Background: For Implementation of laws and punishment of criminals, including imprisonment, lashing, deportation if guilty have a claim for previous disease, the forensic experts should be asses and declare about it. Wipe punishment as a punishment of the criminal laws of the country in the guilt of consuming alcohol which is trump, enforcement, lesbianism, prostitution, … is considered as the possibility of disease aggravation in during of punishment is another reason for assessment of guilty pretension be provided by helpful and expert opinion and scientific knowledge for more accurate judges.Methods: The aim of thisresearch project wasto investigate theclinicalfindings, including vital signs, including temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory ratebefore and afterfloggingpunishmentlaboratoryfindingsincludesblood sugar, liverand renalfunction tests, urine analysis, countingblood cell (CBC), and lactate dehydrogenase enzymelevels. Evidently, some of the sentenced couldn’t tolerate whiplash punishment because of disease underlying disease or special somatic or psychic situation.Findings: Selected population, include 99 men convicted of carrying out the whip to have been drinking liquor. 11.6 unit increase in blood sugar levels and increase in liver enzymes is imperceptible and no significant change in the parameters of the CBC, and renal function tests compared to tests half an hour before and 24 hours after striking 46 units as well as a significant increase in blood cortisol levels the whip is stressful reaction. There hemoglobinuria in the urinalysis after 24 hours are important and should be considered in patients with kidney disease.Conclusion: in spite of does not exist of any previous research about effect & complication of whip punishment, therefore, results of this research can be very helpful, for accurate and scientific studies to inform the judges for evaluation the claimed sentences in this study. After and before punishment & to compare change extent in hemodynamic& hormonal factors should be asses experienceof domesticdiseasessuch asdiabetes, high blood pressure, liverand kidneydiseases, anddocumentedexpertiseto providea morejudgment opinion.