The present research was designed to examine the efficacy of the Fireworks interventional program of anger management training on parents. One hundred forty one parents (78 fathers and 63 mothers) volunteered to participate in the training program. A total of 7 workshops were held for the participants (4 groups of fathers and 3 groups of mothers). Parents were instructed the Fireworks anger management program for seven sessions, each session two hours per week. Data was collected utilizing State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (Spielberger, 1998). The findings, based on dependent t-test, revealed that anger temperament and anger expression were decreased. Also, anger management training had a significant impact on the increase of anger control-in and anger control-out. In addition, independent t-test revealed that there is a significant difference between fathers and mothers in anger reaction, anger temperament, and anger control-in, and anger control-out.