In order to evaluate the university students" tendency for getting married, Marriage Interest Questionniare for Students (MIQ-S) was stablished. Further several stages of analyses, the final version of the MIQ-S consists of 23 questions, in addition to one question for the golden age of marriage. Construct validity was established consulting with 5 expert psychologists in the field of the marriage and family. The test re-test reliability (r=0.77) and Coronbach Alpha (0.92) yielded a high reliability for the questionnaire. In the second phase of the study, factor analysis was conducted on the results of MIQ-S of 779 students, which identified 4 factors, including: "Predisposition for marriage", "Attitudes toward marriage", "Marriage outcome" and "Marriage Prevents". Predictive validity was assessed on 51 engaged university students and 51 matched controlled group who had no tendency for marriage. Threre were significant differences between the groups on the three factors, except for the Marriage prevents. A similar pattern occurred when the results of both genders were compared