Hemangioma is a vascular tumor with increased endothelial turnover during proliferative phase of development that may involute progressive cellular death or fibrosis. Hemangioma is the most common tumor of infancy potential problems in the proliferative phase include ulceration; bleeding, infection, distortion of the cornea, obstraction of the visual axis, nasal passage larynx or auditory canal, CHF, skeletal distortion and the effect of this tumor on the face of the children sometimes need's for treatment with exision the tumore.We did this study because of high incidence hemangioma in infancy and the complication and effects of this on beauty. The main aim for this study was the comparision of surgical insison and CO2 laser insison in treatment of hemangioma.This study is a kind of clinical traial and the population studied who reffered to Alzahra and Emam Mousa kazem hospitals in Isfahan on 1373 to 1379. These information were calculated through studing of 60 cases with cutaneous vascular tumors. The volume sample was n =30 in each group. with attention that the minimum and maximum of the operating time in exision of hemangioma is 15 and 180 minute and with supposing that the distribution of operating time is normal so variances are equal the volume sample in each group was n=30 estimate SD in each group is 27.5 as the result of n=30 from each of groups with error possibility x=0/05 and power is 1-b=0/80. minimum difference between the operation thime mean equal 20 minute in two metodes in statistical is significant in this study patient informations accumulated in check list that contain: hospitalization time, age, sex. pay expanditure, the mean bleeding during the operation, the lenth of operation time, surgical complication. The follow up the patient was six month. the method of smapling was occasional the information was given to spss soft ware and with use of the statistical metods T-test and chi-squar was analysed.The mean bleeding during the operation in two groups compared with using t-test and the mean and SD in the group of surgical insision was 123.8+108.8 and in the group of CO2 laser was 30.8+29.2 as the result of the difference between in this two gropus was significant (P<0.00l). The mean of hospitalization time and the pay expenditure in the year of 1379 and operating tine in two groups compared with using the t-test. The (p) in each group was 0/13 and 0/38. As the result, the difference between two groups was not significant, relative plenty edema, percantge pain in the insision, infection incidence, percentge escar after exision of mass was compared the (P) in each group was 0.3, 0.57, 0.31, 0.60 as the result, the difference between two groups was not significant. In the group that used laser of CO2 wasn't seen any infection. female/male ratio was 1/6 and the most common site of involvment was head and neck. The mean age and size of mass and dissection area was compared with attention that (P) was 0.68, 0.30, 0.2, as the result of difference between two groups was not significant.The information resulted during study shows: that use of CO2 laser insision for hemangioma cause the less bleeding during the operation than the use of surgical insision so the compilication as like injection is less than in the use of CO2 laser.