The purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of preserved kilka for. human consumption. The different preservation methos (CSW and crushed ice) were used and the results were compared with the traditional method.Two main parameters (TVN and Histamin) of collected samples were measured in different preservation-time, namely: a) Time zero (after fishing), b) T5 and TI0 (5 and 10 hours duration from fishing ground to proccessing room). The mean value of Histamin of TI0 (10 hours after fishing) for traditional, CSW and crushed ice methods were determined 10.3, 2.2 and 1.5 mg/l00, respectively. On the other hand, the measured TVN values for above mentioned methods were 22.3, 19.0 and 17.0 mg/l00, respectively.The results showed a significant difference between the traditional method and two other methods (P<0.05) but there was no significant between CSW and crushed ice methods. Since, the preserved kilkas in the CSW showed higher quality, therefore, it is proposed that for using kilka as human consumption, they showed be preferably preserved in chilled sea water after fishing.