Samuel Beckett is one of the most famous playwrights of the 20th century. He had a very active and changing life, and spent most of his life in trip and migration. He could make relations with all types of people, therefore was able to leave some humane and profound works. Although Beckett had left his own country, he always loved it, and felt committed towards his people. As a matter of fact, the main audiences of his plays are the Irish people. The events of his plays mostly take place in Dublin, and his personages mostly have Irish characteristics. This great thinker mainly concerns the poor and middle class people, especially those on the verge of death. Interesting is that he has seemingly been under constant threat to poverty and death. The personages of his plays provide a limited and lucked-up situation, all waiting for the basics of life. This is not out of mischief, but is out of his personal experience and his revolt against the nature. He wants to ask why human being should get so weak, and due to disability get trapped in poverty, and finally finish his life in pain and sorrow. He did not back any political wing, and did not enter the intellectual challenges. He always remained independent and pure. He never spoke about his works, and refused to answer the journalists and researchers. That is why that everyone interprets his works according to his own taste. The result is that those who do not know him, believe him to be hopeless and pessimist, and regard his works as ambiguous.His play Waiting for Godot has been registered among the classics of the 20th century. Godot is a name which has nothing to do with God, and has not been coined by Beckett. It is a family name used by so many French people, and can be found in French literature too (the absent personage in Balzac's work Le Faiseurs is also named as Godeou). The audiences of this play are Beckett's Irish country fellow men, and as opposed to the interpretations provided by the critics of the cold war era, this play is neither absurd, nor hopeless. The universality of this play originates from the fact that in the world of injustice, wars, sufferings, lies, accusations, colonization and oppressions, all the humans is looking for a savior, and find a meaning for life in their waiting, and are hopeful. In comparison with the characters of Greek classical drama, and the classic theatre of the 17th century Europe, these personages are simple, weak, suffering, and at the end of life. They are not alike the old characters who were quite noble and strong, and all the rest of the people loved to live like them. According to many of the directors of Beckett's works, "he (Beckett) wants to show that it is possible to live with hopes, with little hopes, all those small pieces which enable all the people to continue their livings".