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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 41)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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آصف زاده سعید

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    4 (پیاپی 41)
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در تحلیل انتقادی مطالعات پژوهشی، ارزیابی اعتبار درونی و اعتبار برونی طرح تحقیقاتی اهمیت بسزایی دارد، زیرا میزان تعمیم پذیری یافته های حاصل از پژوهش به درجه اعتبار و دقت روش های به کار رفته در فرآیندها و فراگردهای اجرای تحقیق بستگی دارد. در تحلیل انتقادی همه مراحل کار در اندازه گیری، گردآوری و تحلیل داده ها به محک آزمون در می آید تا دانش تولید شده از تحقیق بتواند به زینت نشر آراسته شود. به هنگام طراحی و اجرای تحقیق، جدا از همه تورش ها و خطاها در نمونه گیری، مشاهده و اندازه گیری، باید از دو اثر یا تورش پرهیز شود، یکم اثر هاتورن که بسیار در نوشتارهای تحقیق از آن یاد می شود و دوم اثر هاله ای.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: In industrial world, almost everyone is unavoidably exposed to ambient electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated from various technical and household appliances. One of the critical issues is the possibility of adverse effect of EMF on male reproductive system including the testes and accessory glands.Objective: To examine weather the EMF can adversely affect the seminal vesicle tissue. Methods: This was an experimental study in which two groups (case and control) of 15 members were investigated. The members of case group were exposed to 50 Hz non-ionizing radiation during the postnatal life for 2 months. The control group was kept in a similar situation but without exposure to EMF. Findings: Microscopic observations demonstrated that the smooth muscle fibers in capsule of tubulosecular glands were spread out in different layers and directions. Their nuclei showed signs of heterochromatinism. The number of heterochromatinized epithelial cells per microscopic field was 1.127±0.46 for the case group while it was 0.60±0.74 for the control group (p<0.01). Epithelial secretary cells also showed cell damages. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that EMF exposure may cause profound changes on seminal vesicle. Therefore, exposure to EMF may result in pathological changes leading to subfertility and infertility.  

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View 1004

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Background: Prolactin is an important mammalian hormone and the associated receptor is recognized in many different cells. Radioligand and histochemical methods are both used for assaying prolactin receptor.Objective: To produce FITC-prolactin conjugate and also to study the ability of conjugate to bind prolactin receptor.Methods: In this experimental study FITC was bound to prolactin in alkaline solution. FITC-prolactin conjugate was separated from free FITC by chromatographic method. Later, the ability of FITC-prolactin conjugate to bind prolactin receptor of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was assessed by flowcytometry. Findings: Fluorescence emission was detected in 2.1% of the cells in absence of FITC-prolactin. Following the addition of FITC-prolactin conjugate to cells for one hour and further washing, the fluorescence emission was detected in 27.8% of cells. For PBMC, these data were 0.02% and 11.8%, respectively.Conclusion: Regarding the data obtained in our study, FITC-prolactin conjugate can bind prolactin receptor. Therefore, this conjugate could be used for assessing prolactin receptor by fluorometric method.

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View 1856

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    4 (41)
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Background: Avulsion of sciatic nerve ventral root leads to cell death of motor neurons.  Deprenyl has a neuroprotective effect on spinal cord motoneurons.Objective: To evaluate the effect of deprenyl on Bcl -2 protein expression in adult rats after ventral root avulsion of sciatic nerve.Methods: This was an experimental study performed in Jondishapour University of Medical Sciences (Ahvaz, Iran) in 2005. Twenty four Sprague-Dawley adult male rats were divided into two experimental and control groups and each group further subdivided into three subgroups of 4 members. Rats were anesthetized with ketamin and xylazin injections followed by avulsion of left sciatic nerves. One hour later experimental subgroups were intraperitoneally injected with 0.25 mg/kg of deprenyl and control subgroups received an equal volume of distilled water intraperitoneally. Two intact rats were also considered as sham group. The first injection was performed one hour after avulsion and repeated daily for one, two and six weeks. Later, animals were sacrificed and the spines removed at L1 lumbar segment equal with L4-L6 spine segment. The segments were lysed in lysis buffer and centrifuged. Optical densities of supernatants were measured using a spectrophotometer. The normality of data was confirmed by Npartest.Findings: Optic density of Bcl-2 protein in two weeks experimental group (0.55±0.79) was significantly (p=0.042) higher than two weeks control group (0.424±0.058).Conclusion: It seems that Bcl-2 protein expression is increased by deprenyl drug.

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View 1042

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    4 (41)
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Background:  Recent studies indicate that the glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems are also involved in morphine withdrawal syndrome. Ascorbic acid (AA) released from glutamatergic neurons, modulates the synaptic action of dopamine and glutamate as well as behavior.Objective: To determine the effects of ascorbic acid on morphine withdrawal syndrome signs (MWS).Methods: 30 Male rats (250-300gr) were tested in 5 groups as: 1) control group (n=6) received 3% sucrose in tap water; 2) dependent group received morphine (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4mg/ml for a period of 48h, and 0.4mg/ml for further days up to 21st day)  and 3% sucrose in tap water;  3, 4, 5) morphine-AA groups which received morphine and AA (100, 500, 1000mg/kg IP, every 48h) for evaluating the effects of AA on MWS.  At the end of training period, all groups received naloxone (2mg/kg IP) and MWS were studied for 30 minute. Findings: Our results showed that IP application of AA (100, 500, 1000 mg/kg) can remarkably attenuate many signs (but not all) of morphine withdrawal syndrome, dose dependently. Conclusion: Based on data obtained in present study, AA can attenuate the expression of withdrawal behaviors in rats.

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    4 (41)
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Background: Preterm labor is one of the complications of pregnancy affecting 7% of cases.Objective: To determine variations of AFP & ALP as a predictive index of preterm labor.Methods: A case-control study was performed on 210 patients in Kosar hospital, Qazvin. The case group composed of 70 pregnant women between 28-37 weeks who had their deliveries in labor ward and diagnosed as preterm labor. The first control group included 70 pregnant women between 28-37 wks who were followed until 37th week of pregnancy and the mentioned parameters were measured in their serum. The second control group consisted of 70 women who had term delivery and evaluated for the effect of labor on the level of predicting markers. The data derived from questionnaires were used as primary information. The analysis of data was performed based on parametric test (t-test) using SPSS 4 (confidence interval of 95%.Findings: The mean of AFP in preterm labor group was 167.61 IU/ml followed by 77.5 and 70.5 IU/mL in first and second control groups, respectively. There was a significant difference (up to 2-205 times of mean value) between preterm labor group and the first control group (p<0.05). The mean of ALP in preterm labor group was 320 IU/mL followed by 284.1 and 280.1 IU/mL in first and second control groups, respectively. Regarding ALP levels, no significant difference was found between two control groups.Conclusion: The serum level of AFP was increased in preterm labor whereas no variation in the level of ALP was observed.

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Background: Psychiatric disorders especially depression has known association with coronary artery disease but the relationship with other psychological conditions still obscure.Objective: To evaluate the lipids profile in patients with anxiety and depressive disorder.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 100 patients arranged in four groups using random sampling. Group 1 (25 patients) with major depressive disorder; group 2 (25 patients) with generalized anxiety disorder; group 3 (25 patients) with mixed anxiety and depression; and group 4 (25 patients) as control group. Data was collected using a questionnaire including demographic information, past history of patient, and also Beck and Kettel questionnaire. Blood samples were collected to measure total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL-C.  The data were analyzed using SPSS10 and t-test, χ2, and ANOVA tests.Findings: Out of 100 patients, 75% were females. Means of TC (226.75±45.35), TG (189.37±69.84), HDL-C (45.51±10/48) and LDL-C (150.35±36.65) were higher in mixed anxiety depressive disorder.Conclusion: Regarding the data obtained in our study, high lipid levels were found in mixed anxiety depressive disorder. To reduce the chance of atherosclerosis, measurement of lipids level in such patients is recommended.

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    4 (41)
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Background: In inferior MI, both circumflex (CX) and Right coronary artery (RCA) can be involved. Application of noninvasive paramedical evaluations in predicting of such events is considered to be worthwhile.Objective: Detection of coronary artery (RCA or CX) involvement in inferior myocardial infarction based on avR change.Methods: In 100 patients with inferior MI, 12-lead standard ECG was recorded in first 6 hours and ST-T change of avR evaluated. T-P segment was considered as isoelectric line. Data were analyzed using SPSS-12 and the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values evaluated.Findings: RCA disease was seen in 72 patients and CX in 28. Isoelectric ST, ST depression and ST elevation in avR were seen in 61, 22 and 17 patients, respectively. Positive predictive value (PPV) of isoelectric ST for RCA disease was 78.7% compared with 21.3% for CX. PPV of ST elevation for RCA and CX diseases were 70.6% and 29.4%, respectively. PPP of ST depression for RCA disease was 54.5% compared to 45.5% for CX.Conclusion: Regarding the higher PPV of isoelectric ST, clinicians are suggested to employ this criterion in addition to other findings for RCA involvement prior to invasive procedure.

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Background: Psychiatric disorders especially depression has known association with coronary artery disease but the relationship with other psychological conditions still obscure.Objective: To evaluate the lipids profile in patients with anxiety and depressive disorder.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 100 patients arranged in four groups using random sampling. Group 1 (25 patients) with major depressive disorder; group 2 (25 patients) with generalized anxiety disorder; group 3 (25 patients) with mixed anxiety and depression; and group 4 (25 patients) as control group. Data was collected using a questionnaire including demographic information, past history of patient, and also Beck and Kettel questionnaire. Blood samples were collected to measure total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL-C.  The data were analyzed using SPSS10 and t-test, χ2, and ANOVA tests.Findings: Out of 100 patients, 75% were females. Means of TC (226.75±45.35), TG (189.37±69.84), HDL-C (45.51±10/48) and LDL-C (150.35±36.65) were higher in mixed anxiety depressive disorder.Conclusion: Regarding the data obtained in our study, high lipid levels were found in mixed anxiety depressive disorder. To reduce the chance of atherosclerosis, measurement of lipids level in such patients is recommended.  

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View 1047

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Background: Diets of obese persons are less adequate than those with normal weight; obese persons skip breakfast more frequently.Objective: The aim of this investigation was to study the association between the regular breakfast intake and the obesity.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed within the framework of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS) on 562 subjects (279 men and 283 women). Following the measurement of anthropometric indices, 24-hour dietary recalls for 2 days were collected. There were 2 groups for analysis: group one with breakfast intake (404 subjects) and group two (158 subjects) with no breakfast intake. ANCOVA and logistic regression tests were used for analysis. Sex, age, smoking and total energy intake were adjusted.Findings: 72% and 28% of subjects were in the "with breakfast intake" and "no breakfast intake" groups, respectively. There were 61% and 39% women and men in the "no breakfast intake group", respectively. BMI, WC, WHR showed significant differences between two groups. Those with no breakfast intake found to have higher chances for obesity (OR=2.58, 95% CI=1.37-4.85.Conclusion: Based on our data, breakfast intake has an effect on the risk of obesity. Longitudinal studies with respect to physical activities are recommended.

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View 1863

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Background: There are many factors with different degrees of importance in explosion of fire-tube boilers and hence, reorganization, assessment and ranking of such factors by an accurate analytical method could be used as a guideline for experts related to safety programs.Objective: This study was planned to determine all effectual factors associated with explosion of oil fuel, the probability of occurrence in a specific area of industry, and also ranking of basic events.Methods: Fault tree analysis method was used in studying four fire-tube boilers located in one of the factories of Alborz Industrial City (Qazvin, Iran) to determine the effective events for occurring expected explosion accident and also to show their association. All basic events were further ranked by qualitative method.Findings: Developed fault tree showed 76 events which were connected through 42 logical gates. There were 36 basic events ranked in 11 levels according to their qualitative importance.Conclusion: Ranking of basic events showed that the human error factor (in management planning level) has the highest order among the factors with potential to cause boiler explosion.

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Background: Pain among adolescents and children has been identified as an important public health problem. Chronic pain in adolescents leads to disability in physical activity, anxiety, sleep disturbance, school absence, and social withdrawal.Objective: This study was to investigate the prevalence and impact of chronic pain on daily living and activities of adolescents.Methods: This was a descriptive analytical study designed to determine prevalence of pain in 200 adolescents aged 12 to 15 years through random cluster sampling among the population of Qazvin. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS.Findings: The most common types of pain in adolescents were headache (36%), abdominal pain (21%), and eye pain (21.5%). Prevalence of chronic pain increased with age and was significantly higher in girls (p<0/001).The self-reported trigger for pain was: anger/disputes (58.1%), sadness (52.8%), and common cold or illness (44.4%(.Conclusions: Our results highlight the relevance of adolescent pain for public health policy. To enhance our knowledge about adolescent pain and encouraging parents, teachers, and health care professionals to assist young people and adolescents with pain management, additional studies are suggested.

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Background: Hospitals are social foundations which appear to maintain and promote healthy life and today they are known as inevitable necessity for health sector development. Since manpower is recognized as the most important resource in organization, the leadership our direction of manpower is considered to be one of the most essential duties of hospital managers. Objective: To assess the leadership styles of hospital managers and chiefs and also their further effects on hospital operational indicators.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Qom province (Iran) during 2004. A total of eight hospitals (3 charity hospitals and 5 public hospitals) were investigated. The target population included all hospital managers and leads (8 managers, 8 leads). Data were collected using two types of questionnaires and analyzed by SPSS software.Findings: Consultative style was found among 75% of leads and the rest was benevolent- authoritative style. Among managers, 75% of leadership style was consultative followed by benevolent-authoritative style (12.5%) and exploitative-authoritative style (12.5%). On the average, managers and leads leadership style was mainly consultative. Data were indicative of a better status of hospitals' indicators in Qom province compared to other parts of the country.Conclusion: Findings reveal that Iranian hospital managers and leads are reluctant to practice participatory management methods and do not intend to involve staff actively in decision making processes about hospital affairs. They do, however believe that despotic way of dealing with hospitals and health care facilities affairs, is more appropriate than the participatory method.

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Background: Hospitals as economic firms must use costing and cost analysis methods for optimization.Objective: To determine the unit-cost of financial cost centers and calculating non-optimal price-variance rate in Shohada-ye-Haft-e-Tir hospital in 1381.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 1382. Information sheets were used to collect data. Unit-cost of centers was determined by activity-based cost method.Findings: Unit-cost of centers for ICU, CCU, neurocerebral ward, general surgery, orthopedic ward and internal therapeutic department were calculated as 549000, 354000, 180000, 150000, 200000 and 120000 Rials, respectively. Comparing the findings with predicted tariffs, non-optimal variances were observed. Conclusion: Based on data obtained from current study, administrations are suggested to attempt in identifying the elements effective on unit-cost increase. Simultaneously, application of correct economic methods in calculating of tariffs is necessary.

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Background: The computer-based testing (CBT) is now an accepted tool for assessment in fields of higher education but there is a lack of empirical research in the usefulness of computer in evaluation of medical sciences.Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the dental students' performance test scores with computerized and paper-based testing (PBT).Methods: This analytical study was carried out on 46 dental students at orthodontic department of Yazd University of medical sciences in 2004. The new software with selected questions and commercial paper-based testing were used for CBT and PBT, respectively. Analysis of data was carried out using t-test and correlation test of Spearman.Findings: There was a significant correlation between CBT and PBT for students' scores (r=0.6, p=0.000), however, no statically significant correlation was found between mean scores obtained for CBT and PBT.Conclusion: Our results indicated that the CBT could be reliably used for the purpose of student ranking but care should be taken in using it for grading.  

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View 751

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Oral habits are learned patterns of muscle contraction and have a very complex nature. They are associated with anger, hunger, sleep, tooth eruption, and fear. Some children even display oral habits for release of mental tension. These habits might be nonnutritive sucking (thumb, finger, pacifier and or tongue), lip biting, nail biting and bruxing events. As these habits can result in damage to dentoalveolar system, hence, dentists play a crucial role in giving necessary information to parents. This information includes relevant changes in the dentoalveolar system and the methods to stop oral habits. Also, a dentist is required to treat the ensuing malocclusion.

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View 1815

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This study was carried out to determine the knowledge and skills of self-care among discharged patient in cast. Sixty discharged patients participated in the survey by completing a questionnaire while their performance was observed. The results indicated that the level of knowledge and skills in subjects were ranked as moderate (50%) and lower than of what was expected. It is suggested that patients in plaster to be trained by health care workers (nurses) before discharge.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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