One of the important and complicated rational problems regarding many discussions in Eastern and Western Hekmah philosophy, sufism, theology and... is the unity and multiplicity in the world of being. This problem contains some subsidiary subjects like: the relation between the preeternity and temporal origination, and vice versa, opposition of the unity and multiplicity, God - world relationship, verification of creation originated from the first, the time of creation, precedence of possible world to non- existence, and tens of other problems. Many theologian schools like Asha"irah" and Mo"tazilah have been drowned in awkward positions like: anthropomorphization of God (تشبیه) and interruption (denying God all attributes (تعطیل), furthermore, this discussion has been considered in Western philosophy and theology in different aspects, but, thus accordingly, problematic subject has engaged philosopher"s and theologian"s attention forever, and also, many varied verifications offered by philosophers; for example, Plato used the higher Good, the world of forms and sensible world, and then Aristotle used the unmoved mover, actuality and potentiality, form and matter, and then Plotinus used the One in order to explain unity and multiplicity in domain of existence.
We, in this article, from the basis of Imam "Ali"s Nahj al- Baldlghah and his sermons, letters, sayings and narrated traditions, analyzed and mentioned different meanings of oneness and" then explained true and real unity of God and so called opposition of God"s Names and attributes and their relations to the above-mentioned true and real unity of Him; and we have verified so-called opposition existing between the Name and attributes themselves. Imam "Ali by his divine words, solved this problem in the best way and helped thinkers to overcome the difficulties involved in these issues.