometrium.Objective: to investigate the effects of stimulatory drugs on ultrastructures of mouse endometrial basement membrane.Methods: The endometrial samples were obtained from 30 naturally pregnant mice (control group) and 30 superovulated mice (experimental group) at the time of implantation (120 h after hCG injection). Induced with PMSG (10 IU) and hCG (10 IU) The specimens were processed for electron microscopic studies. Qualitative (based on electron density) and quantitative (thickness of basement membrane) studies were performed on micrographs. The data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney statistical test.Findings: The qualitative observation of the case group revealed a well developed RER, increased number of mitochondria and high electron density of basement membrane. The quantitative data demonstrated that the thickness of basement membrane and lamina densa were significantly increased in the case group compared with control group (0.283±0.0777, 0.158±0.00827 vs. 0.239±0.0082, 0.155±0.0111, P<0.05).Conclusion: It can be concluded that superovulation drugs may lead to low implantation rate by changing the endometrial basement membrane.

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View 944

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Background: Fructosamine or glycated plasma proteins are used to assess the short term diabetes control. Fructosamine concentration dependends on blood glucose level, protein concentration and halflife of proteins. Some have reported that measuring fructosamine without considering protein concentration is of no value.Objective:  To investigate the ralation between fructosamine, albumin and total proteins and also the effect of fructosamine correction on capacity of this assay to assess the glycemic condition.Methods: Fifty diabetic patients from diabetes center in Yazd (Iran) were selected. The levels of fructosmine, albumin and total protein were determined once a month for duration of two months followed by measurement of glycatd hemoglobim after two months. Fructosamine and glycated hemoglobin were measured by colorometric method based on nitro blue tetrazulium and ion exchange chromatography method, respectively.Findings: The correlation between glycatde hemoglobin and fructosamine, fructosamine corrected with albumin and total protein were 0.941, 0.908 and 0.9 (P<0/001). No correlation was found between fructosamine, albumin, and total protein. Mean of albumin and total proteins were 4.3 and 6.3 g/dl.Conclusion: Regarding our data, fructosamine correction at normal range of albumin and total protein did not affect fructosamine capacity in assessing diabetes control and under such condition albumin and total protein showed no effect on fructosamine concentration.

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Background: Kawasaki disease is an acute self-limited vasculitis of childhood characterized by fever, bilateral nonexudative conjunctivitis, erythema of lips and oral mucosa, changes in extremities, rash and cervical lymphadenopathy. Coronary artery aneurysm or ectasia develops in approximately 15% to 25% of untreated children and may lead to ischemic heart disease or sudden death.Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical symptoms, laboratory findings and epidemiology of Kawasaki disease in children hospitalized at Quds children hospital, Qazvin, Iran.Methods: Between March 1994 and March 2005, a total of 29 consecutive Kawasaki patients were enrolled and studied retrospectively.Findings: Of 29 patients, 20 were males and 9 females. The male/female ratio was 1:0.45. The majority of patients (65.3%) were younger than 5 years old. Seasonal peak was found to be in winter (37.9%) and spring (34.5%). All patients had fever lasting from 8 to 21 days. The most common clinical features were oral mucosal changes (96.6%), changes in extremities (79.3%), conjunctivitis (75.8%), cervical lymphadenopathy (58.6%) and rash (58.6%). Echocardiography was abnormal in 14%.Conclusion: Kawasaki disease is present in our country and diagnostic work-up in cases with prolonged fever and unresponsive to antibiotics is strongly recommended, as the clinical manifestations of Kawasaki disease are in common with many other diseases.

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View 1754

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Background: Vasomotor symptoms are usually accompanied with consequences such as headache, sleep disturbance and other events which can not be exactly attributed to endocrine changes already established in menopausal period.Objective: To compare the effect of hormone replacement therapy and relaxation techniques on consequences of menopause vasomotor symptoms.Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study carried out in 2003 in which ninety post-menopausal women with vasomotor symptoms referred to private doctors or midwives in Zanjan (Iran) were selected by convenience method. The subjects were randomly divided into 3 groups marked as HRT, RT and control groups. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews before and after intervention. Data were further analyzed using T-test, T- Paired, X2 and variance analysis.Findings: Our results demonstrated that RT and HRT both reduced the severity of vasomotor symptoms consequences (headache, sleep disturbance, depression, irritability and anxiety) in post-treatment period compared to pre-treatment stage. The findings were also indicative of a significant difference between RT and HRT groups comparing with control group in post -treatment period. Finally, although RT and HRT both reduced the severity of symptoms, RT found to have greater effect on depression than HRT.Conclusion: Based on results found in present study, RT and HRT both led to significant reduction in consequences of vasomotor symptoms, however, RT showed greater effect on depression than HRT.

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View 906

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Background: Preparing a suitable physical environment for schools will allow us to improve the efficiency of educational programs.Objective: To compare the security and environment health of public and private schools of Qazvin. Methods: This comparative study was carried out on randomly selected schools including 20 private and 68 public schools of Qazvin in 2001. A pre-designed questionnaire was filled out through interview, observation and measuring the variables related to safety and environmental health. The collected data were compared with the existing criteria and analyzed and examined using t-test and Fisher exact test.Findings: The safety and environmental health was generally poor in both sectors. Only in 3 out of 34 items (one omitted from the study due to invalid criteria of measurement) the health requirements were satisfactorily met in both sectors. In contrast, it was shown that in three out of 34, the safety and environmental health in private schools was nonexistent. Regarding all safety and health requirements, it was revealed that in adopting 4 criteria, the private sector showed a more acceptable condition than public sector, whereas for other 8 criteria the public sector preceded the private one and proved to be meaningful, statistically.Conclusion: It can be concluded that the public schools in terms of safety and environmental health are practicing a higher standard comparing with those in private sector.

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View 2121

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Background: Prevention of mental disorders is considered to be the major aim of mental health. Preventive attempts to strengthen religious beliefs and ideas are among the approaches to help reducing mental disorders.Objective: To study the relationship between religious beliefs and locus of control with mental health in female students.Methods: This was a descriptive- analytic study performed on 80 female students of Bandar Abbas University of Medical Sciences in 2000. Random clustering method was used for selection of samples. The data were collected using 3 different questionnaires named as Julian Rater Locus of Control, Symptom-Check List-90-Revised questionnaire, and Islamic Act Screening Scale.Findings: The data analysis showed a direct and positive effect of religion on mental health and locus of control, although the relationship between religious beliefs and symptom-check list-90-revised scale was significantly reversed.Conclusion: Regarding the positive effects of religious beliefs and practices on mental health, the use of this potential in community health planning specially when dealing with young adults is recommended.

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Background: Increase in number of cesarean sections has caused some alarming advices by clear-sighted authorities. So, it is necessary to study the factors affecting the rate of cesarean sections.Objective: To compare the effect of amniotomy on mode of delivery in both active & latent phases.Methods: This was an analytical cohort study carried out at Kosar hospital, Qazvin (Iran) in 2003-2004. The study population consisted of all admitted women (n=305) whose labor was induced by amniotomy. The patients were further divided into two groups marked as study group (n=174) and comparison group (n=131) based on being in latent phase or active phase, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using t- test, chi- square, and Mann- Whitney tests. Findings: Cesarean section was significantly higher (p=0.001) in study group than in comparison group, 19 (10.9%) vs. 2 (1.5%). Non-progressive labor during the first stage of labor showed to be considerably higher in study group (p=0.001). Also non-progressive labor during the second stage was (2.9%) in study group and (1.5%) in comparison group with no statically significant difference. Abnormal fetal heart rate patterns showed no significant difference, statically. Oxytocin administration in study group was (43.7%) and in comparison group (4.6%) showing statically a significant difference (p= 0.000(.Conclusion: Regarding our data, cesarean section, non progressive labor during the first stage, and oxytocin administration were all higher in latent phase group than in active phase group. It seems that early amniotomy may increase the need for cesarean section.

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Background: Recently, D- dimer has been designated as a biomarker with potential for diagnosis & management of pre- eclampsia.Objective: To determine the correlation between pre-eclampsia and D- dimer and also comparing of results with those of control group obtained at third trimester.Methods: This was a descriptive analytical study performed on pregnant women at their third trimester. The patients were divided into two groups of 30 members marked as case group with pre- eclampsia and control group with normal pregnancy. Plasma level of D- dimer was quantitatively measured by agglutination technique.Findings: Pre-eclampsia showed a significant correlation with plasma D- dimer. In third trimester, pre-eclamptic women were demonstrated to have significantly higher levels of D- dimer compared with normal pregnant women, 721.43±401.13 vs. 322.26±117.65 ng/ml (P<0.001). D-dimer was also shown to have a positive correlation with severity of condition in pre- eclamptic women.Conclusion: Regarding the data obtained in present study, plasma D-dimer level may be a potential biomarker for hematologic and fibrinolytic changes occurs in pre-eclampsia. Also, D- dimer could be considered as a biomarker to evaluate the risk factors of pre-eclampsia.

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Background: One of the precise methods for evaluating periodontal responses to orthodontic forces is finite element method.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate induced stresses in PDL of anterior teeth by application of intrusive forces distal to the canine.Methods: Solid works software was used to translate bidimentional images of the maxillary teeth (central, lateral, canine) into tridimentional images. PDL and alveolar bone around teeth were simulated and anterior teeth were positioned in an ideal arch with appropriate tip and torque, and rectangular wire was stabilished rigidly on labial surfaces of the teeth.Models were modified to “Finite element model” by means of MSC-NASTRAN. Intrusive forces (35gr) were applied on anterior wire distal to the canine and induced stresses were analyzed by means of MSC-PATRAN.Findings: By delivery of intrusive forces between the lateral and canine teeth, the maximum stress was concentrated in PDL of canine (8.38×10-3 N/mm2) and the minimum stress was in PDL of central (7.6×10-6 N/mm2). Conclusion: Application of intrusive forces on the distal of canine teeth lead to UN hemogenous stress distribution in anterior area due to intrusive and unitended labiodistal movement. Therfore distal of canine is not an appropriate point for intrusive forces application.

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Background: Accreditation and evaluation play a critical role in quality management. In this regards health records are among the primary documents used by health care facilities to evaluate compliance with the standards set by accreditation agencies.Objective: To compare the strengths, weaknesses, and the general functionality of IM standards of three well-established accreditation agencies in Canada, USA and New Zealand.Method: This was a comparative-descriptive study in which the IM standards of Canada, USA and New Zealand were collected and investigated through the internet and e-mails during 2003-2004.Findings: The data indicated that the JCAHO has adopted maximum standards related to patient-specific information. The data also described that the CCHSA has regarded the most complete and suitable standards related to educational and staff development standards. Considering other data, the maximum standards related to achieving positive outcomes and making improvement has been adopted by the CCHSA and QHNZ.Conclusion: All together, the findings of this comparative study revealed that while the CCHSA and QHNZ have adopted the same standards with emphasis on information management planning standards and achieving positive outcomes, the strong points of JCAHO’s standards are patient specific information and evidence-based decision making.

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View 1644

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Cystic fibrosis is an inherited multi-system disease, characterized by respiratory and digestive system disorders. We describe a 14-year-old cystic fibrosis patient with chronic abdominal pain and a right lower quadrant mass Diagnostic laparotomy was performed and pathological results revealed the etiology of mass as phlegman. In patients with cystic fibrosis, a lower quadrant mass may be a difficult diagnostic problem. Most frequently, it is due to a distal intestinal obstruction syndrome, but the possibility of intussusception and appendiceal abscess should also be considered. It seems that finding the cause of an abdominal mass in cystic fibrosis patients needs a closer attention.

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This cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate the healthy lifestyle of 750 elderly people of Tehran in 2002. The mean score of males was significantly higher than in females. Furthermore, the average score of elderly membership in social activities was our findings revealed that the elderly have a low level of knowledge, attitude and performance towards healthy lifestyle. Thus, it seems designing a comprehensive program regarding a healthy lifestyle in this population to be of prime necessity.

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