Landslide is one of the natural hazard which mainly occurs in mountainous areas. It gives sudden changes to the morphology of the ground and causes drastic damages to residential areas, roads, and farmlands, that is xhy governments and scientific and research centres have pahd special attention to the phenomenon of landslide and some measures have been taken to identify and control them.
In 1374, Abkar, a village of Farsan city Chahar–Mahal Bakhtiary province–was buried down with its50 inhabitants due to the landslide (Ghobadi, M.H.,1381,P.164).
In the area under study, specially in the northern ranges of cherkindag, which looks to Bazargan plain and New Maku, paleo and New landslide can be seen.
Fortunately, since the area is for from the residential area, in has not produced serious problems for the people.
The aim of the present article is identifying the area with a landslide potential.
Therefore, using topographical maps and considering the methodspresented by Anbalagan, I would provide a zonation plan of the landslide hazard to let the planning and designing managers, provided with an exact understanding and identification of these area, could consider the geomorphological risks in using them.