Background: Pemphigus is a serious
blistering disease with considerable mortality,
which heavily burdens on health care system
because of the long time hospitalization. It is
rare in North America but is considered as the
most common immunobullous disease in
eastern countries such as Malaysia and China.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to
define the epidemiologic features. of
pemphigus in north of Iran.
Patients and Methods: One-hundred and
twenty-six cases of pemphigus diagnosed
based on clinicohistological findings that
were hospitalized in Rasht, in north of Iran,
between 1995-2001 were studied.
Epidemiological data collected from their
hospital records were entered in SPSS
software and statistical analyses were
performed by "t" test, chi-square and Pearson
correlatron tests.
Results: Pemphigus vulgaris was the most
common type (83%), followed by foliaceous
(6%) and vegetans (1%). The mean age of
patients was 45.6 years, with 47.2 in vulgaris
and 37.8 in foliaceous group (P<0.05). There
was no sex difference in mean age in vulgaris
group, whereas the mean age of foliaceous
group was 30.2 for females and 51.8 years for
males (P<0.05). Female: male ratio was 1.5:1,
with 1.44: 1 for vulgaris and 1.85:1 for
foliaceous groups, respectively. The oral
mucosa was the first site of involvement in
63% of vulgaris cases, and 72.4% of them had
widespread mucocutaneous disease at the
time of hospitalization. Frequency of illness
in spring (32%) was higher than other
seasons. The mean time for 80%
improvement of lesions in hospital was
significantly higher in cases with widespread
mucocutaneous lesions than cases with only
skin or mucosal illness (P<0.05).
Conclusion: These findings clearly
demonstrate the need for continuous training
of involved health workers (dermatologists,
dentists, oto1aryngologists, general
physicians) for early diagnosis and referral of
disease, which not only could decrease the
morbidity and mortality, complications rates
for patients but also hospitalization costs for
patients and health care system.