Background & Objectives: Demographic and environmental factors are effective in the pathogenesis and prevention of Parkinson Disease (PD). Sex, family history of PD, farming, literacy, history of head trauma, smoking, well water consumption, overusing oil seeds and contact with herbicides and pesticides are apparently effective in this regard. This study set out to investigate the risk factors of PD. Methods: 100 patients with PD and 200 age matched controls referring to Neurology clinic of Birjand UMS were investigated in this case-control study during 2002-2003. PD was diagnosed by a neurologist and the demographic and environmental factors were recorded in a questionnaire. Student T and Chi-Squire tests were used for statistical analysis.Results: 68% of the cases and 53% of the controls were male. Family history of PD, farming, literacy, stress and well-water consumption were significantly more frequent in PD group (p<0.05). Smoking and overusing oil seeds were more frequent in control group (p=0.007, p=0.001 respectively). Frequency rate of contact with herbicides, pesticides and history of head trauma were not significantly different in case and control groups. Conclusion: Family history of PD, farming, literacy, stress and well-water consumption are risk factors of PD, while smoking and using oil seeds could be protective factors against PD.