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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Measurement error is common to all forms of science. Methods for evaluating measurement error and its consequences have been developed by psychometrists. These methods are now finding widespread use in many areas of science. One of the most important properties of measurement TOOLS IN Physical Education and other scientific areas is their reliability. Theoretically, reliability is the ratio of true variance to observed variance and is estimated by correlation coefficients. Two general classes of reliability were considered in this article. One was to calculate correlation coefficients between the trials of the test using correlation methods or within-between group ANOVA in the repeated measure scores. The second, was Internal Consistency of the test which used methods such as Split-Half, Kuder- Richardson, and lastly, the Alfa coefficient. Objectivity, which is defined as the reliability among the different raters and is very related to the test reliability, was another subject matter covered in the article. It was shown, by the relevant materials, that the estimation of objectivity uses almost the statistical techniques as the reliability.

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Purpose: This study introduces Racket-sport Octal Test (ROT) and examines its logical and content validities for all racket sports, and concurrent and predictive validities for badminton. Method: 200 girl pupils (10-12 years) were selected by cluster random sampling. 32 of them were considered appropriate for badminton by anthropometric screening. They completed ROT twice during a period of 45 minutes. Then, 18 of them participated in an 8-week badminton- learning course. At the end of the course, they completed three tasks, including: post-ROT, Lockhart-McPherson Badminton Skill Test (LBST), and a badminton tournament. ROT and LBST were also administered for 28 students (18-22 years) of a badminton course during a week. Results: having used scores of 3 independent administrators, objectivity of ROT was obtained 0/9995. for 4 times administration of test during 8-weeks,reliability was obtained 0/90. using scores of pupils, predictive validity of ROT was 0.51 to 0.65. using scores of students, concurrent validity was obtained 0.58.pre and post ROT scores of pupils were 147 (±31)versus 113 (±19)seconds (p<0.0001), indicating ROT is sensitive to badminton skill. Conclusion: an objectivity of more than 0.99 suggests that standard administration of ROT is easy to learn and accomplish. Considering a 2-month gap between pre and post ROT, an intraclass reliability of 0.90 seems all right. A 0.10 alteration in ranks during 2 months could be attributed to individual differences in physical development and learning capacities. Making and allowance for so many different factors influencing the sport talent and its development, it would be appreciated that how valuable is a validity coefficient of more than 0.50. the information produced in this study is complementary and recommends the ROT for racket-sport talent identification, especially for badminton. At the present R0T is unique and has no equivalent.  

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare three methods of treatments; exercise therapy, electrotherapy, and drug therapy. Method: On 15 women with chronic low back pain (age mean 22) was compared. Outcomes were measured using Oswestry disability score questionnaire. The subjects in the drug therapy used nonsteriod anti inflammatory drugs (NSAlDS) during four weeks. The subjects in the electrotherapy group used TENS for four weeks and four times a week and the subjects in the exercise therapy group undertook strengthening and stretching exercise for four weeks and three times a week.Data analysis was done by one-way ANOWA. Results: The results indicated significant difference between the score in the electrotherapy group before and after the treatment (p<0.05). Despite decreasing the pain complain of the patients in the exercise therapy and the drug therapy, findings did not show significant difference before and after the protocols (p<0.05). Conclusion: For the management of chronic low back pain, electrotherapy seemed to be beneficial and worthwhile. The magnitude of management of exercise therapy and drug therapy need to be addressed in future studies.

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Purpose: The aim of investigation was comparison mechanical efficiency (net and gross) and maximal oxygen uptake in children with cerebral palsy followed up aerobic exercise program performance. Method: In this study participated fifteen children dipelegia spastic cerebral palsy (9-14 years) with average and standard deviation of length and weight respectively (131±6.34 cm, 29.83 ±5.63kg) which were selected voluntary and the peers eighteen children normal (group normal) accidentally. The aerobic submaximal exercises program performed with mean %HRR=46 2.5% for three months, three times a week for group experimental. The time performance in each exercise section was 20-25 minutes with average 144 beat of heart rate per minute. The mechanical efficiency measured according to Mac Master protocol on tantories cycle ergometer. Results: Maximal oxygen uptake not change significantly all groups. The mechanical efficiency (Net & Gross) was more in control group than experimental group (p<0.05). Mechanical efficiency (net and gross) significantly increased in patient group in end exercise program. Conclusion: The children with cerebral palsy because high muscle tone, severe degree of spasticity and involuntary movements have high energy cost, therefore they have lower mechanical efficiency and higher heart rate in submaximal work condition's than normal subject's. The physical therapy program and aerobic exercise can be effective in improving of working muscles function in patient's cerebral palsy and increases their mechanical efficiency.  

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Purpose: It has been reported that regular endurance training and aerobic base exercise has positive effects on serum lipids and lipoproteins when compare with anaerobic base exercise. It has also been reported that some anaerobic base exercise have lower high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) than other exercises who practice this kinds of sports. The purpose of this study was to evaluation and a comparison above notion. Methods: 29 young men (judoka n=10, wrestlers n=9 and non-athletes n=10, the mean of age 21.46± 0.7 years, 76.23±2.1 in weight and 172±2.5 in high) were drawn for biochemical measurement. The subjects were fast. for 12-14h. Results: Results are indicate that HDLC is higher in wrestlers when compare with judoka and non-athletes groups. In contrast, serum triglyseride (TG) and total Cholestrol (TC) were lower in judoka than other groups. Cardiovascular health related indexes (LDL/HDLC and TC/HDL) were significantly lower in wrestlers when compare with judoka and non-athletes groups. Discussion: The main finding of this study was a higher HDLC in wrestlers which suggesting that HDL levels can increase without any significant changes in TC and TG. It has also indicate that the nature, training mode and content of training program in anaerobic base sports are important and have to taken in account.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of 1-mile track jog test for determining V02max for boy students in university of Tehran. Methods: 50 male students (age 18-29 years) performed the Bruce test on a treadmill in the first week. In the second week, they performed the steady state, submaximal jogging test on an indoor track and in the third week, it was repeated again. Results: -there was a significant relationship between Bruce V02max & 1-mile track jog V02max (r= 0.818. p<0.05). -There was no significant differences between two times measuring of 1-mile jogging induced V02max and %BF (r=-0.619, p<0.05). -There was a significant relationship between Bruce test- induced V02max and %BF (r= -0.425, p< 0.05). There was no significant relationship between Bruce test- induced V02max and BMI(r=-0.217, p<0.05).  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: Determination of research priority in the field of physical education and sport sciences is a tool for validations making. The present study was aimed to determining of research priority in the field of physical education and sport sciences from the standpoints of the organizing directors. Methods: In this sense, view points of all the physical education organizing directors throughout the country were collected by five part questionnaire. Delfi technique was used for collection of the data. Results: Results showed that in the researches of the physical education and sport sciences, applicable results (156 points), creativity and novelty (153 points), and socio- cultural ethics (150 points) are the three most important in the sense of the study field, schools physical education (170 points) sport for all (160 points) and athletic sports (151 points), were selected as the most three important research priorities. Regarding study courses, theory and methodology of training (157 points), sport science lab (149 points) and sport psychology (146 points) were selected as the most three important research priorities. Conclusion: in general, regarding to these results it concluded that in the field of physical education and sport sciences, proposed studies should have the following properties: 1) applicable results, 2) educational and school levels, and 3) theory and methodology of training. Therefore, sport science studies will be based on the real needs and research strategies formed correctly and precisely.  

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to screen the postural deformities in pupils aged 11-13 years and their relationship with age, height and weight factors. Methods: the subjects of study was 1688 pupils in karaj city with mean of height and weight 152±0/68cm and 49/2±7/48 kg respectively. The measurements were taken by a non-vasive digital camera in standing position from lateral and posterior views. To analyze the data, descriptive and correlative coefficient of pearson were used.(p<0/05) Results: The findings indicated that the prevalence of forward head 9/83%,tortiqoli 2/61%, kyphosis 10/07%, scoliosis 7/58%, lordosis 22/99%, Genu varum 6/93%, Genu valgum 6/69%, uneven shoulder 19/37% and pelvic tilt 0/65%. The analyzing of the finding showed significant relationship between the age and forward head, kyphosis, scoliosis, and pelvic tilt deformities. The finding also indicated significant relationship between weight with lordosis genu varum and genu valgum deformities. Also indicated significant relationship between height with forward head, kyphosis, scoliosis, genu varum and pelvic tilt deformities. Conclusion: Thus, it's concluded that the prevalence of deformities in students is very high and incidence of these deformities correlated with age, weight and height factors. So, coaches, trainers and parents not only should care about students obesity and over weight but also, evaluate and manage the deformities of students.  

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