Duodenal and gastric ulcers account for about 50% of upper CI bleeding episodes. although several effective therapies have been developed for peptic ulcer disease during the past decades, this advances have had little or no impact on hospitalization rates for bleeding ulcers, so, risk factors of bleeding may differ from risk factors of ulceration. In this Case-Control study, bleeding peptic ulcer patients (85 cases) compared with no complicated ulcer patients (26 controls-I) and individuals with no history of peptic ulcer symptoms (170 controls-2). This comparison was on the subject of nutrition, smoking, physical activity, psychial condition, economic condition, family history of peptic ulcer and its bleeding, history of hypertension and NSAID consumption. according to Multi-Regression analysis, the difference between case and control groups was on more consumption of rice in control-1 (p<0.01) and the difference between case and control-2 groups was on more consumption of candy (p=0.02) and white meat (p=0.06) in controls-2, more anorexia (p <0.001), consumption of Pickles (p=0.06), NSAIDs (p=0.06), family history of peptic ulcer and its bleeding (p<0.01) in cases. Totally it seems that carbohydrats and fibers may be protective agents againts bleeding of peptic ulcers and the other risk-factors may be due to peptic ulcer or its bleeding.