This reserch aims to explore relationships between ego development and religious development represented by attachment to God and religious orientation. 636 university students participated in this research. Participants were university students selected from 12 faculties of Shahid Beheshti University. All participants completed the "Sentence Completion Test (S. C. T)" , the "Multidimen8ional Attachment to God Scale", the ""Attachment to Mother Scale" and the "Religious Orientation Scale (ROS)". Analysis of results indicate a negative relation (P= 0.05) between ego level and avoidance attachment to God, and positive relation (P= 0. 001) between ego level and intrinsic rereligious orientation. It has also found that the intrinsic religious orientation has negative
relation with both dimensions, anxious and avoidance attachment to God.
Although the results supported the corresponding model of the Kirkpatrick"s hypothesis for the low & middle ego levels, but the high ego levels ara excluded. Interpretation of results will focus on the following issues:
1- Introducing ego development as the precondition for religious development. 2Introducing transcendence attachment need (attachment to God) as the precondition for ego development. 3-Differentiating the transcendence attachment need and religious behavior at the high ego levels. 4- Evaluation of corresponding model of the Kirkpatrick"s hypothesis, and introducing the ego level as one of the basic constructs to address the issue. 5-Evaluation and providing indirect support
for the Allport"s hypothesis about mature individuals, at the scope of relevant constructs. 6-Evaluation and providing indirect support for the Loevinger"s hypothesis about the influence of ego development to the neighboring domains. In sum, this research, not only introduces some new perspectives in two important areas of psychology, i. e., religion psychology and personality psychology, but also it bridges these two fields.