To study the effect of mixture of herbicides on weeds control in rainfed bread wheat in Ardabil (Germi, Iran) a filed experiment was carried out using randomized complete block design with four replications in 2009-2011 cropping seasons. Experimental treatments included; hand weeding, 2, 4-D (U 46D), Clodinafop - propargyl (Topic), Fenoxaprop pethyl+Mefenpyridiethyl (Puma Super), Tribenuron methyl (Granstar), Difenzokvat (Avenge), 2, 4-D+Topic, Topic+Granstar, Puma Super+2, 4-D, Puma Super+Granstar, Avenge+2, 4-D, Avenge+Granstar, control (Weedy) and fallow with roundup (glyphosate). Herbicides were used at recommended doses. Analysis of variance showed that different herbicides had significant effect on reduction (%) of Gladiolus, wild oats and other weeds density. Maximum reduction (%) of Gladiolus (100%, 88.12% and 61.32 %), wild oats (93.24%, 95.13 % and 94.72 %) and other weeds density (83.36%, 98% and 75.90%) was observed in two times hand weeding, fallow+Glyphosute and Topic+Granstar, respectively, also maximum reduction (%) of Gladiolus and other weeds biomass was observed in Topic+2, 4 -D. of Year × herbicide interaction effect was significant on grain yiled. The higher grain yield was obtained in Topic (2595 kg.ha-1), hand weeding (2571 kg.ha-1) and Pumasuper+Granstar (2269 kg.ha-1) in 2010. In conclusion, results of this experiment showed that Topic or Topic+2, 4-D can be used for weed control in rainfed weed in Germi region in Ardabil province of Iran. Aplication of Pumasuper+Granstar is also an option.