Background: Early detection of carbohydrate intolerance is important to prevent maternal and perinatal complications. This study aims to determine association of symptoms and clinical feature with different degree of carbohydrate intolerance in comparison with healthy pregnant women.
Methods: Two thousand four hundred sixteen pregnant women referred to five university hospital clinics were followed up until delivery. Previously known diabetic patients were excluded from the study. The universal screening was performed with a 50-g 1-hour glucose challenge test (GCT). Those with plasma glucose ≥130mg/dl underwent a 100-g 3-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) to diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) according to Carpenter and Coustan criteria. Also based on result of GCT and GTT all pregnancy divided to four groups GDM, impaired GCT (IGCT), impaired GTT (IGT) and normal pregnancy. Family and obstetric histories were taken followed by a complete physical examination included: BMI and blood pressure measurements, excess weight gain during pregnancy, proteinuria, glycosuria, polyhydramnios, and edema. Symptoms were considered were as followed: polyuria, polydipsia.
Results: Among the 2416 pregnant women, 114(4.7) were diagnosed with GDM. Of the 114, 42 (36.8%) were obese, 39 (34.2%) had glycosuria, 5 (4.3%) had pre-eclampsia, 22 (19.2%) had
abnormal excess weight gain during pregnancy. The most important symptoms were polyuria (14.9%), polydipsia (12.6%). In comparison with healthy group, GDM patients had a significantly higher BMI, glycosuria, polyhydramnios, proteinuria, and excess weight gain. Association of these symptoms in GDM patients was significantly different from that in healthy pregnant women. Out of 114 GDM patients 59 (51.7%) did not have any symptoms or any abnormal clinical features.
Conclusion: The rate 0 f a symptomatic patient in different level of carbohydrat intolerance indicates that symptom - based screening would miss many subjects. Despite clinical feature is not a reliable basis for screening GDM patients, it maybe used to improve maternal surveillance.