The Present research aimed to determine the effectiveness of training of motivational self-talk and mental imagery skills in enhancing sport performance of soccer players.60 boy athletes (aged 20-28) selected with available sampling through teams in leagues2 of Tehran and They were assigned randomly in experimental and control groups (n1=n2=30). Methodology was semi- experiment al design. At first, sport performance, motivational self-talk and mental imagery skills were measured by checklist, mental skills and self-talk, then the skills of mental imagery and self-talk were trained to experiment al group in 14 sessions and athletes in control group practice only technical skills under their coach. At The end of interventions, participants performance was measured again, also after 2 weeks The follow-up and data were analyzed by ANCOVA and T-student. Results indicated that and motivational self-talk and mental imagery skills can enhance performance of passing, touching and tackle in soccer players. In addition, findings showed that the effect of intervention lasted in follow up. The results provided some evidence to suggest that mental preparation based on motivational self-talk and mental imagery is an appropriate package on enhancing performance of soccer players. Therefore, in order to improve level of mental preparation and process performance of athletes, it may be useful to use package of mental preparation.