Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bone fractures usually happen during car accident and sport trauma. Different factors influence bone healing such as malnutrition and smoking. Apart from addiction which is an important individual social and cultural problems morphine has several effects on body physiology and immune system. This study is performed to assess the effect of morphine dependency on bone healing and has not been reported in the literature till now. 56 rats were divided into two 28-rat groups and were kept under equal laboratory conditions, Rats of the control group were not addicted. By adding morphine powder to the water of the other group for 21 days, they got addicted and were used as case group. Following intraperitoneal naloxone injection and confirming addiction in addicted group a hole was made in tibia of both groups. Biopsies were taken on the 3rd, 6th, 10th & 20th day from 7 addicted and 7 non-addicted rats. Then the results of microscopic examination were statistically analyzed with Mann- Whitney test. The difference between neutrophilic exudates (P=0.002) & granulation tissue (P=0.003) on the 3rd day, percent of neutrophilic exudates (P=0.01) & immature bone (P=0.004) on the 6th day, the percent of immature (P=0.001) & mature bone (P=0.02) on the 10th day & mesenchymal tissue (P=0.02) on the 20th day was significant. It was concluded that bone healing was delayed in the addicted group.

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View 4179

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Oxidative stress has been implicated as an important factor in induction of many disorders such as nephropathy and cancer. Iron by producing hydroxyl radical can cause this kind of stress. On the other hand nitric oxide (NO) when its concentration is high results in oxidative stress. Iron and NO have some interactions in each other function but there is no total agreement on this. For example in one study NO prevents and in another it worsens iron toxicity. The study aims at evaluating the interaction between NO and iron on renal oxidative stress. Renal vitamin E level was measured as an index of oxidative stress. Sixty-four male rats were divided into eight 8- rat groups as follows: I-SHAM (normal saline), 2- Fe (iron dextran), 3- ARG (L-arginine precursor of NO synthesis), 4- Fe+ARG, 5- L NAME (Blocker of NO production), 6- Fe+L-NAME, 7- DFO (Defferoxamine, shelator of iron), and 8- ARG+DFO. All injections were performed intraperitoneally. Twenty hours after injections, right kidneys were removed and their concentration of vitamin E was measured by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that in group Fe there was a reduction in vitamin E compared to group SHAM (P<0.05). In group Fe+L-NAME there was a further reduction in vitamin E compared to group SHAM (P< 0.01). there was no significant difference between group SHAM with Fe+ARG group Fe+L-NAME also showed a significant decrease in vitamin E compared to group Fe+ARG (P<0.05). We conclude that No can prevent iron induced oxidative stress and can act as an antioxidant.

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View 732

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Correlation between fatty acids intake, serum lipid and lipoproteins with serum creatinine and kidney function in patients with renal failure has been suggested by other investigators, This relationship has not been reported for all types of fatty acids. This study was conducted to determine the association of the consumption of different type of fatty acids, serum lipids and lipoproteins with serum creatinine and glumerular filtration rate(GFR) in healthy adult subjects residing in district 13 of Tehran. There were 15005 subjects participated in TLGS, 1470 persons were randomly selected for nutritional assessment, After excluding under- and over-reporter 486 subjects aged over 20 years remained in the study, Dietary data were collected by two 24-hour dietary recalls, Serum creatinine, total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL were measured by Selectra 2 autoanalyzer after 12 hour ,fating, GFR was calculated based on serum creatinine. Mean (±SD) of serum creatinine, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL levels and GFR were 1.04±0.16, 201±41, 153±125, 43±10.128±37 mg/dl and 99±19 ml/min respectively, Subjects with saturated fatty acids intake of more than 10 percent of calorie had higher levels of serum creatinine versus the others (P<0.01. 10.8±0.009 vs 1.03±0.2) People with oleic and linoleic acid intake of more than 10% and 1% of calorie ,respectively, had higher levels of serum creatinine and GFR (P<0.01). There were significant correlations between serum cholesterol, LDL. HDL, and triglyceride With serum creatinine (P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.001, P<0.001, respectively). According to observed correlations the control of intake of desirable amount of fatty acids and serum lipid and lipoproteins level is necessary for renal health. 

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View 2145

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Nowadys herbal medicine is marketing without standard toxicological study. Although people believe that herbal medicine do have any toxic effects. there are some reports indicating the toxicity of the herbal medicine. The aim of this investigation is to study the renal and hepatic effects of Echium Amoenum (EA) and Valeriana Officinalis (VO). Percolated extract of these plants with doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg was administered to 5 groups of rats via orogastric tube for 7 days At the 8 day ., the blood samples were taken for biochemical studies. The results showed significant variation after oral administration of two extracts with dose of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg. ALT was decreased with dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg of VO significantly but AST increased significantly only with dose of 100 mg/kg.ALT was decreased with dose of 100 mg/kg of EA but increased only with dose of 200 mg/kg. (P<0.01). AST did not change with dose of 100mg/kg but decreased significantly with dose of 200 m/g kg (p<0.01). Renal function tests including BUN The data of this investigation indicate that hepatotoxic effect of extract of EA was greater than VO especially at high dosage.

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View 14577

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During recent years, many epidemiological studies on risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been preformed among which are fibrinogen, activity of factor VII, lipoprotein (a) , and hemocystein as new CVD risk factors. Through completed studies , it is found that in urban population of Isfahan more than one risk factor (hypertension , smoking , hypercholesterolemia , diabetes and obesity) are seen in 32% of men and a descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in 1998-99 and 409 subjects (175 men , 234 women) were randomly sample . Then each subject underwent a blood test, electrocardiography, medical examination and as 2-day recall. Personal information and anthropometric measurements were also recorded. Fast blood sugar & serum lipids were measured by auto analyzer Elan 2000, lipoprotein (a) by ELISA, hemocystein by HPLC, fibrinogen by turbidimetry and factor VII by calculating coagulation time compared to standard time. Statistical analyses were done by t-tests . The results showed that mean fibrinogen. Factor VII lipoprotein (a) , and hemocystein were 244.9±67 mg/dl, 118.3±58 per cent. 13.3±13 mg/dl and 11.5±3 mol /lit respectively in studied population. By comparing these new CVD risk factors over the world, it was determined that their levels were in the normal rage in urban population of Isfahan. The level of fibrinogen and hemocystein are higher and lower in women than those in men respectively that is compatible with many other studies.

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View 1589

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In this prospective .study 37 children (65 feet) between 6 months and 5 years old have been chosen. In 75% of cases the disease was bilateral, 23 patients were male and 14 female. There was not family history of congenital clubfoot in any case. The mean age of surgery was 20.3 months (6-56 months). All patients underwent PMR (Turco method) with two consequent corrective casts under general anesthesia and then Clubfoot Shoes was. Ordered Early post-operative complications happened in six cases (blister, edema & infection). Radiographic Evaluations was made before operation, immediately after operation, and as late follow up. Correction achieved in all patients according to immediate post-operative X -rays. After mean follow up of 24.3 months 48 feet (73%) had excellent to good results, 13 feet (20%) fair and 4 feet (6%) failure (according to turco criteria). Out of 17 feet with recurrence of deformity, the metarsus adductus was most common (13 feet). All children with recurrence of deformity were over 2 years of age at the time of surgery with upper range of age and 4 cases (6 feet) ignored ordered regular casting & shoe wearing. It seems that this method of surgery is effective procedure for correction of deformity for children under 5 years old but best results obtained for children under 2 years old.

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View 1843

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Smile line is one of the most important elements of smile esthetics. In an attractive smile the maxillary anterior incisal curve is parallel to the lower lip. With the changes in face, lips and teeth muscles. Which are caused by aging this element (smile line) also changes. Aging causes smile line to move from its parallel position and in complete smile. Formulate different shapes relative to the lower lip curve. Therefore thorough and accurate information about smile elements and anatomy seems to be essential in various ages. A descriptive research on this issue has been done on 300 men and women between 20 to 70 years of each subject was analyzed and evaluated by careful visual judgement. After the completion of information and evaluation of the results. Findings based on the clinical observation on students and clients at Azad University -School of Dentistry have shown that, with the passing of age, the smile line gradually changes form to straight and then reverse form. Other elements of smile such as tooth lower lip position also changes their forms through aging, and different forms such slightly covered and touching decline while not touching increases. In the position of lip line the high form declines whereas the low from increases.

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View 1740

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The aim of this study was to determine the parasitic and bacterial contaminations of houseflies found around various garbages, and to emphasize the necessity of fly control and taking more efficient strategies for garbage disposal. For this purpose, 800 houseflies from four garbage sources in the city of Kerman (hospital, urban, fruit & vegetable market, and slaughter house wastes) were collected each month for period of 5 conseccutive months Both the external surface and digestive system of the collected flies were investigated for the presence of bacteria fungi protozoa and parasitic worms.Antibiogram test was performed on the collected bacteria. Escherichia coli, Proteus, gram positive cocci (Staphylococcus, streptococcus) Yeast and mycellial fungi, and amoebae cyst were found in the external surface of all collected flies. In the flies collected from hospital garbages, Klebsiella, Pseudomonos, Giardia cust .Ascaris and Oxyur ova were also found. The highest antibiotic resistence was observed against pseudomonas and the highest sensitivity was observed in Streptococcus. Considering the per capita of hospital garbage production in Iran and its contamination to various types of microorganisms such as viruses transmitted by the appropriate management of hospital garbage disposal in order to prevent the prevent the accumulation and multiplication of insects especially houseflies and consequenty the prevention of various diseases and environmental pollution is highly recommended.

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View 1340

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This case report is a 65 year old woman from Kerman. Her main complian is nasal obstruction and recurrent nasal bleeding from .five months ago. In clinical examination there was a large tumor in left nasal cavity. CT scaning revealed a large tumor in left nasal cavity and maxillary sinuse. The tumor is resected compeletely with negative safe margine by radical Caldwell- luc approach. The origin of tumor was from inferior turbinate. The diagnosis is mesenchymal sarcoma. These sarcomata are very rare in nasal cavity.

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Rud syndrome consists of mental retardation, epilepsy, ictihyosis, dentition and skeleton defect. We report a case of Rud syndrome that have clinical, radiological and biochemical characteristics of rickets. Alteration in epidermal cholestrol metabolism, limited sun exposure or associated defects may explain this condition. All such patients need life -long rickets prophylaxis with vitamin D supplements (400 IV/day, A diatary intak alone can not be relied upon.

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