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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Nowadays, social security system is seen as one of the most important mechanisms of social justice, which is shared by all theories of the state, from the liberal state to the welfare state, and even post-welfare states with some differences in the level of importance. In Iran, states made special attempts to create a social security system by the beginning of modernity. The social security system, in accordance with ILO treaty 102 (1952), constitutes a commitment to society for social and economic harm to provide citizens with advantages and benefits because of income termination or serious reduction caused by illness, pregnancy, job accidents, unemployment, disability, old age, death as well as increase in the cost of treatment and maintenance. The present study by two measures: first, principles dominating desirable social security and its standards; and second, common patterns in executing this system, has a descriptive-analytical approach. Literature review: In contrary to common belief, legal structure of Iran’ s Social Security System has no shortcoming in terms of the imperative principles for a desirable and effective system and the relevant principles, including universality, equality, government support, minimizing the support, comprehensiveness, prevention and empowerment have a strong foothold in Iranian subjective rules. Moreover, , the status quo can be considered in terms of the selected pattern. Meanwhile, the path of transformation from traditional patterns including saving and intervention and third party guarantee to an incremental path of advanced patterns such as occupation – based and social security general system with general law approaches should be considered. Therefore, the social security system of Iran is not in a disadvantaged state in terms of selecting an appropriate model and in terms of the historical evolution of patterns in the transition from traditional to modern and it is not far from standard systems. Discussion: The present study can be summarized as follows: the legal system of social security of Iran, as a system that requires, on the one hand, to be in line with the individual’ s independence from the state's support, and, on the other hand, to cover and generalize the minimum rights of citizens in the field of desirable social security due to the adoption of universal principles and the selection of appropriate models, is facing many problems in policy-making, regulation and implementation.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Study of the effect of oil revenues on social welfare is one of the most important subjects for economic policy makers in oil-rich countries. Despite Iran's massive supply of natural gas and oil, poverty and unemployment have been critical issues in recent years for the majority of people. . In Iran, oil almost provides a significant percentage of government revenues independently from the other economic sectors. In economic studies, different nonlinear methods have been applied to examine the relationship between oil shocks and social welfare in both importing and exporting countries. This study focuses on the nonlinear effect of oil revenues on social welfare in Iran during the 1975-2014 periods. . Method: In this research, by modeling the effective factors on social welfare with emphasis on the role of oil revenues, a threshold regression model is estimated for Iran’ s economy. Several classes of nonlinear autoregressive models were formulated for time series applications based on threshold models. In mathematical or statistical modelling, a threshold model is any model where a threshold value, or set of threshold values, is used to distinguish ranges of values where the predicted behaviour by the model varies in some important way. Findings: The share of oil revenues in GDP has a nonlinear and threshold impact on social welfare. In other words, in low oil revenues regime-(when the share of oil revenues in GDP is lower than 9. 35%)-increase in the share of oil revenues in GDP has led to a significant increase in social welfare, however, after exceeding the threshold of 9. 35% and being in the high oil revenues regime, an increase in the ratio of oil revenues to gross domestic product had a negative impact on the social welfare index. Discussion: In low oil revenues regime, the positive effect of oil revenues on social welfare is due to the expansion of the oil industry and workforce transition from the traditional to the oil sector which lead to improvement in income level and income inequality reduction. Also, oil revenues in the early stages of entering the state budget are largely devoted to government’ s development programs and infrastructure and development expenditures which are effective in improving growth and social welfare. In addition, the entry of oil revenues, import of goods and services and urbanization all have effects on improving social welfare. However, with the increase in the share of oil revenue in GDP, the government rent seeking behavior by popular and anti-development current expenditures, crowding out effect, inefficient civil projects, non-targeted subsidies and strengthen the activities of rent-seeking will reduce social welfare.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The law on targeted subsidies was presented as a bill by the ninth government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2008 and eventually with amendments was passed by the Islamic Consultative Assembly. The law that was supposed to be the revenues to increase productivity and economic growth, became a serious problem for the government due to false implementation. In the second phase of implementing this law, the removal of the wealthy people who receive direct subsidy led to a lot of discussions that, at the end of the parliament's review of the budget bill for the year 2016, the removal of 24 million people, who receive subsidies, from the government's list was approved. . For a proper implementation of this directive, high-income households should be identified correctly. Therefore, the four criteria of "climatic conditions", "household size", "area of living" and "level of income" were proposed to identify these households. If these variables are significant in mathematical and statistical models, the impact of these variables on high-income households can be determined. Method: In applied studies, regression models are usually used to analyze data that are related to a set of explanatory variables. The fitting of these models is done by assuming the normality of the response variable or its transformation, along with the constant of the variance of the response variable and the incompatibility of the error components. . In some cases, the response variable may be limited in the interval (1 and 0) and, by fitting the regression model, predictions are obtained outside the defined interval. In these cases the use of normal regression models are not appropriate and beta regression model is suggested. This model is based on the assumption that response variable has Beta distribution, and the mean of the response variable is linked by a linear predictor with unknown coefficients and a link function to a set of explanatory variables. If the response variable gets the values of zero and one, an augmented Beta model that is mixture of a Beta distribution with two degenerated distributions at 0 and 1 has been suggested. Since in this study the variable of the response, that is the share of household income from the subsidy, can take values in the closed interval [1. 0], to examine the effective variables on that additional beta regression model has been used. The data used in this study were collected from Iran's household income and household expenditure survey (HIES) which has been implemented by the Statistical Center of Iran. . The main objective of the household income and expenditure survey is to measure the average of food-expenditure, non-food expenditure, and total expenditure of the urban and rural households in Iran. Information provided by HIES has been applied to calculate poverty line, study the impurity in household income and facilities. Statistical population in this survey is all of the households which are settled in urban and rural areas. The presented regression model to understand the effective covariates on response rate is applied by the data set of Tehran city. Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) is used for model evaluation. Finding: To distinguish high-income households, this paper presented modeling of the share of household income from subsidies in Tehran city using the results of Household Income and Expenditure survey conducted by the Statistical Center of Iran in 1390. After checking different covariates, deciles of household income and household size were entered into the augmented beta regression model with negative and positive coefficients respectively. Spatial map of Tehran city shows heterogeneity among different districts of Tehran municipality, which is significant in the spatial augmented beta regression model with a positive coefficient. Hence, decile of income, household size, and area of living were identified as significant variables on the proportion of household income from subsidies. Discussion: . The findings of this study confirm the criteria proposed by economic experts to identify high-income households. Since information about area of living is more accessible in comparison to other covariates, level of income and household size, it is suggested to imply an area of living geographically for grouping households in order to make a decision about getting the direct subsidies. To access the information about the area of household living, it is suggested to use Instruments and Landed Property Registration Organization data base. Since decile of income is a significant variable on share of household income from subsidies, information about status of ownership and area of housing unit which are available in Instruments and Landed Property Registration Organization data base can be used as an indicator to identify wealthy people. Moreover, , Numbers and prices of automobiles, which belong to a household and having a business license can also be used for this purpose. Another effective variable on share of household income from subsidies is household size, which is updated through population and housing census. In order to plan for the allocation of subsidies to households it is necessary to consider household size, decile on income and area of household living simultaneously, for a decision to be taken in regard to per capita household income from subsidies criterion. Identification of wealthy households is being possible by linking these data bases.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: In economic literature, using economic growth resources and parameters (work, capital and technology) are important in the process of economic growth and development. When the economy has a higher level of development, application of physical and human resource intensity will gradually reduce and we try to improve the quality level of resources by technical changes and changes in the efficiency of the factors of production. Therefore, by using capital and work factors more efficiently as well as technology, conditions for increasing the total productivity of production factors in economic activities are provided because continuous and higher level of economic growth in the whole economy leads to faster transition of production structure from one stage to another in economic development. In these structural changes, the higher contribution of productivity of all the production factors will lead to better production instead of bad production (using physical resources rather than the quality change of production). . Nowadays, the quality of human capital plays an important role in a coherent and coordinated system to achieve the higher economic growth goals; so that workforce with higher knowledge will have higher productivity and higher productivity of the workforce is known as driving force of economic growth. Method: This research seeks to investigate the human capital quality of the workforce in the industrial sector and in the provinces by using the dynamic panel model and workforce education level of the Ginni coefficient index and its effect on workforce productivity during 1379-1392 years. This was a descriptive and an applied research. Theoretical discussions were collected through library research (books and article), mining documents and taking notes. The population of the study included all information and statistics related to the variables of workforce education (human capital) and workforce productivity in the industrial sector of the country, and the sample was also the information and statistics of the industrial sector by province. Data were collected using time series, economic indicators, magazines and published statistics by the Statistical Center of Iran. Findings: The results of the Ginni coefficient index of the level of education of the workforce showed that in all provinces during the study period the dispersion of the level of education of the workforce has decreased. . Considering the estimation of research model, all explanatory variables of research (Gini coefficient of education level of the workforce, per capita wage, physical capital per capita and technology indicator) had a significant effect on workforce productivity. Dependent variable lag (workforce productivity) had a positive and significance relationship with workforce productivity which, shows that workforce productivity dynamics acts positively. Among studied variables, the variable workforce per capita wage in the industrial sector had the most effect on dependent variable, workforce productivity. The Effect of training distribution or workforce education level distribution in the industrial sector is negative on workforce productivity. . At last, physical capital per capita and technology index had positive and significant effect with workforce productivity. Discussion: The importance of workforce in the production process at the macro and micro level is clear, however, despite the emphasis on policies, the performance of workforce productivity in the Iranian economy in recent decades has shown that the potential of the workforce in the production process has not been used. Considering the results of the research, that the per capita wage variable has the greatest impact on labor productivity and that this variable has been introduced as an indicator of the motivation of the workforce in the model, it is suggested to pay particular attention to the motivational factors of the workforce, especially the wage level. Moreover, in order to improve the productivity of the workforce in the industrial sector, the dispersion of workforce education must be reduced

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: You can't control what you can't measure and you can't manage what you can't control. Therefore, the main issue in all organizational analysis is the performance and its improvement requires measurement. Hence, it is hard to imagine a company without a performance evaluation system. The balanced scorecard technique is commonly used to measure the performance of an organization. One of the problems of organizations in order to measure performance is to determine the performance assessment indicators. Social Security Organization as one of the most important social welfare organizations needs to determine indicators for evaluating the performance of the organization. The aim of this study is to design performance evaluation indicators by using AHP and BSC approaches in the Social Security Organization of MashhadMethod: This study is an exploratory research which was conducted by applying the Delphi technique. The statistical population included all senior executives and branch managers of Social Security Organization of Mashhad, where all of the managers (20 people) were examined due to a small number. Data were collected through interviews and research-made questionnaires. Using Delphi technique, proposed indicators were determined by senior executives and experts of Social Security Organization in two steps. In the first stage, the main indicators of performance evaluation were identified by using library study and in-depth interviews. Then, these indicators were provided to samples in a hierarchical analysis questionnaire and Expert Choice software was used to prioritize the indicators. Findings: The rate of compatibility of the criteria in the AHP model is less than 0. 1, which represents an acceptable compatibility of the system. The results also showed that perspectives of the customer, learning and growth, internal processes and finance have the highest priority, respectively. The most important measure from the customer’ s perspective is customer satisfaction; from the perspective of learning and growth is holding in-service training courses,; from the financial perspective is increase in getting the debts; and from the perspective of internal processes is updating the rules of the organization according to circumstances. Discussion: In order to evaluate the performance of the Social Security Organization, customer, learning and growth, internal and financial processes perspectives should be taken into account respectively, and resources of the organization should be addressed in order to achieve the corresponding indicators of these perspectives. As the results show, the last priority of the Social Security Organization is to pay attention to financial issues and to increase income. Customer orientation and customer satisfaction should receive special attention from the organization. . In order to achieve customer satisfaction, employees' skills should also be improved through in-service training, and on the other hand, the Social Security Organization's laws and regulations should be updated according to time requirements. The logic of implementing a strategy map in a balanced scorecard is that improving internal processes and paying attention to the system of growth and learning in the organization and enhancing the skills of employees is the basis for satisfying customers. Naturally, customer satisfaction will lead to the organization's financial performance improvement. The findings of this study are consistent with the logic of the balanced scorecard.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Employment and the achieving a desirable job is considered to be the most basic needs of a society. Unemployment has been considered as a destructive social, economic and cultural phenomenon and its elimination has always been one of the main concerns of officials. One of the important issues in the Iranian society is the unemployment of educated people in all academic fields. Information and statistics show the failure of well-educated young people to find a job. However, a group of students has succeeded in finding a job. This study, by relying on the theory of neoclassical scholars in economics and the theorists of social relations network in sociology, explains how these individuals find their desirable job. Method: This research was a survey and its population included students of Kharazmi University in three levels of undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD at Karaj and Tehran branches. Data were collected through a questionnaire with a sample size of 544 people. Findings: The informal relationships (social relations network) play a much larger role than the official paths of job search in student employment. Strong social relationships in comparison to weak social relationships, lead to more employment and academic relationships play a very limited role in student employment. Moreover, the findings showed that students from urban areas used social relations network more than students from rural areas and students whose parents had higher education used the social relations network for employment more than students whose parents had lower education. Discussion: Employed students have mostly found their jobs through informal relationships and formal job search paths have little effect on student employment. In other words, official job search channels such as recruitment agencies, official job placement sites and job advertisements have not played a significant role in student employment. Only 22. 4% of the students indicated that they had found their job through official job search channels, while 77. 6% of the students found their job through informal relationships. The social relations network helps people to meet specific needs such as employment. In other words, employment or lack of employment depends largely on the social relations network of individuals. The findings of this study showed that extensive interaction among individuals for obtaining resources and social and economic opportunities is an important issue in economic sociology studies. Considering the results of this study, it can be concluded that the network of social relations is effective in analyzing the labor market in Iran.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Using the information technology (IT) and Electronic Life theory can be a suitable way of changing the current status of cities or at least minimizing related problems. Trust is one of the major issues which affects the acceptance of electronic city. In this study, the main focus was to identify the elements related to the trust of citizens to the electronic city which was carried out through studying the parameters affecting trust with the aim of determining the effective elements. Also, the performance of the two methods used in evaluating the elements was compared. . Method: It is a descriptive-analytic research based on studying documents and library references as well as field study and survey city of Ghir. Data and information were collected based on existing facts of the city and asking questions from citizens and related experts. Using random sampling method and Cochran’ s formula 350 individuals out of 18200 were selected as the sampling population. Ressults: : The results of the sensitivity analysis of this study showed that trust to the network, features of citizens, the quality of the network, and citizens' trust respectively have the priority in determining the rate of trust to electronic city. In other words, in order to raise the trust of citizens in the electronic city, the trust to the network parameter is more important and with more Internet security, public and private networks and electronic city technology, more effective steps can be taken to increase citizens' confidence in the electronic city. The results of this study indicate the high ability of RBF neural network performance and neural fuzzy system to estimate the trust rate of electronic city. By comparing the performance of the two methods of neural network RBF and neural fuzzy system, it was observed that the function of the neural fuzzy system is relatively better and more accurate. Discussion: It is suggested that urban managers increase the level of trust in the electronic city and increase the acceptance and usage of the electronic city by citizens, according to the order of importance of indicators of trust in the electronic city and the priority.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Adolescence is a sensitive and high-risk period in life which may turn people into drug use and addiction. However, modification of people's attitude towards drugs is an effective way of preventing addiction. Therefore, this hypothesis can be suggested that modifying the attitude of adolescent towards drug could be effective in preventing drug addiction in a society. However, prior to modifying adolescents’ attitude towards addiction, it is important to understand their attitude in the first place. This study investigates the tendency of high school students in Marivan to addiction. Method: The study was a cross-sectional survey. Using cluster random sampling, 385 public high school students studying in the first, second and third grad were selected. After omitting the incomplete questionnaires, 367 questionnaires were analyzed. Findings: According to the descriptive findings, 60. 35% of students were male and 39. 65 percent were female. 33. 5 percent of students studied in the first year of high school, 30 percent in the second year of high school and of 33. 5 percent studied in the third year of high school. The correlation between the "commitment" and “ drug addiction tendencies” variables among students after controlling other independent variables (consistency, involvement and belief) decreased from (-0/471) to (-0/394). Also, the correlation of the "involvement" variables after controlling other independent variables (commitment, consistency and belief) decreased from (-0/139) to (-0/118). The partial correlation between belief and consistency with the dependent variable (the tendency to drug use), was respectively,-0. 097 and-0. 076. Multivariate regression analysis showed that multiple correlation of four variables (commitment, involvement, consistency and belief), with “ tendency to drug use” was 0. 532 (0. 532 = R). The amount of the adjusted coefficient (R² Adj. ) showed that 28. 1% of the changes in drug use tendency were predicted by the variables of commitment, involvement, consistency and belief. In addition, the value of F test (13. 661) and the significance level (0. 001) shows that the model is significant at 0. 99%. Discussion: The findings of this study, confirms the foundations and underlying assumptions of Hirsch’ s social bonding theory. Thus, the components of "commitment", "consistency", "belief" and "involvement" have an impact on delinquency and deviation (the tendency to consume drugs in this study) and are inversely correlated to it. The greater the amount of commitment, involvement, consistency and belief among students are, the lower is their tendency to drug use.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Survival, continuity and progress of any society depends on the efficiency and quality of its education. Teachers, as a basis of education, have a very important role in training the next generation, and to be able to play their role properly, they should have the necessary skills and abilities. Hence, self-efficacy and social health has a significant impact on the realization of their individual and professional abilities and competencies. . Social health has five dimensions, including social acceptance, social participation, social actualization, social cohesion and social integration. Social health includes the assessment and understanding of how individuals behave in society and the quality of their relationships with other people, their close relatives and the social groups they are members of. Self-efficacy is a strong personal belief about the skills and competences to act on a task and succeed in it. On the other hand, social health and self-efficacy are affected by gender-based self-concept. Gender role-based self-concept is influenced by the internalization of gender roles and is determined within the framework of social factors and conditions. Gender role-based self-concept refers to the degree to which a person sees himself as having male or female characteristics. Although the aspects of self-concept are relatively stable over time, gender role-based self-concept has been considered as a variable attribute. . Based on the scores of femininity and masculinity, four types of gender role-based self-concept can be distinguished: feminine, masculine, androgynous, and undifferentiated. This study was conducted to examine the predictive power of self-concept of gender roles in social health and teachers’ self-efficacy. Method: The study was an applied and descriptive correlational study. The study population included all male and female teachers serving in Eslamshahr, Tehran. Through cluster random sampling, 12 schools were selected. The target population of 303 people (mean age 39, SD = 97/5), including 251 women and 52 men who were teaching in different disciplines were selected and responded to questions about gender roles Bam (BSRI), Sherer’ s General Self-Efficacy (GSE)and Keyes’ s Social Well-Being Questionnaire(KSWBQ). Data were analyzed using Chi-square, Pearson correlation and linear regression analysis using SPSS software. Findings: The results showed that the highest percentage of respondents (41. 9%) were in the androgynous group, 25. 9% in the femininity gender role group, 16. 3% in the undifferentiated gender role group, and the least percentage in the masculinity gender role group (3. 8%). . According to the results, there was a difference between the androgynous and undifferentiated groups in lower self-efficacy. In other words, self-efficacy in the androgynous group was significantly higher than the undifferentiated group. However, there was no relationship between gender roles and social health. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the gender role of masculinity and femininity with self-efficacy and social health components, indicating that the higher the scores of masculinity and femininity are, the more self-efficacy and social health increase. Discussion: In explaining the results, it can be said that androgynous individuals, depending on what is suitable for a particular situation, can realize female-masculine characteristics or a combination of two-sex characteristics. On the one hand, the dominant individual experience is the most effective way to create a sense of efficiency and efficacy. Having a successful experience, leads to more stable and effective beliefs. . On the contrary, failure undermines these beliefs. Therefore, it is expected that when a person has an androgynous role to be able to respond in a manner consistent with the situation, regardless of whether the behavior is only feminine or masculine. As a result, one of the most important sources of self-efficacy, that is, having successful experiences, will be provided. When recruiting the teachers, it should be kept in mind that the self-efficacy and social health of teachers are two factors affecting their performance and the students’ performance. Considering that the results of the present study showed that gender roles have an effect on self-efficacy, training courses on the elimination of gender stereotypes and the beneficial effects of masculinity and femininity can be very influential. Moreover, managers of educational institution can consider a desirable level of such skills as one of the recruitment conditions, which will lead to the development of human resources with high efficiency in education.

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