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The aim of this article is to present the results of a research conducted for developing and validation of Persian version questionnaire of identity style based on Berzonesky's theory. The population of study was undergraduate and graduate students of Roudehen and Central Tehran Islamic Azad Universities in psychology and counseling branches. The participants consisted of 215 students (135 female and 80 male) who were randomly selected. The instrument for assessing identity styles was a 75 item questionnaire which was an adaption of current identity Q- Sort (CIQ) and 3rd version of identity styles (ISI-III) based on Berzonesky’s theory. Each item is rated by a 6 point scale. People with informative style, are information searching and problem solving oriented. They are self-reliant and make decisions based on their information. Normative style people are conventional and reluctant to experience new ideas and values. People with diffused oriented styles, postpone challenges for investigation about their identity and avoid problem solving orientation. The validity of the questionnaire is on Chronbach alpha and test-retest method with reasonable results. The questionnaire can be used by psychologists and Counselors in clinical and counseling situations along with other strategies of psychological assessment.

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This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Moral Identity Scale, and questionnaires on moral sensitivity and moral image. They were administered on 291 students (165 girls and 117 boys) of the Islamic Azad University, Roudehen branch. To do exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with different samples, the data were divided into two groups with 141 students in each group. Principal component analysis, using data related to one of the sample groups, confirmed two-factor structure of moral identity (symbolization and internalization). The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the above factor structure. The coefficients of correlation between the moral image questionnaire, moral sensitivity, and moral identity scales indicated the concurrent validity of the scale. Cronbach's alpha for the symbolization and internalization were 0.82 and 0.86 respectively. The results of the present study, in sum, identified the Moral Identity Scale as an ideal psychometric tool to measure moral identity of Islamic Azad University, Roudehen branch students.

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The purpose of this research was to predict anger control (control of aggressive behavior, thought, and feeling) based on identity styles (informative, diffuse-avoidant, and normative). The method of this research was descriptive-correlational. Participant’s com-pleted two questionnaires: Berzonski's Identity Styles (ISI6G) and Anger Control (AGQ). One hundred and ten high school girl students were randomly selected from 14th district of edu-cation in Tehran. Data were analyzed using multiple regressions. The results showed that diffuse-avoidant identity style can predict thin-king and behavior of anger control (P<.05). However, informative and normative styles couldn't predict anger control and its com-ponents. It can be concluded that the diffuse-avoidant identity style plays an important role in explaining aggressive behaviors and thoughts.

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The aim of this study was to present a case of gender identity disorder (GID) which is called dysphoria identity in DSM-5. Method of study was case study a type of qualitative study. Using qualitative method besides quantitative ones and description of biological, familial, social, and cultural circumstances play an important role in figuring out the probable causes and therefore appropriate preventional measures and treatment. by interviewing and exploring the growth environment we concluded that the following factors played crucial roles in the history of the disorder: being influenced by behavioral model of opposite sex, receiving social reinforcement of opposite sex, male dominant family environment, receving positive feedback in men’s clothes and behaviors.

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As we know, any change and evolution is associated with complexity. The complexity increases when the rate of change increases. When the size and number of events that changed around us are increasing, the complexity is also apparent. In other words, complexity is a dependent variable which dependes on time. In order to determine the complexity, we need a purposeful, scientific, and defensible method. Moreover, we have to determine the law that illustrates in the best way the evolution of complexity. As much as the complexity in a major event has had a high degree of change, or the equilibrium lasted longer, the importance of that major event would be higher. Theoretical basis of this paper is based upon Entropy and Chi distribution law. The results of this paper can predict situation of 25 years later. According to the S diagram, analysis shows that the complexity of the nature of physical and social structure, with regard to the rational model, has grown and now has reached its midpoint.

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This research aimed to study the role of hope and national pride in predicting the happiness of college students. The research was a correlational research which was per-formed among college students in Islamic Azad University of Hamedan in 2014-2015 academic year. For this purpose, 200 students were selected randomly and filled Oxford Happiness, Snyder Hope, and National Pride Questionnaires. Data were analyzed using linear regression. Analysis clearly shows that, hope and national pride are positive predictors of happiness (p<0.01). Hope for the future and creating an inclusive identity, strengthening a friendly national attachment, strengthening the extroversion, being away from self-centeredness and disagreement with others, will increase happiness. Therefore, by strengthening hope, national pride, and identity styles, psychological well-being can be enhanced.

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The Purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between high-risk driving behavior and identity styles. The Manchester Driving Behavior Questionnaire and Berzonsky’s Identity Style Questionnaire were used. The sample consisted of 150 undergraduate male and female students of Roudehen Islamic Azad University, (except the students in Psychology and education), in the academic years of 2012-2013. The sample was selected by random cluster sampling. Regression analysis of the data indicated a correlation between identity style and landslides variable of high risk driving. However, only the information-orientation identity style had negative correlations with four components of the Manchester Driving Behavior Questionnaire (landslides, intentional violations, errors, unintentional violations).

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Psychological well-being means a commitment to personal growth and challenges in life. The investigation of positive health aspects is increasing these days. In view of the fact that the cognition of psychological well-being is so important, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between identity styles and resilience with cognitive psychological well-being among students with addicted parents of Ferdos city. In a correlative-descriptive investigation with purposeful sampling method, 91 students with addicted parents (47 female, 44 male) were selected. For gathering information the psychological well-being inventory (Ryff, 1989), Identity Styles Questionnaire (Berzonsky, ISI6G, 1992), and resilience questionnaire (Conner and Davidson, 2003) were used. To analyze data, step by step regression, t and x2 test were used. The results were as follows: 1. Identity styles are valid predictors for well- being psychology. 2. Resilience has positive and meaningful correlations with all well-being subscales except independence. 3. Identity styles subscale (normatic and commitment) are valid predictors of psychological well-being. 4. Identity styles and resilience are valid predictors of psychological well-being. 5. There are no differences in regard to identity styles and resilience between sexes. This research emphasizes the importance of resilience and identity styles in maintaining and improving psychological well-being and specifies variables which are valid predictors of psychological well-being.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of self-efficacy and adjustment for prediction of national pride among university students. The research method was descriptive-correlational. Two hundred students of the Hamedan branch of the Islamic Azad University were randomly selected as the sample by stratified sampling method, in the academic year of 2014-2015. Participants completed three questionnaires: Sherer’s Self-efficacy Scale, Sinha and Singh’s Adjustment Inventory for high School Students (AISS), and National Pride Inventory (NPI). For analyzing the data Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression tests were used. The results indicated that national pride has significant positive correlations with self-efficacy and adjustment. Self-efficacy and adjustment combined, predicted 12% of national pride variance.

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