In this study, the internationalization curriculum challenges of universities and educational institutions from the viewpoint of faculty members have been studied. To answer this principle question, some minor points are related to the cultural, structural, technical, managerial-political, human, and content challenges, and also the challenges of teaching methods. To find answers for these questions, 44 item questionnaires were used in terms of the eight principal topics presented in the specific questions. This study is a descriptive one and the statistical tests used are; single-sample T, independent T, one way variance analysis, and Freedman's test. Based on the finings of this research there is often coordination among the answers, and sometimes differences are perceived. Internationalization of curriculum has not been influenced by gender differences. Data analysis in the form of one way variance analysis on the basis of educational field showed that there are differences between the faculty members' opinions in the various educational fields about the challenges to curriculum internationalization. According to the results, the faculty members have identified cultural, structural, technical, managerial-political, human, teaching, and content factors as challenges to internationalization.