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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study investigates the price transmission in the Iranian fluid milk market. We applied a Markov-switching vector error correction model on the monthly price data from March 2003 to December 2015 to allow for multiple regime shifts in the relationship between farm and retail prices. According to Granger Causality Test, there is one side causality relation from producer’ s price to consumer’ s price. Due to the existence of positive price asymmetry in farm-retail price transmission, the retail prices would incline more quickly in response to increases in farm price than to its decreases, implying serious welfare losses to the consumers. Main results show existence of a positive price asymmetry in the market. In the long run, price transmission is perfect, while in the short run, price adjustment between two market levels is asymmetric. On the other hand, retailers benefit from any shock that affects supply or demand conditions.

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Gulse Bal h.s. | Karakas g.

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Environmental problems have become increasingly more destructive. For this reason, environmental education and awareness have gained importance. This study had two objectives: to determine the factors affecting the attitude and behavior of Faculty of Agriculture students towards the environment and to test if the education given creates a significant difference in students' environmental attitude and behavior. The study was conducted on 160 first and fourth year students at Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty of Agriculture, during 2016. Data were collected using a face-to-face questionnaire which collected data for „ Environmental Awareness and Attitude Scale‟ consisting of 21 elements and „ Environmental Behavior Scale‟ consisting of 24 elements. Factors affecting the attitudes and behaviors were determined separately by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted to determine if there was a significant difference in attitudes and behaviors of the first and fourth year students. Based on Kruskal Wallis test results, significant difference was found between the first and the fourth year students for “ Environmental destruction” (P< 0. 01) and “ Environmental responsibility” (P< 0. 05) factors. In other words, environmental courses taken by students throughout their four study years in the school created an awareness and changes in their attitudes. In addition, “ Environmental education” (P< 0. 01) and “ Environmental protection” (P< 0. 01) factors were significantly different in the first and fourth year students. The present study showed that it is possible to train agricultural engineers with high levels of environmental awareness and sensitivity using a well-planned four-year education program supported with an efficient environmental education.

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AKIN S. | KARA A. | Tutkun m.

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It is possible to achive rural development by using the technological innovations obtained by the worldwide scientific research findings and organization of the producers. Giving agricultural extension services within a certain system is the first factor affecting rural development. While there have been significant developments regarding a pluralistic public system in recent years, studies are being carried out to activate the agricultural extension role of producer organizations in Turkey. On the other hand, it is also true that there are discrepancies in Turkey, as in many developing countries, between expectations from agricultural organizations and real situation in terms of producers’ needs and government policy. In this study, factors affecting the membership in Diyarbakı r Province Cattle Breeders Association (DCBA) and Diyarbakı r Sheep and Goat Breeders Association (DSGBA) and the contributions by these associations to the required agricultural extension training were determined. It was observed that 94. 07% of DSGBA members and 82. 64% of DCBA members had not taken any training on animal breeding. It was found that 75. 86% of the DSGBA members and 53. 84% of DCBA members had joined the training given by the Diyarbakı r Agriculture Provincial Directorate. In this case, the lack of education in rural areas related to agricultural extension is unveiled, again. It was found that 87. 68% of DCBA members and 89. 32'% of DSGBA members could not participate in any agricultural training since there was no training organized by the two associations.

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Nowadays, a paradigm shift can be observed from economic and technical investments to social-behavioral dimensions in order to increase efficiency of exploiting water resources. The purpose of the present study was to identify and analyze factors affecting Farmers Active Participation in Water Conservation (FAPWC). In this regard, a theoretical framework was developed for analyzing farmers participatory behavior. This study was a descriptivecorrelational and causal relationship research which was conducted through a survey technique. The statistical population of the study included irrigated farmers in southern regions of West Azerbaijan Province in Iran. A sample of 378 irrigated farmers was selected using proportional stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using eight 5-point Likert-type scales. Validity of the scales was confirmed by a panel of experts, and their reliability was demonstrated by Cronbach’ s Alpha coefficients which ranged between 0. 60-0. 89, indicating internal consistency of the study scales. Parametric tests were used to analyze the data. The results of this study showed that the variables of moral norms of water conservation, social pressures, place attachment, social responsibility towards consequences of activities, quality of agricultural extension services, and satisfaction of water resources management had significant impacts on FAPWC. Moreover, the independent variables could predict 43. 6% of variance changes in FAPWC. An attempt was made to examine the factors affecting FAPWC beyond the psychological individual-based (micro) analyses in order to develop the research framework and consider factors such as the effect of farmers’ social environments and, consequently, present policy implications at micro-and macro-levels separately.

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A study was conducted at Makaltala and Farmania villages of Habra block, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India, to know the extent of tribal women’ s participation in farming activties. Rice-Jute-Mustard rotation was predominant in the study area. The results showed that participation of tribal farm women were 28. 3 man-days on an average during the crop seasons. Participation in farming activities during mustard crop season in terms of average man-days was more (11. 81) when compared to paddy (9. 48) and jute (7. 01). The involvement of women was more in transplantation, weeding, and harvesting activities. Most of the farm women were middle aged, illiterate, had high economic motivation and social participation. The independent variables like education and economic motivation had significant positive relationship, whereas age and social participation had significant negative relationship with participation of tribal women in farming activities. Lack of education, knowledge, and skill, lack of child care facilities, low income derived from agriculture, etc. were the major constraints expressed by the tribal women. Skill development among the tribal farm women regarding the new simple agriculture technologies suitable to their location will have a far reaching impact on improving the tribal farm women’ s participation in agriculture, improving their confidence in farming.

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In this study, we aimed to design and make an electric forage chopper having a cylinder type cutterhead. In recent years, several models of forage chopper have been manufactured but each of these machines has had problems such as type of power supply system, type of cutting mechanism and feeding mechanism, lack of safety, etc. These problems were solved in this study. In the device that was manufactured in this research, feed rolls rotational speed, rotational speed of the cutting cylinder, blades’ helix angle and blades’ rake angle was adjustable. So, with these capabilities, these variables can be optimized for any kind of forage, and this information can be used to design and construct suitable machines for crushing any kind of forage. Alfalfa was used to test the machine, where its test matrix was determined using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) modeling method. The results showed that, on average, power requirements for chopping alfalfa was decreased from 12. 6 to 9. 7% by increasing the helix angle from 0° to 10° and from 10° to 20° , respectively. As rotational speed of the cutting cylinder increases from 500 to 800 rpm, the power used for chopping forage increases by about 56 W. In the conducted tests, maximum power requirements for chopping alfalfa was roughly equal to 200W, which was associated with 158. 5 rpm feed rolls rotational speed, 800 rpm rotational speed of the cutting cylinder, and helix angle of zero. Contrarily, minimum power requirements for chopping alfalfa was 114W which was related to 158. 5 rpm feed rolls rotational speed, 500 rpm rotational speed of the cutting cylinder, and 20º helix angle. Optimizing test results showed that the most suitable values for the feed rolls rotational speed, rotational speed of the cutting cylinder, and helix angle were 150 rpm, 677 rpm, and 9. 22º , respectively, provided that power requirements and particle size are minimized and device capacity is maximized.

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The present study aimed to evaluate effectiveness of Superheated Solvent Extraction (SSE) compared with instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) assisted Solvent Extraction (DIC-SE) on total phenolic, flavonoids, and anthocyanins compounds from pomegranate peels. The effects of temperature, extraction time, and water: ethanol ratio for SSE method, and temperature and heating time for DIC-SE were studied. The highest phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and extraction yields by SSE was achieved at 160˚ C, ethanol: water 50: 50 and 20 minutes, subsequently in the DIC-SE, the most effectiveness was approached at 150˚ C for 5 seconds (P< 0. 05). The SSE improved the total phenolic compounds (563. 16± 1. 04 mg g-1), anthocyanins (285. 11± 1. 02 mg 100 g-1), extraction yield (68. 7%) and shortened the extraction times compared to DIC-SE, but flavonoid content was more in DIC-SE extract (439. 07± 0. 05 mg g-1). Based on HPLC analyses, gallic acid was not detected in any of the obtained extracts, but the amount of ellagic acid and punicalagin A and B in DIC-SE extract was higher than SSE. The current study clearly shows that the SSE is an effective extraction method to obtain phenolic compounds and the DIC is an advantageous pretreatment for extraction of flavonoids from pomegranate peels.

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Sunn pest, Eurygaster integniceps, is a major problem of wheat flours in Iran and adversely affects the characteristics of bakery products. This study was undertaken to improve the quality of pasta produced from different percentages of Sunn Pest Damaged Wheat Flour (SPDWF) using Ascorbic Acid (AsA). SPDWF was mixed with sound wheat flour at the levels of 3, 5, and 7%, and AsA at 200 and 300 ppm were added to 5 and 7% treatments. Doughs were evaluated in terms of rheological properties and the product was evaluated in terms of solid substances loss, baking number and sensory characteristics. Increasing the SPDWF decreased protein content, gluten index, and water absorption, while increasing AsA increased them significantly. Dough development and dough stability time were reduced by using highly infected treatments. AsA significantly improved 5% SPDWF and produced pasta similar to the 3% SPDF. Pasta made from higher damaged flour had no significant (P< 0. 05) difference with the control in terms of taste, while it had lower values of acceptability, solid substance loss, and cooking number, and addition of AsA at the levels of 200 and 300 ppm cannot improved damaged flours.

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MINAEI M. | Kainz w.

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This research investigates the transitions among the main Land Cover (LC)/Land Use (LU) categories in the upstream part of Gorganrood Watershed (GW) as a highly populated agricultural region that is reported to be facing considerable environmental changes in the form of deforestation, natural hazards, erosion, cultivation, and manufactured structures. Land cover maps for 1972, 1986, 2000 and 2014 were prepared, which included six LC classes: rangeland, forest, built-up, farmland, water, and bare land. Analyzing dynamics was conducted using multi-level intensity analysis followed by gain, loss, persistence, and transition exploration. Results shows that 1972-1986 interval was a fast period but changes were not stationary over the whole interval analysis level. At category level, bare land, built-up, farmland, and water categories were active gainers and changes were stationary. At transition level analysis, the transitions to built-up, bare land, forest, and water categories were stationary, from the rangeland and farmland categories. Generally, the surface occupied by farmlands increased at the detriment of rangelands and forests, and that it is the dominant LC/LU type in the watershed nowadays. In addition, the surface covered by built-up areas increased 11 times between 1972 and 2014. The results indicate that, LC/LU changes are associated with the overall population and economic growth and impact natural resources of the area, like similar regions in other developing countries.

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The Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), is a key pest of wheat in Iran. The nymphs and adults reduce wheat yield quality and quantity by feeding on leaves, stems, and grains. Pesticide application is the main method of Sunn pest control. Precocene, a juvenile hormone inhibitor, exerts cytotoxic effects on corpora allata of insects' species. . In this research, the effect of precocene-I (7-methoxy-2, 2-dimethyl chormene) on Sunn pest egg development and subsequent progenies was evaluated in the laboratory. Concentration range on eggs bioassay was 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 μ g mL-1. The results of bioassay tests on 2-and 5-day old eggs showed that LC50 values were 15. 4 and 15 μ g mL-1, respectively. Therefore, old eggs were more sensitive than young eggs. The effects of LC30 and LC50 of precocene-I on the egg and nymphal mortality were significantly stronger than the control, and the highest mortality rates in the first and third instars were 14. 28 and 13. 26%, respectively. Also, precocene-I did not affect embryonic period, but increased nymphal period (39. 3 days), compared to the control (34. 8 days). Morphological changes on nymphs that emerged from treated eggs included large wings and hemelytron. The fifth instars showed deformed scutellum. Also, typically, some old cuticules were not completely separated.

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The effects of different fertilizers including ‘ Cow manure’ , ‘ Vermicompost’ , ‘ NPK’ (20-20-20 NPK), ‘ NPKBN’ (NPK+Azotobacter vinelandii), ‘ NPKBP’ (NPK+Pantoea agglomerans+Pseudomonas putida), and ‘ NPKBNBP’ (NPK+Azotobacter vinelandii+Pantoea agglomerans+Pseudomonas putida) were compared with the control treatment. Comparisons included not only the nutrient and chlorophyll content of cucumber leaves, but also the demographic parameters and body size of Aphis gossypii Glover. The highest nitrogen content (2. 45%) was observed in ‘ NPKBN’ and the highest phosphorus, along with potassium content (0. 58 and 12. 17%, respectively) was observed in ‘ cow manure’ treatment. The highest chlorophyll content (37. 51 SPAD units) was measured in ‘ NPKBNBP’ treatment. Results showed that the intrinsic rate of increase (r) varied from 0. 409 (in ‘ Cow manure’ ) to 0. 480 d-1 (in ‘ NPKBP’ ) under application of different fertilizers. Net Reproductive rate (R0) varied from 71. 65 to 79. 25 nymphs/individual in ‘ Vermicompost’ and ‘ NPKBP’ treatments, respectively. The largest (1. 28 mm) and smallest (1. 00 mm) body length of the aphids was measured on ‘ Vermicompost’ and ‘ Control’ , respectively. Results revealed that ‘ NPKBP’ was the most suitable fertilizer for population growth of A. gossypii, compared with the other treatments, and the aphid’ s longevity and fecundity was relatively low under ‘ Vermicompost’ application.

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Witches' broom disease of lime caused by 'Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia' is considered as one of the most destructive disease of Mexican lime in southern Iran, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. The causative phytoplasma is vectored by a leafhopper, Hishimonus phycitis (Distant, 1908). Six ISSR markers and mitochondorial Cytochrome c Oxidase I (COI) gene were used to unveil genetic variation of the leafhopper populations from thirteen different regions of Iran. Analysis of ISSR markers revealed that Forg (Fars) and Qale'e Qazi (Hormozgan) significantly diverged from the other populations. However, the COI sequences were highly conserved among all populations and resided all the populations in a single clade. Mantel test exhibited no correlation between genetic and geographical distances. Our results demonstrated genetic differentiations among the H. phycitis populations, which might have been induced by ecological or geographical isolation and may affect the vectoring capability of this insect.

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The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, causes major yield loss in numerous plants. The control of this mite is achieved mainly with synthetic acaricides; other strategies are the use of predatory mites or plant natural products. This study evaluated the effects of Lavandula latifolia Medik. (Lamiaceae) essential oil on the survival rate and fecundity of T. urticae by slide-dip and leaf-disk bioassays. Acute contact toxicity was provoked by different spike lavender oil concentrations although 95-100% mortality was observed when emulsions contained at least 0. 20% (v/v). In the residual toxicity experiments, lavender oil (0. 15-0. 25%) reduced mite survival and affected its fecundity; laid eggs and emerging larvae were lowered as the oil concentration increased. Incubation temperature determined egg viability; 12º C did not allow larval development, while the highest percentage of hatched eggs was counted at 30º C. Our results confirmed the possibility of using spike lavender oil as an alternative to conventional pesticides.

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The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the individual application of nitric oxide or cellophane wrapping, and combination effects of these treatments on reducing chilling injury and quality improvement of pomegranate fruit cv. ‘ Shishe-Kab’ during storage. Fruits were dipped in nitric oxide (0 or 300 μ M) solution for 2 minutes, followed by cellophane wraps (wrapped or unwrapped) as treatments and then stored at two different storage temperatures (1 or 5° C) for 90 days. Application of 300 μ M nitric oxide significantly increased the antioxidant activity, total anthocyanin content, and the a* value of aril color, and also led to the lowest chilling injury and electrolyte leakage in fruit compared with the control. The lowest weight loss, chilling injury, and total soluble solids and the highest total anthocyanin content and the a* value of aril color was observed in cellophane wrapped fruits, compared with unwrapped fruits. The combination of nitric oxide and cellophane wrapping had a greater effect on reducing the electrolyte leakage of fruits as it decreased about 72 and 63% compared to the control in stored fruit for 45 and 90 days, respectively.

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Selection based on the traits affecting grain yield is used for its indirect improvement. The objective of the present study was to determine the quantity and mechanism of effects of agro-morphological and physiological traits on grain yield of bread wheat under terminal drought conditions. Thirty six advanced lines of wheat were evaluated in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications during three sequential growing seasons 2010-2013 under rainfed conditions. Stepwise regression, path analysis, and canonical correlation analysis were conducted. All three components of yield had a significant positive effect on grain yield. The first canonical variable of predictive traits (U1) and yield components (V1) were studied. In general, selection for shorter vegetative stage and longer grain filling period is recommended to improve wheat grain yield per plant under rainfed conditions. Also, the desirable lines were those that had high amounts of biomass, average plant height and spike length, and low amount of canopy temperature. These types of lines are expected to produce higher numbers of grain per plant (not per spike) and 1000-grain weight, simultaneously, and thus higher grain yield per plant.

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Chicory (Cichorium intybus L. ) is a typical Mediterranean plant distributed throughout the world and has different commercial uses such as salad, forage, inulin production, and coffee substitute. Health promoting characteristics of inulin as a prebiotic compound led to its biosynthesis pathway discovery. Two enzymes, namely, 1-SST and 1-FFT, are involved in inulin biosynthesis during normal phase. By cold nights or other factors, 1-FEHs enzymes degrade inulin to fructosyl units. To compare the strength of function of these genes in a wild type genotype with root type cultivar (Orchies) of chicory at three stages, i. e. 60, 90, and 120 days after seed planting, relative expression of those genes along with their corresponding metabolites were assessed using RT-qPCR and HPLC. Expression results showed that, unlike Orchies cultivar, relative expression of 1-SST in wild type genotype was ascending, relative expression of 1-FFT was very low and constant and there were high levels of relative expression of 1-FEH I gene during growing season due to flowering initiation. Also, glucose and fructose concentrations were upward, as result of 1-SST and 1-FEH I enzymes activity in wild type genotype, respectively. Degree of Polymerization (DP) of produced inulin had almost no increase due to low function of 1-FFT enzyme in the wild type genotype (DP< 5), but Orchies cultivar produced inulin with DP> 10 as expression of 1-SST decreased during growing season. So, it is possible to make inulin pathway in root type chicory cultivars more efficient by expanding and overexpressing 1-SST function using such wild resources through backcross breeding or biotechnology methods.

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Plant diseases cause severe damage to agricultural production and need to be effectively managed. The economic importance of the plant diseases and lack of effective control measures have led to many research in this field. Nanotechnology is one of the new techniques for disease control. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial effects of copper and iron NanoParticles (NPs) against a Xanthomonas campestris strain, as well as the study of these nanoparticles’ effects on expression of the pathogenic gene hrpE. The Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI) and copper nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction method. Different concentration of nanoparticles of Fe and Cu were used in bacteria plate culture and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) as well as Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) were determined using colony count and optical density methods. The effect of nanoparticles on pathogenic gene expression hrpE was studied using Real-Time PCR. Xanthomonas campestris strain exposed to zero-valent iron nanoparticles showed that the growth rate was increased with increase in the concentration of nano-iron. But, the growth percentage of bacteria Xanthomonas campestris was reduced with increase in the concentration of nano-copper. The expression levels of pathogenic gene expression hrpE were increased 9 and 3 fold for copper and iron, respectively. Copper and iron nanoparticles showed different effects on Xanthomonas growth.

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Riboflavin (vitamin B2) affects plant growth and development and participates in a variety of redox processes that affect plant defense responses. Two rice cultivars Fajr (improved) and Tarom Mahali (traditional) were foliar sprayed with increasing concentrations of riboflavin (0, 0. 5, 1, 1. 5 and 2 mM) and subsequently infected by Pyricularia oryzae. Then, leaves were collected at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after infection and activity of Peroxidase (POD), PolyPhenol Oxidase (PPO), and Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase (PAL) were measured. Results revealed that lesion size and percentage of infected rice plants in Fajr was higher than Tarom Mahali. In addition, riboflavin-induced resistance was higher in Fajr than in Tarom Mahali due to higher activity of POD, PPO and PAL in Fajr than Tarom Mahali, especially upon exposure of plant to 2 mM riboflavin. The intensity of the bands of peroxidase isoenzymes with low molecular weight was enhanced by increasing concentrations of riboflavin in both rice cultivars, while elevated riboflavin concentration caused the synthesis of three new isoenzymes in Fajr (g, h, i) and one (f) in Tarom Mahali cultivars. It can be concluded that Fajr is more sensitive to infection of P. oryzae than Tarom Mahali. In addition, the activity of POD, PPO, and PAL enhanced intensity of peroxidase isoenzymes bands. Also, the synthesis of new isoenzymes by riboflavin showed that riboflavin-induced resistance was more effective in Fajr than in Tarom Mahali.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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