Introduction: Since bum patients lose their skin which is barrier to prevent of microorganisms to entry, are very susceptible to infections. The aim of this study was to compare isolated bacteria in 3 different times in Motahari bum center. Methods: In 3 studies for isolating bacterial infections in Motaharibum center in 1993, 2000, 2001, total of 863 samples were collected from bum patients with less than 50% and also from environment of patients such as facilities in the patient room, walls of dressing of the wound room, bath room and different place of hospital. Then, bacteria were identified by standard bacteriological methods. Results: Isolated bacteria from patients were similar to environment. In 1993, the isolated bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter, Bacillus, Klebsiells, Staphylococci, Micrococci, E. coli and Clostridiun: In 2000, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter, E. coli, Staphylococci, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, and in 2001, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter. Staphylococci, E. coli, Enterobacter, and Klebsiella was found. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the highest percent of infection in this 3 research. Discussion: Acinetobacter was not detected in 1993, but was isolated in 2000 (15.5%), and in 2001 (20.5%). This indicated the increased risk of infections by this bacteria in future. So, it needs to clean more environment from contamination and also, clean bum intensive unit.