Nowadays, trauma has a significant importance in modem medicine, 3pecially in this industrial world. Spinal cord injuries play a main role on this subject (2-5 cases per 100000) and in 10% of cases lead to quadriplegia. Complications such as paraplegia, quaderiplegia, urinal and fecal incontinence and psychotic disorders are the consequences of disappropriate treatments. Trauma, congenital malformations, veltebral tumours and T.B are the main causes of spinal column unstability. Surgery with harrington Rods is one of the simple and operative methods in many hospital in our country. In this survery 186 cases were studied which 17 cases because of incomplete documents and also 24 cases because of extraction of rods were excluded. From 145 valid documents 139 cases (95.86%) were admitted for trauma, 4 cases (2.75%) for TB and 2 cases (1.37%) for tumor. Post operative complications were: 4 Rod fractures (2.75%), 3 rod dislocations (1.71%), 4 osteomyelitis and wound infection (2.75%) , totally 7.85%. Several experiences indicate that Harrington surgery is a simple and available method can be considered in spinal column damages. So it is suggested to expand it in whole neurosurgicap wards.