Self-inductance coefficient is one of the most important parameters in electromagnetic forming process. Presence of work piece near coil, in electromagnetic forming process, affects the coil self-inductance coefficient seriously and therefore other process parameters such as electrical current amplitude, frequency and pressure applied on the work piece are affected too. In this paper, the coil work piece equivalent self-inductance coefficient, which has not been calculated in previous relevant works, is calculated numerically using a commercial FE code. To obtain the electrical current distribution profile in the coil cross sections, first a cylindrical coil is simulated without any work piece. Then its self-inductance coefficient is compared with analytical calculation results. By using simulation results, the variation of magnetic-flow versus electrical-current has been plotted. The curve slope (self-inductance coefficient) has been extracted by using least squares method. The calculated self-inductance coefficients of the coils with various dimensions show a good agreement with analytical results presented in other references. Next, this method is used to simulate and calculate the coil-work piece equivalent self-inductance coefficient in electromagnetic tube expansion process. At the end, as a parametric study, work pieces with various diameters are simulated and their equivalent self-inductance coefficients are calculated. The results agree with the experimental results due to the presence of an external conductive case around a cylindrical coil, which has already been presented in the literature.