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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    44 (نوجوانان و خانواده)
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    44 (نوجوانان و خانواده)
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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Family has a profound influence on personality traits of child. It also makes changes in mental processes of family members. Due to the fact that the absence of one parent or both of them has unpleasant effect on mental growth of children and adolescents, this study is looking for the comparison between parented and unparented adolescents in terms of psychological hardiness.Method: All students whom studied in secondary schools and high schools in Ardebil in 1388-89, are considered as statistic population of present research. For this purpose, among all high schools in Ardebil city, 18 schools were selected by cluster sampling method. Then 150 adolescents (75 girls and 75 boys) were selected by simple sampling method. Through filling out psychological hardiness questionnaires, students took part in this study. Data was analyzed by the use of multivariate analysis of variance. Finding: Results of present research have shown that there are differences in terms of psychological hardiness between parented and unpatented adolescents, but no difference between girls and boys in term of hardiness.Conclusion: this study shows that parented adolescents have more psychological hardiness than others and adolescents without mother have less hardiness than two other groups. Perhaps, stress and lack of mental health have been the most important factors in low hardiness.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Based on previous research findings, identity styles and responsibility have important influences on behavior in adolescences. Identity styles are a mix of skills, ideologies and childhood assimilations that make a coherent and integrated totality and provide continuity of past and a direction for future. Responsibility is a kind of commitment that a person accepts for his own values, believes, job and family. Thus, the main aim of this study is finding the relationship between identity styles and responsibility with educational achievement in 15-18 year-old adolescents in Tehran.Method: Descriptive method (correlation) has been used. Population has been all of the students of district 3 who studied at public high schools in Tehran. (4676 students). Six hundred students were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. Students completed the Berzonsky Identity Styles Inventory and California Responsibility' Questionnaire. Also, educational average of two semesters in years 2008 and 2009 were obtained from school files. Data was analyzed by stepwise regression.Findings: There was a significant relationship between informative identity styles, normative identity styles and responsibility with educational achievement but not with avoidance / diffusion identity style.Conclusion: Results of this study have shown that there is a relationship between identity styles and responsibility with education achievement and this relationship does not differ between the two sex.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: This article with purpose of evaluating the degree of adolescent's satisfaction of public urban environment leads to studies concerning public environment and adolescent and children experiences in urban space with emphasizing youth - friendly city model. The aim of this research is to assess the youth' satisfaction of urban public environment and identify the effective factors on the satisfaction of the youth living in Azarbayjan district. The main considered question in this research is that what factors affect the degree of the youth satisfaction in Azarbayjan district of urban public environment?Method: In this research, statistic population is adolescents between 13-17 who is living in Azarbayjan district. Sampling has been calculated by random systematic sampling method with 333 people. After studying and surveying theories, concepts and global experiments especially the theory of youth-friendly cities, definition of terminology, the factors affecting the degree of satisfaction of the youth and the main variables in satisfaction are determined. From this base, the degree of youth satisfaction with creation of experimental model of satisfaction assessment (value tree) and surveying 5 variables and 11 criterions in 4 levels is evaluated. Then, by using questionnaire technique, the data of statistical samples was collected. By using SPSS software, the data and statistical analysis such as T test, correlation analysis of multi-variable regression and path analysis was extracted. Validity and reliability of questionnaire was tested by factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha. The result of factor analysis shows that the experimental models of satisfaction in case study is a suitable model in assessment of the degree of satisfaction.Findings: According to the results of the research, any of the three main variables of the research, which are "access to services", "social security", "residential background" and lateral variable "physical features of residence" have significant relationship with dependent variable "youth amount of satisfaction in Azarbayjan district" (p<.01). Only the lateral variable "social - economical origin" is not significant.conclusion: Finally, the degree of the youth satisfaction in Azarbayjan district, was estimated in low level (5>2.82> 1) with vision as the most effective factor on the degree of youth satisfaction of Azarbayjan district.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of communication skills training on increasing self-differentiation among high school boy students.Method: This study was an experimental project by using a pre-test post-test design with control group. The sample consists of 30 high school boy students who were selected by using a multistage sampling method and then based on the scores achieved from the differentiation of self inventory CDSI), 30 students were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Students in the experimental group were given 12 sessions of group communication skills training. While the control group received no intervention, both groups were post-tested after 10 days of the last session. Obtained data from self- differentiation inventory was analyzed through the comparison and analysis of covariance.Findings: The Findings of the study have shown that group counseling based on communication skills training has increased boy students self-differentiation (p<0.001). Besides, the students in experimental group have shown a considerable degree of increase in all four dimensions of self-differentiation.Conclusion: Communication skills training lead to increasing self-differentiation in high school boy students.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to examine some factors associated with adolescent substance abuse, by using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) framework.Methods: This study has been a cross sectional one. A measure consisting of TPB constructs was developed and administered to a sample of adolescents in Tehran, Iran. Data was analyzed to assess the association between TPB constructs and demographic variables and behavioral intention.Finding: Totally, 433 male students aged between 11 and 19 were studied. The analysis has shown that drug abuse behavioral intention was predicted by TPB constructs (attitude, subjective norm but no perceived behavioral control) and tobacco use. Behavioral intention was associated with mother's education grade and exited the tobacco and substance user among family members and friends too. Conclusion: Findings have indicated that substance abuse might be predicted by TPB constructs and associated by some demographic variables.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The majority of people achieve their gender identity from the early childhood, while, there are lots of people who indicate the opposite sex's behavior since then and as a result, they experience a lot of problems and difficulties during their lifetime. the Purpose of the present study is investigating the relationship between gender identity disorder and quality of life in these sexuals.Methods: This study is carried out by survey technique on transsexuals whom have Iranian records, by using a researcher made questionnaire. Sample population has been 168 people in Iran.Findings: The results show significant differences regarding quality of life among individuals who have and. haven't done sex reassignment surgery. Among people who haven't done the sex reassignment surgery, gender identity disorder has a reverse and significant correlation with "mental wellbeing" and "total quality of life". In addition, a negative and significant correlation has been observed between the gender identity disorder of the respondents who have changed their sex and the quality of life dimensions except "environmental quality".Conclusions: The results indicate that gender identity disorder of transsexuals, who have met their basic needs and are seeking to meet their higher needs, is greatly decreasing and their quality of life is increasing. This finding represents the difference in quality of life levels relating to the individuals' different level of needs.

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Social Welfare

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According to the fourth socio-economic development plan approach on the price of petroleum products and also for the fulfillment of the goals of 20 years economic vision document in Iran, increasing the price of energy products and removing their subsidy seems to be inevitable for Iran's economy. Subsidies as an economic and fiscal policy instrument play an important role in economic growth. Since economic growth is a desirable goal, so identification of its underlying factors and their contribution is focused by economists and politicians. Therefore, investigating the effects of subsidies on economic growth, especially in economic sectors' growth is important.This research has attempted to study the effects of subsidies on energy carriers (petroleum products, electricity and natural gas) on the growth of different Iranians economic sectors. For this purpose, Input-Output table and its related techniques (price model) is used to study the impacts of removing subsidy on these energy carriers ( based on free price of petroleum products, electricity and natural gas) on the growth of various Iranian economic sectors (services, industry and agriculture) in the form of four scenarios. Results indicate that removing subsidies on petroleum products, electricity and natural gas have a negative effect on the production of industry, public accommodation services and transportation. In other words, subsidizing energy carriers have a positive impact on the value added growth of these sections. But removing subsidies on energy carriers and price liberalization in all four scenarios, agriculture sector's value added, due to its lower dependency on energy carriers and also low relative prices of this section would increase. This shows that subsidizing energy carriers would not have a positive impact on agricultural sector economic growth. Moreover, the results show that after price liberalization of petroleum products, electricity and natural gas, wholesales and retail services, restaurant and other services sector value added would increase. This shows that subsidizing energy carriers may not have a positive effect on these sections.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Cultural services are key elements of development. Adjusting the distribution parameters for the development, planning, comprehensive development areas to provide a flexible model for a balanced distribution of services, population and settlement (the balance of space) would be necessary. So, the achievement of sustainable development requires a balance in the distribution pattern service indicators, economic, cultural planning.Method: Statistics population is fourteen areas of Isfahan which are rating based on the 35 indexes. These indexes have been used by using Shannon entropy and weighting of indicators and have been plotted by using the GIS map of the five- level development zones.Findings: Findings show that cultural factors in a balanced distribution of urban areas have not got significant differences between urban areas and the development of cultural services. The first region and fourteenth region were located in the highest and lowest levels.Results: The results of the study have indicated that there is a significant difference in the urban areas in terms of cultural facilities. So, the regions 13, 10, 7 and 14 with priority coefficients 0.04, have the lowest level of development and they need development. And the first and third areas with an average coefficient of 0.61 at the highest level of development, and they are the latest priorities of development.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: With rapid growth of population and increase need to social security, construction of comprehensive system of social security is a need and for designing a comprehensive system, it is necessary to study and apply acceptable as well as efficient fundamental principles.Literature Review: The social security system has a series of common and particular principles. In some cases the legal system of Iran has failed to reconcile social security system with the tenets of social security and there are many defects in this area. The main purpose of this article has been the critical study of the application of the governing principles of social security in Iran's law.Conclusion: Iranian Social Security System has faced with major challenges which lead to increase of poverty, unemployment and decrease of productivity and finally based on the results, hardly, there is achievement of social security principles.

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Introduction: Informal settlement in cities is basically due to several factors, some of the most important factors are heterogeneous development and imbalance availability in using facilities in urban and rural areas. There for, this condition has an undeniable impact on the rate of crime and other social problems.Methods: This study was conducted by using survey questionnaires and observations in l388 in Bushehr. Numbers of questionnaires were completed for 162 people in the central prison of Bushehr. Questionnaires have been randomly distributed among the people based on their economic situations and social dimensions of space. Analyzing of the data was conducted using Pearson's coefficient and statistical softwares SPSS, Excel, and Geographic Information System (GIS).Findings: Research findings have shown that the largest amount of crime have been in Jabri and Saleh Abad, being 14.5 percent and 9.67 percent respectively. And the lowest amount of crime belongs to Dehdashti, Behbahani, Poor and Behesht Sadegh with 1.16 percent. In addition, there is a significant relationship between the number of crime and housing status (p<0.0 1)Conclusion: Results have shown that factors such as poor financial situation, poor housing, living place, lack of good jobs, and having informal jobs and low income, are aspects of visual informal settlements which help us to fmd criminal areas in order to prevent some crimes such as theft, smuggling and illegal ways to earn income. Also suggestions are given to reduce crime and increase security in this regard.

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introduction: Religion and its concepts have been a main as well as unique source in producing social capital. The development of social capital, as the raw material for a civil society, depends on certain variables including religion and religious culture. In spite of numerous researches on social capital and its factors, there are few systematic studies undertaken to examine interrelationships between degree of religiousness and social capital at the individual level. Therefore, number of questions about the role of religion in social capital formation has remained unanswered. The purpose of present study is to examine interrelationships between the degree of religiousness and social capital.Method: Data for the study comes from a structured questionnaire administered by a face-to-face survey interview. The study has been a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of adults aged 15 year- old and over in the city of Najafa bad, Isfahan. The sample was selected through a multi-stage cluster sampling technique among 244 respondents.Findings: The findings show that there is no significant difference between men and women, single and married, employed and unemployed regarding the degree of social capital. Also, there is a significant and direct relationship between religiousness and social capital.Conclusion: The results of the study have been on the same wavelength as some theorists such as Durkheim, Putnam, Fukuyama and Coleman, suggested a direct association between the degree of religiousness and social capital.

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Introduction: The sociology of food is one of the new subjects in modem sociology which studies the social and cultural dimensions of human nutrition. This paper tries to focus on the social and structural factors affecting tabriz citizen's food-style.Method: 752 citizens of Tabriz have been surveyed in terms of style and dietary by using a questionnaire.Finding: The factor analysis results have shown that the healthy behaviors of citizens in food-style consists of two dimensions: healthy eating and avoiding unhealthy nutrition. The results show that citizen's food style are affected in different ways by factors such as marital status, gender, class status, age, body mass index, social capital, cultural and economic capital.Conclusion: The results showed that most citizens' strategy in food style is mostly based on avoiding not using healthy food. There for, the social factors are influential in choosing both these dimensions.

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