Introduction: Cerebrovascular lesions, specially cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), are the commonest conditions among elder's neurologic diseases and rank third (also first or second) as a cause of death in many countries, with a large amount of direct and indirect costs (e.g.: hospital care, physician care, diagnostic procedures, treatment, rehabilitation, etc.). These problems are more critic about Intracranial Hemorrhage (ICH), but otherwise preventible. The main gole of this survey contains studying of ICH frequency and its risk factors in Neurology Ward of Motahary Hospital.Method & Materials: This descriptive, cross-sectional study had been performed since 1375 till 1376 (according to 1997). All hospitalized patients with established diagnosis of CVA had been studied by a questionnaire in this period of time.Results: A total of 209 patients were studied, 106 cases in hemorrhagic group and 103 cases in ischemic group (50.7% and 49/3%, respectively). Intracranial hemorrhage included 40.7% of all cases. There was no difference in mean age and sex frequency between ICH and ischemic groups.A significant difference was detected statistically between ICH and ischemic patients' diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressures. On the other hand, past cardiac diseases history was more frequent among ischemic CVAs. There was no distinct relation with other factors.Discussion: The results indicate that high frequency of ICH, in comparison with other studies, may partly be due to specific profile of disease and high mortality rate so patients expire before hospital admit, and partly due to its real frequency. This subject points to the neccessity of performing more studies with large samples.